
Pub­lished 2008

I wrote this one the oth­er day for Jer­sey Girl and Munch. Yes Munch you hand­some dev­il, you inspired this lit­tle dit­ty. (rip munch)

So this is in trib­ute to Jer­sey Girl’s black­ber­ry con­test.

She is hot she is ready
and she is will­ing to go
then she tells you some­thing
that you did­n’t want to know

you lean back then to lis­ten
with your fin­gers deep inside
between that lux­u­ry soft­e­ness
your hand just gen­tly glides

She stops what she is doing
and looks up into your eye
she starts to speak the dread­ed words
that are going to make you cry

your body is work­ing over­drive
dicks as hard and stiff as rock
hur­ry and fin­ish telling this
all I want to do is have a FOK

She smiles that sweet coy smile now
and wraps her hands around your gun
it twitch­es up towards her
as the juices start to run

hun­ny you know I want you
and your tongue between my thighs
I want you doing dirty deeds
but I can­na tell a lie

tis the time for me of black­ber­ries
the juicy gift from all the gods
that come rain­ing down from heav­en
and make for berry messy clods

So unless you want your face red
or to look like fred­dies revenge
I would­n’t dine down there tonight
in that slick gooey black­ber­ry menge

you take your hand from with­in her
dang you had four fin­gers in
you place your hand upon her back
and let out a lit­tle grin

as you rub her shoul­ders lov­ing­ly
and mas­sage up her curvy back
you lay her gen­tly on the bed
your dicks now on the slack

you cup her face into your hands
and gaze deep into her eyes
there will always be anoth­er day
but for now I have to fly

it takes a minute to reclothe
and leave her snor­ing on the bed
she is smil­ing that secret smile again
as dreams of teas­ing are in her head

you close the door to the apart­ment
and get into the tow­er’s lift
you won­der what her hus­band will think
as he arrives to your fin­ger­print­ed gift

Thanks to which most of myspace has a new slang term to add to their vocab.

Thanks to the judges, the con­tes­tants and thanks most­ly to those friends and read­ers that vot­ed my entry. It was a fun time to be had by all.

Munch­es was the best by far and hence why his lit­tle dit­ty inspired this lit­tle dirty dit­ty.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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