The Lost Word Of Manyone

Manyone have heard talk of the lost word.

 Many­one speaks for it’s self even if it has been “lost” from out vocab

Many­one do already “know” that word.

It is logos, it is truth cre­at­ed to repair a lie

no — any — some — many — every

Noone Any­one Some­one Many­one Every­one

Nobody Any­body Some­body Many­body Every­body

Think back to when you are describ­ing a sit­u­a­tion

where there is a gen­er­al con­scen­sus of opin­ion ..

for exam­ple a new flavour drink that tastes hor­rid to most.

you would state
every­one says it tastes like crap”


You have just opened a can of worms because there is always some­one that will of like the drink so they will dis­agree and start fight club because you said “every­one” and they are not every­one.

The root of how many argue­ments through­out time

“every­one says” “every­one thinks”

but not every­one does.. DIVISION begins.

Had you of said
“many­one thinks it tastes like shit”

the answer would of been “yeah nah not me” and we move on from it.

You did not direct­ly chal­lenge them.
You did not direct­ly accuse them of some­thing.

You did not put them in a bas­ket that they did not fit in.

“We are one we are many”


The Word

use it!!!!

it is here to stay to fix that errot of every­one’s Many­one will be hap­py with the self explana­to­ry cor­rec­tion to our lan­guage

Manyone not Everyone
because there will always be Someone that doesn’t

I Am Aus­tralian
(1987 — Bruce Wood­ley, The Seek­ers and Dobe New­ton, The Bushwack­ers)
I came from the dream­time from the dusty red soil plains
I am the ancient heart, the keep­er of the flame
I stood upon the rocky shore
I watched the tall ships come
For forty thou­sand years I’d been the first Aus­tralian.
I came upon the prison ship bowed down by iron chains.
I cleared the land, endured the lash and wait­ed for the rains.
I’m a set­tler.
I’m a farmer’s wife on a dry and bar­ren run
A con­vict then a free man I became Aus­tralian.
I’m the daugh­ter of a dig­ger who sought the moth­er lode
The girl became a woman on the long and dusty road
I’m a child of the depres­sion
I saw the good times come
I’m a bushy, I’m a bat­tler
I am Aus­tralian
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We share a dream and sing with one voice:
I am, you are, we are Aus­tralian
I am, you are, we are Aus­tralian.
I’m a teller of sto­ries
I’m a singer of songs
I am Albert Namatji­ra
I paint the ghost­ly gums
I am Clan­cy on his horse
I’m Ned Kel­ly on the run
I’m the one who waltzed Matil­da
I am Aus­tralian
I’m the hot wind from the desert
I’m the black soil of the plains
I’m the moun­tains and the val­leys
I’m the drought and flood­ing rains
I am the rock, I am the sky
The rivers when they run
The spir­it of this great land
I am Aus­tralian
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We share a dream and sing with one voice:
I am, you are, we are Aus­tralian
I am, you are, we are Aus­tralian.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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