Hierophant 5 Hor’ver © Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley — The Key to it all by the Mirror Of Mayet — Maat Method by Margaretruth Swan 

Hor’ver © Book of ThoTh Aleis­ter Crow­ley — Mir­ror Of Mayet — Maat Method

Aleis­ter Crow­ley’s Book of ThoTh
Now Unveiled and Opened with the Mir­ror of Mayet

The Heirophant Atu ‑Arch 5

Hebrew He Final.

Roman Numer­als V

SANAAMAL — Sentient Animals — Sanimal and Sanamal The Truth Behind Aleister Crowley, The Beast’s Book Of ThoTh- Unveiled by Mayet Swan

SANAAMAL — Sentient Animals
Sanimal and Sanamal
The Truth Behind Aleister Crowley,
The Beast’s Book Of ThoTh- Unveiled by Mayet Swan
Kheiron Astraea

Hid­den inside the Book of ThoTh is one of the big rea­sons for the New Aeon of ME, Sen­tient Ani­mals, SANA AMAL The cre­ation of today. Satan. Sat­urn — moth­er time. These images are only revealed by using the Hor’Ver method Cre­at­ed by Mayet Swan, linked here using instruc­tions giv­en by the Mas­ter Aleis­ter Crow­ley in Botl the Book of The Law.

Al said to drink of BoTh Botl’s mean­ing that the Book of ThoTh is to be worked togeth­er with Botl for results and exam­i­na­tion. This fol­lows the way the eye sees with mir­rors flip­ping the image and the image appear­ing upside down and tuned around in the brain before the brain con­verts it to data and flips it back again.

Hor'Ver 73. Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bottom: then behold!
73. Paste the sheets from right to left and from top to bot­tom: then behold!


I am Woman

I am woman, hear me roar
In num­bers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an’ pre­tend
‘Cause I’ve heard it all before
And I’ve been down there on the floor
And no one’s ever gonna keep me down again
Yes, I am wise
But it’s wis­dom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can do any­thing
I am strong (strong)
I am invin­ci­ble (invin­ci­ble)
I am woman
You can bend but nev­er break me
‘Cause it only serves to make me
More deter­mined to achieve my final goal
And I come back even stronger
Not a novice any longer
‘Cause you’ve deep­ened the con­vic­tion in my soul
Yes, I am wise
But it’s wis­dom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can do any­thing
I am strong (strong)
I am invin­ci­ble (invin­ci­ble)
I am woman
I am woman, watch me grow
See me stand­ing toe to toe
As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land
But I’m still a lit­tle embryo
With such a long, long way to go
Until I make my broth­er under­stand
Oh yes, I am wise
But it’s wis­dom born of pain
Yes, I’ve paid the price
But look how much I’ve gained
If I have to, I can face any­thing
I am strong (strong)
I am invin­ci­ble (invin­ci­ble)
I am woman
I am woman
I am invin­ci­ble
I am strong
I am woman
I am invin­ci­ble
I am strong
I am woman
I am woman

The Mayet Method & System of Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The Mayet Method & System of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The act of dupli­cat­ing images and flip­ping the copies before meld­ing them again to the orig­i­nal with lowed opac­i­ty on top lev­els.

Because I fol­low my nat­ur­al instincts in work, I often do things in reverse, I always have. I found that strange about myself. 1980 all my friends were speed skate champs and fig­ure skat­ing champs and here was lil me, carv­ing up the best and becom­ing a back­ward skat­ing champ. Today that skill comes in handy when reverse park­ing.

So I saw the ThoTh book in reverse from the  first time I looked at it. That start­ed my quest of look­ing at the book a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent.


The Mayet Method & System of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

the act of dupli­cat­ing an image and flip­ping it either, or and Hor­i­zon­tal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly, lat­er­al­ly, diag­o­nal­ly and then meld the images of the orig­i­nal and copy/copies togeth­er, low­er­ing the opac­i­ty of the top lay­er to 50%/33%/66% or any oth­er per­cent­age to exam­ine for results. Can be used with one image or mul­ti­ple.

Most of my images here and oth­er sites have been cre­at­ed using just the Hor’Ver© method but there is some amaz­ing ones cre­at­ed as man­dala’s as per the gallery below


Why did I do this?

See the Epis­tle of the Eye in I
which explains how the eye sees an image in the con­scious as with the sub con­scious.

This began my work of Hor’Ver with oth­er great works of art, includ­ing the Amaz­ing Mona Lisa Secret’s exposed by my Hor’Ver method of the tem­ple door, the DOGGOD and the cen­tral ser­pent eye.

this fol­lows through to the Hor’Ver Mir­ror of Mayet images such as this meld of The Knight of Cups with The Char­i­ot

which I thought was a log­i­cal meld when I looked at them side by side after the Hor’Ver© of each

  • You are wel­come to use the Mir­ror Of Mayet images for ref­er­ence and study pur­pos­es. For all com­mer­cial and busi­ness use please email astrol­o­gist at gmail.