She was born on Mon­day morn­ing
with the sun high in the sky
she grew in love and hap­pi­ness
and you nev­er heard her cry

She met the future on a Tues­day
at the par­ty of a fam­i­ly friend
it was a gold­en mag­ic time
she nev­er want­ed to ever end

they got engaged on a Wednes­day
and her par­ents were so proud
a suc­cess­ful hand­some hus­band
who real­ly stood out from the crowd

He yelled at her on a Thurs­day
a week before the wed­ding day
with kiss­es and much for­give­ness
he begged her to let him stay

They mar­ried on a Fri­day
just before the long week­end
she wore a dress made of white
for it was the fash­ion trend

he first hit her on a Sat­ur­day
they were still on their hon­ey­moon
her par­ents were real­ly won­der­ing
why they returned from it so soon

He killed her on the Sun­day
they had been mar­ried for eight whole days
his excuse was that he owned her now
and now in a pool of blood she lays

they buried her on a Mon­day
20 years to the day since she was born
all that are left of her are mem­o­ries
and fam­i­lies lives that are ripped and torn