Top Bloggers

Top Blog­gers

I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
and have the fans fall at me feet
I won’t attract all those stalk­ers
who fol­low blog­gers like dogs on heat

I’m slow to get to com­ments
because i’m out­side chas­ing kids
and breath­ing in the cool fresh air
while watch­ing but­ter­flies land on lids

I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
cos I won’t refresh my blogs
or fawn to 8000 read­ers
while i pull my pud and have a flog

I can’t blog of a bor­ing life
or the farts I do at night
when din­ing out to din­ner
with a date to smell my plight

I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
cos i blog all about the place
one day i’ll be writ­ing poet­ry
the next I’m post­ing off my face

I don’t have a pho­tog­ra­ph­er
to take sexy shots of me all day
to stick up on my pro­file page
to make my read­ers swoon and sway

I won’t grab a sexy pho­to
of a blonde with lar­gish tits
and post it on my pro­file page
say it’s me and watch the hits

Deana and the twins are back BTW one of the great­est ladies to rock Myspace ever.

I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
cos I can’t crawl up your ass
I’m too busy hav­ing argu­ments
about anorex­ic peo­ple smok­ing grass

I can’t post the waf­fling com­ments
that tell you how good you are
when the truth in fact is dif­fer­ent
I think your head belongs in a jar

I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
even though I know my work is good
I can’t play the game of bull­shit
but behind my work I always stood

I can’t log in for 24 hours
just to build a social set
or to tell peo­ple that i love them
though their face I’ve nev­er met

I can’t build a fake per­sona

that is not real­ly me at all

or to pre­tend that I am inno­cent

as the tales I tell grow tall

I can’t send some­one sweet mes­sages

and then laugh behind their back

or play at polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness

just so that my num­bers stack


I’ll nev­er be a top blog­ger
and that’s the truth of that
but the day i do make the ranks
i swear i’ll eat my hat

I’ll take lots and lots of screen­shots
and post them on my blogs
then sit back and bathe in the glo­ry
and then I WILL go and have a flog


Then I will be a top blog­ger
one of the high­est rank­ing here
even though in real life
I sit and get fat from drink­ing beer

I’ll write to the TV sta­tions
and offer myself for show
they can use my huge blog rat­ings
and I’m sure their load will blow

I be the best at being top blog­ger
and take my shirt off in the sun
and pose to be a ball girl
Im sure that’s lots of fun

I’ll grow a fake per­sona
and begin to think it’s real­ly me
I’ll become a total ass­hole
and cause dra­ma that you’ll see

so my dream of being a top bog­ger
is not real­ly tru­ly real
because I can only blog my blogs
of things inside that I strong­ly feel

So instead of being a top blog­ger
I think i’ll just be just be me myself
and I’ll wan­der through the rank­ings
like a com­man­do switched on stealth…




Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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