The night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christ­mas when all through myspace

Not a blog­ger was stir­ring, not even at Jabs place

The blog­ging was done, the fin­gers packed away

wait­ing for san­ta, when drunk comes to stay.

Shirt­less John and Joko, were snug­gled into bed

Between them was Jes­si­ca, snor­ing off her head

Tit’s Macgee was off dream­ing, of sex­u­al mis­deeds

And Stelf was plot­ting ways, of rela­tion­ships to mis­lead

Then out in cyber­space, came the noise of a crash

Nip fell off Chad, in the din and the bash

Jer­sey ran to the win­dow and threw it open wide

in rushed Crab­by and Kate, he was car­ry­ing his bride

“It is time to par­ty”, he yelled out real loud

and opened the doors, to the huge Myspace crowd

<b>in rushed the crew, full of rah rah and fun

fol­lowed by Rav, hid­ing out from the sun

Crab­by stood on the table and cap­tured the mood

There’s no dra­ma today, just plen­ty of food

The beers in the fridge, the music’s on slow

Wait till nips strips, the mood will then flow

Stone Bryson was pac­ing, hop­ping up and down

Gina was watch­ing John, on her face was a frown

Tila tequi­la was singing, and wig­gling on the pole

Every­one laughed when she fell down a hole

Kate danced with crab­by, and Chad was with Tuck

When sud­den­ly came San­ta, in a noisy dump truck

The back part was full, of gifts of all size

It was too much for jabs, his dick start­ed to rise

Jabs hid behind Tits, but that was bad you see

Cos’ it was­n’t very long, before tits spun to her knee

Just at that time, Stelf the elf hap­pened past

When she saw what she saw, she grew up real­ly fast

The crew was all hap­py, hav­ing a ball of a time

There were presents and gifts, it cost not a dime

Ms K Brown was on stage, telling jokes in her mic

Thank God its Myspace, no writ­ers on strike

Jer­sey girl is drunk and sprout­ing her prose

Joko is smit­ten and hands her a red rose

Jes­si­ca has dis­ap­peared, with the shirt­less one John

I’m sure he is giv­ing her, a spe­cial one for “ron”


San­ta sat on his chair, with Stelf by his side

Her shock is now over and tak­en in stride

With a blush on her face and a smile ear to ear

I think I see San­ta Claus, pinch­ing her rear

Over­all the great par­ty, is hailed a suc­cess

As Crab­by kissed Kate, he jumped and pro­fessed

While Kate is my first Love, Myspace is my last

Lets always remem­ber and nev­er let par­ty go past.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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