Do you Believe in Santa Claus

I remem­ber being a lit­tle lass
all those many years ago
dec­o­rat­ing the Christ­mas tree
and hang­ing up the mistle­toe

The sounds of bells takes me back
to a place of child­hood plea­sure
through the halls of time I go
with mem­o­ries I will always trea­sure

The smell of fresh baked gin­ger­bread
would waft all through­out the place
and the roast was in the oven
that would soon dis­ap­pear with­out a trace

Every­where was Christ­mas
with joy spread all around
dec­o­ra­tions and fes­tive lights
would adorn the whole down­town

Car­ol­ers would sing their songs
right out­side our gar­den gate
and I would stay up lis­ten­ing
until it became very late

We would wrap up all our presents
to give to our par­ents and our grans
we spent all year mak­ing them
with our very own pair of hands

Christ­mas eve was always spe­cial
I would lie awake all night
and lis­ten for the sleigh bells
and rein­deer to appear in sight

no mat­ter how I tried to stay awake
it hap­pened every sin­gle year
I would soon be sleep­ing very tight
and that sleigh I would nev­er hear

On Christ­mas morn­ing I would awak­en
and there down at the end of my bed
would be a sack full of gifts
that made up for miss­ing Santa’s sled

But then as I grew up old­er
and my life was touched by pain
I stopped believ­ing in the mag­ic
and Christ­mas became a strain

It became all about the mon­ey
com­mer­cial­ized a spe­cial thing
the gift that keeps on giv­ing
was the sound of a cash register’s ring

and then one day it hap­pened
I looked upon my children’s face
and saw the mag­ic mir­rored there
that was sprin­kled around the place

it was then my heart re opened
and San­ta Claus came back into my life
I was just as excit­ed as the kid­dies
the joy with­in my soul was rife

I’d for­got­ten all the mag­ic
of giv­ing laughs and smiles
and of sit­ting up on Santa’s knee
full of inno­cence and guile

I’d for­got­ten the gift of giv­ing
that was what it was all about
and see­ing hap­pi­ness in oth­ers
is the best thing, nev­er doubt

Do you believe in San­ta Claus
who comes around once a year
to spread the smiles and laugh­ter
and wipe away those tears

Do you believe in Christ­mas
the won­ders and the joy
the gold and sil­ver tin­sel
and par­ents act­ing very coy

The mag­ic that is Christ­mas
is very real you see
the love and warmth and hap­pi­ness
is what Christ­mas means to me

So look upon the chil­dren
at their inno­cence and fears
and build them up with hap­pi­ness
thats stretch­es on through­out the years.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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