Chromosomes Reveal Truth

Which came first, the X or the Y chro­mo­some?

the X chromosome

 the X chro­mo­some came first, 3 mil­lion years before a muta­tion lost part of the shape and y was cre­at­ed . The Y chro­mo­some evolved prob­a­bly as a short­ened copy of the X chro­mo­some; there are more genes on the X chro­mo­some than the Y. The Y chro­mo­some main­ly deter­mines the sex (it has a SRY region which makes the embryo a male).

The Y chro­mo­some is impor­tant in deter­min­ing a per­son­’s bio­log­i­cal gen­der. But it has much less of a say in some­one’s genet­ic make­up, since the X chro­mo­some like­ly has more than 1,000 genes where­as the Y chro­mo­some has few­er than 80.

X           Y

Woman                     Man

XX                       XY

A few inter­est­ing notes, I shall note as we begin ( yet again).

a pearl of Truth behind the look­ing glass, look­ing back on a mas­ter illu­sion  called the mon­key­ma­trix and it’s matrix­mon­keys.

1, alpha­bet­i­cal­ly X comes before Y
Aleph Bet A and B in Hebrew Aleph and her house  Bet. (Beth)

2,  Woman con­tains all of Man but man does not con­tain all of woman. thou­sands of genes ‑80 genes won­der women like to buy heaps of jeans they have many to put them on.

3, Y can­not make X. It came after X, it is a fur­ther devel­op­ment of X and not the prime.

4, The Prime con­tains all of the prod­uct but the prod­uct does not con­tain all of the prime.

5, Woman can pro­duce man but man can­not pro­duce woman  XXY  XY. The two pieces do not even mir­ror each oth­er. There is no jig­saw fit and con­nec­tion able to be made.

6,   Man is miss­ing the third defin­er to anchor and mul­ti­ply.
eg; XXY  1 2 3    XY 1 2

7,  Man Y is miss­ing Limbs from X  = Mankind con­struct of a WORLD with the L tak­en out (The Light spark of cre­ation) MOTHER.

8, The Jew­ish Tribes “appar­ent­ly” despised women so much there is no X in the hebrew alpha­bet. The Kabala or Hebrew Alpha­bet is a 22 dig­it sys­tem that enclos­es both let­ter and num­ber asso­ci­a­tions. (K Kaph 20 is used instead of the miss­ing Female X but that is a loose asso­ci­a­tion.)

com­ment” .. well !! Jesus, or did I mean ISIS.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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