

A word of faith.

All our lives we get told to trust

To have faith

Trust our Archons
Trust our RULERS

Wicked set of horns and huge dick you got there Jesus. Hor'ver 
Wicked set of horns and huge dick you got there Jesus. Hor’ver

Trust our Lead­ers

Trust Jesus construct

Trust God

Trust what we are told is the TRUTH

But some­times we for­get to trust the most impor­tant per­son of all

We forget to Trust ourselves

By hand­ing over trust to oth­ers we stop trust­ing in our own mind heart and spir­it.

Words are fas­ci­nat­ing things “TRUSSED” is “TRUST”  when you “trust” some­one you are effec­tive­ly “being “trussed” your­self by your faith. You are held in the bonds and chains of that trust.

Trust is Trussed

Tied Up Trapped Trussed Trust

We are effectively trussed by our trust in others.

We trust what they say to us

We trust they are telling us the truth

We trust they are right

We trust that every­thing will be ok

Is that Wise??

Ah a ques­tion.

You all know me, I am full of ques­tions.

So that leads me to my main point.

Should we trust or question?

Should we go through life and trust what oth­ers tell us is true?

Or should we ques­tion life for our­selves?

Explore for our­selves?

Should we rely and trust in others?

Have faith? Have trust?

Or should we grow our trust in ourselves

Blind Trust effec­tive­ly leaves us Blind­ly Trussed

Tied up



We hand over our pow­er

we hand over our faith

we hand over our trust

 We hand over con­trol.

and by doing all that we lose our instinct

Over the past two thou­sand years we have been told to trust

Trust God

Trust Our Lead­ers

Trust Our Elders

Now today we have no instinct

We have no trust of our­selves

We may believe but we do not know

We may trust but we are not cer­tain

We have faith but no proof

We are blind­ed by trust

So we don’t ques­tion

We are herd­ed like faith­ful trust­ing lambs to the slaugh­ter

We trust oth­ers

but how fatal is it?

To not trust our­selves



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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