Can You Put The Moon In My Room Mum

Writ­ten Novem­ber 2007
I turned the light off in the kitchen before and was hold­ing my three year old daugh­ter Kahleah Celeste in my arms, admir­ing the full moon that was ris­ing straight out­side the win­dow.

We talked about the ring sur­round­ing it and how bright the moon was and how stun­ning the clouds looked cross­ing the moon’s path.
All of a sud­den she turned to me, grabbed my face between her lit­tle fat hands, peered at me earnest­ly from the tip of my nose and said

Can You put the moon in my room mum

I laughed my head off and we then seri­ous­ly dis­cussed how I could put the moon in the cor­ner of her room so that it would­n’t get dark and the scary shad­ows would go away. So my baby girl and the ris­ing full Novem­ber moon inspired this sim­ple lit­tle chil­dren’s night time poem I just wrote.


Can you put the moon in my room mum
can you put the moon in my room
it is bright and shiny and full of light
can you put the moon in my roomIt is hang­ing out there in the cold­est night
The glow of a bea­con that turns dark into bright
With a blue ring halo that is such a delight
sur­round­ed by flick­ers of colours com­pet­ing in figh­ta mete­or streaks across, in a fast flash of white
Oh look there’s a space­ship on a galac­tic flight
I won­der at the heav­ens and the uni­ver­sal might
it scares me a lit­tle, I hold thread­bear real tight­Can you put the moon in my room mum
can you put the moon in my room
It will ban­ish the shad­ows and give me sight
can you put the moon in my room

Kahleah Celeste means “Clear Bright Heav­ens”



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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