The Y chromosome is important in determining a person’s biological gender. But it has much less of a say in someone’s genetic makeup, since the X chromosome likely has more than 1,000 genes whereas the Y chromosome has fewer than 80.
Woman Man
A few interesting notes, I shall note as we begin ( yet again).
a pearl of Truth behind the looking glass, looking back on a master illusion called the monkeymatrix and it’s matrixmonkeys.
1, alphabetically X comes before Y
Aleph Bet A and B in Hebrew Aleph and her house Bet. (Beth)
2, Woman contains all of Man but man does not contain all of woman. thousands of genes ‑80 genes wonder women like to buy heaps of jeans they have many to put them on.
3, Y cannot make X. It came after X, it is a further development of X and not the prime.
4, The Prime contains all of the product but the product does not contain all of the prime.
5, Woman can produce man but man cannot produce woman XXY XY. The two pieces do not even mirror each other. There is no jigsaw fit and connection able to be made.
6, Man is missing the third definer to anchor and multiply.
eg; XXY 1 2 3 XY 1 2
7, Man Y is missing Limbs from X = Mankind construct of a WORLD with the L taken out (The Light spark of creation) MOTHER.
8, The Jewish Tribes “apparently” despised women so much there is no X in the hebrew alphabet. The Kabala or Hebrew Alphabet is a 22 digit system that encloses both letter and number associations. (K Kaph 20 is used instead of the missing Female X but that is a loose association.)
“comment” .. well !! Jesus, or did I mean ISIS.
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