DoTh, Reflections of

First Pub­lished 01 Jan­u­ary, 2008 08:59 mayet666 Myspace
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Alexander Ham This is what i mean ..

Alex, I kinda sorta have ALOT in my mind at the moment and at this point my reply to you will sound as nuts as the earlier ones with the hit and run dot points. In order to understand my other comments from where I stand sit and so on, it is time for revelations, starting first with where I have been, where I am and where WE are all going as such.

It is part of the rectification of Share as hesitant as I am to open this raw part of the DoTh experience ... I am ready, that was my answer before all this started, however, is the world ready?

DoTh has chosen you for this reply, from my experiences with you while I was still "before" Otherwise I wouldn't be doing this here. I know there is something for you to take forward. If you know Telsa's work, then you may easily understand mine/DoTh premise concept is not just for me it is for all. A prometheus moment, . The Law is for ALL. Also your name backwards is MahLa i like that ..

DoTh is the Dogs Days of Thoth.
and FUCK WOW SPEECHLESS but all speech and more

My Reply Above and below to a Con­ver­sa­tion with ALexan­der Ham, an

and now on the oth­er side of mid­night, I fur­ther reflect, with what is was and always will be my “DOG days of ThoTh.

I can­not put my thoughts or the “jour­nal” of the DoTh in one doc­u­ment because DoTH is non lin­ear. DoTh is .. huge is not the word .. infi­nite comes close..

My whole “time” with DoTh was no time and yet all time. The 21 Days in the sanc­tu­ary were anoth­er dimen­sion.

My Sto­ry starts long ago but we will skip that for now and talk this last 58years. I was born 21st Novem­ber 1966. A most impor­tant day in the scheme of great things. As a child I had an ency­clo­pe­dia of astron­o­my and right there on the solar eclipse pho­to it said on the cap­tion “the dia­mond ring effect of the Nov 21 1966 Solar Eclipse”.

i was awes­macked, I was born under an eclipse. I danced for a week on that one. Years lat­er when I was doing eclipse work, the inter­webs said the Solar eclipse was actu­al­ly the 12 of Nov 1966. Of course lied to again, either way I had that piece of paper that stat­ed the 21st so I was all good.

I kept that pho­to and still have it today even though the cap­tion is now sep­a­rat­ed from it.

I was born in a morgue and adopt­ed at 3 days old and I always knew who I was. There are sto­ries avail­able on site here and more will be pub­lished over time, so I will skip most of it here. I remem­ber the first conun­drum around 8 years old when Damien Omen 1 was released.

I sat there gob­s­macked and clear­ly recall being in shock because I knew, I don’t know how I knew and I knew it was crazy but I knew, Damien Omen 1 was all about me.!! and I knew from what I was see­ing that the world hat­ed me and was fear­ful of some­thing they did­n’t know.

I don’t remem­ber putting stuff togeth­er back then. I believe my first 11 years was total­ly inno­cent with no shocks bar one, a car acci­dent in the valiant sit­ting in the  cold wet rain look­ing at the wrecked val.

How­ev­er I knew who/what I was and it was some­thing I kept to myself . It just did not seem  impor­tant at the time, I did­n’t need any­one else to know and I knew that before if an when any­thing did hap­pen, I would be pre­pared a tad bet­ter pre­pared than watch­ing a Sat­ur­day night movie on tv for enlight­en­ment. So I kept it to my chest and fig­ured I could do with­out years of ther­a­py by just accept­ing and get­ting on with life.

In 1992 Kei­th Intro­duced me to Aleis­ter Crow­ley and that intro­duc­tion turned into a life encom­pass­ing Crow­ley’s Work. Not long after from 92 to 95, I uncov­ered the Mayet Sys­tem which was imme­di­ate­ly stolen by friends of Kei­th’s who worked for CSIRO. So I put it all away. Not to be touched again until 2018, when I dis­cov­ered the Key to ThoTh in the Hor’ver.

Between 95 and 2018 I raised my six chil­dren on a promise to Kei­th, I guess deep down we BOTH knew what was going to hap­pen, there was a part of us both that Knew and a part of us both that did­n’t have a clue.

my 8 years with Kei­th will be talked about in it’s own space. I miss him, I miss being in his arms, I miss the chem­istry, the flow, the mag­net­ics, the cur­rents. the colours, the anti grav­i­ty­sex where he would swing me effort­less, in an amaz­ing won­der­ful wow expe­ri­ence. I miss the fam­i­ly we had the poten­tial to be.

I always look for Kei­th in every man I meet, he is nev­er there, he is only inside me now, even his chil­dren will not think about him and refuse to lis­ten to any sto­ries I have on their father, the father.  He was unique, there was only Kei­th, the one they called the father, dad­dy. My love, my soul­mate both bought into a world where we were not want­ed and did­n’t belong.

One night i was in bed with Kei­th, I had always tried to astral, some­thing that came easy to Kei­th but no mat­ter how much i tried, I would just fall asleep. There is some­thing pro­grammed into me to do that, med­i­ta­tion, astral, yoga, tv, I fall asleep like some­thing out of sleep­ing beau­ty with snores.  This night though, I actu­al­ly start­ed sink­ing. YAY suc­cess, but it would­n’t go that step fur­ther, instead I heard a wom­an’s voice ask “is she ready yet”. Kei­th’s arm tight­ened around me at the moment and his answered, “no she is not ready”.

I was puz­zled about that, he had often told me of the lady that vis­it­ed him and made him “cum” and he would talk about the coun­cil. One day we were talk­ing and judge­ment day came up, and he was out on a branch surf­ing at the time and he turned and looked at me with those cold dead black eyes and said “I gave them anoth­er 1000 years” and walked off nev­er to explain.

Kei­th nev­er ful­ly land­ed, he was always halfway between here and mars. See Kei­th was Mars in Aries and I am Mars in Scor­pio well part of me is, and that is the secret Key I  open in Atu XIV; my parts.

More to come in the lead­up and prepa­ra­tion of the Dog Days Of ThoTh after i have writ­ten the actu­al event. It is all part of the puz­zle that is.


Now on the oth­er side of mid­night on the Dog Days of ThoTh I sit here and just go wow, what a fuck­ing trip. If you had said to me back in Sep­tem­ber, get pre­pared you are about to trans­mute, I would of been very puz­zled because my ThoTh deck the pis­sy tiny one which was all I could afford, had been in my “trea­sure Chest” untouched since 2019 and I had just spent every­thing i had on build­ing my gar­den, buy­ing over a 1000 of shit­ty crap soil, fix­ing my car, get­ting new tired, and  buy­ing my chick­ens and chick­en run, hun­dreds of plants and fruit trees for plant­i­ng over sum­mer, think­ing for once I can build up for the future. Yes­ter­day I left town for the first time in two months. It felt sur­re­al, it all feel  sur­re­al out there now.

So I am all pre­pared to keep build­ing my gar­den of bro­ken dreams when The Lying Line of Lyon Lons, decides he want to play the game. One after­noon in Novem­ber I was sit­ting here when his ugly gor­mi mug came up in my time­line for one of his “dick lives” with its vapid “benign­not” I nev­er get more than a minute inot his vids they are so cringe and fake so I was only half lis­ten­ing to his big OTO and hissle­f’s announce­ment.

while I am updat­ing please read some of my fol­low­ing work

Pan­do­ra – Gar­den of Bro­ken dreams

In The Begin­ning; Trin­i­ty Egypt Style.

I Was Born in a Morgue


Cin­na­mon Reflec­tions

Of a morn­ing I like to climb out of bed before the sun even thinks about peep­ing it’s head into my office win­dow. Usu­al­ly about 4 am I walk into my office in the dead still and peace and qui­et and write for a few hours, before I am dis­turbed b rugrats and the demands for break­fast.

I have my crea­ture com­forts sur­round­ing me in my office and my lit­tle “treats” in life with­in arm’s reach. My lit­tle col­ored crys­tal pyra­mid has to sit in just the right spot on the right side of my desk with my hand­less Bud­dha and nat­ur­al crys­tal rain­bow pyra­mid near my three lit­tle green frog friends Gary, Ger­ry and Rory (don’t ask me, my sev­en year old daugh­ter named them).

Next to them is my hap­py smil­ing cow with the straw on it’s back and trin­kling bell around his neck, sit­ting in front of my wibbe­ly red wood­en pen rack that my 11 year old girl made at school for me on moth­er’s day.

In the mid­dle of the desk, of course is my mon­i­tor and hang­ing off the side is my sis­ter’s sil­ver and dia­mond but­ter­fly neck­lace that she used to wear, along wio­th her zodi­ac Leo Sil­ver charm. Under the mon­i­tor are the two gifts my eldest daugh­ter Krys­tal bought me for my birth­day, a pink crys­tal wire box and on the oth­er side is a pur­ple crys­tal can­dle hold­er. Off to the sides are my 5:1 Log­itech speak­ers and on the far left is my paper­work in.out tray.

Sit­ting in the mid­dle at the front of the mon­i­tor is my mini­ture chi­na cham­ber pot and bowl with the pret­ty pink and pur­ple flow­ers around it and to my left is my antique Limo­ges ash­tray. My vol­ume con­trol is at my fin­ger­tips in front of my rose quartz and near my won­der­ful lov­able Ganesh stat­ue.

I have my cof­fee on it’s lit­tle duck place­mat to my right and sur­round­ed by my four pur­ple walls with Papyrus prints and Egypt­ian paint­ings Egypt­ian Stat­ues and my rain­bow water foun­tain, my lit­tle book­case and reclin­er sofa chair, I am ready for the day in the office.

The oth­er day I was speak­ing to Michelle, a love­ly per­son I met and befriend­ed on a Cana­di­an Web­site we both write for and I told her I was sit­ting down to my morn­ing cup of cof­fee with cin­na­mon and cream. There was no mes­sage back for a bit and then the line “OMG”, which puz­zled me to say the least as I had­n’t thought my morn­ing cof­fee was dra­mat­ic in any way. Michelle soon explained. Every morn­ing when she gets up she makes her­self a cup of cin­na­mon cof­fee and cream before start­ing to write for the day.

Such a sim­ple thing, two peo­ple lit­er­al­ly a world apart. Both writ­ers, both women in a man’s world (our sub­ject mat­ter) and both only take cof­fee with cin­na­mon and cream.

It got me think­ing, as the lit­tle things often do. We have some­thing in com­mon with every­one. We have just got to find it. When­ev­er we meet on those cross­roads there is always some com­mon ground some­where.

Each of my friends around the world is unique, yet I share some­thing with all of them. Male and female alike, young or old, back or white, rich or poor. I share an expe­ri­ence, or way of life or even a cross­road or sit­u­a­tion that has hap­pened to us both at some time or anoth­er through­out our path­way’s in life.

When I meet new peo­ple I look for that share, the com­mon ground and then I begin to com­mu­ni­cate through that link or bond, grad­u­al­ly learn­ing more and link­ing more and more to that per­son in com­mu­ni­ca­tion and famil­iar­i­ty and knowl­edge.

I embrace those unique aspects of each and every per­son and trea­sure it dear­ly. I believe every­one I meet has got some­thing to teach me and show me and share with me in some way.

For as much as we find sim­il­iar­i­ties in oth­er peo­ple, we also find the dif­fer­ences, the new expe­ri­ences to our eyes. For as much as a per­son is like as, they are just as much unlike us. Because they are not us.

Even with a seem­ing­ly neg­a­tive meet­ing on those cross­roads of life, I try and take a pos­i­tive from the expe­ri­ence. I try to learn from that per­son in some way just as much as I try to learn from a sug­ar and spice an all things nice cross­road meet.

But while each of us is unique, we are drawn to the same. There is a mir­ror in every eye we look into, a reflec­tion of you. You see your­self, that part of you look­ing at them is look­ing back at you.

That, of course can be pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive, depend­ing on the view of the eye you are look­ing out of at the time. Whether you look to be steered by your inner eye, the Her­mit or steered by the periph­er­al noise that is decay.

That reflec­tion you see in anoth­er eyes is you. That nas­ti­ness you see in their eyes is your nas­ti­ness. Like meets like.

If you do see that neg­a­tive in some­one’s eyes, step back a lit­tle, change the reflec­tion, come back from a dif­fer­ent angle. See through the reflec­tion at what is inside.

If you stay in that posi­tion, you will only see the reflec­tion of you, the part of you that is like them. Don’t con­front meet the per­son from the side.

The part of them that you see and don’t like is the part of you that you don’t see unless you are look­ing at a reflec­tion and that is the part of you that you don’t like.

For a reflec­tion can nev­er see through itself.

I am still reflect­ing on Reflec­tion and on reflec­tion of reflec­tion I have reflect­ed that I may have more reflec­tions tomor­row to reflect on.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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