To Endure — The Life of

This is the first time I am pub­lish­ing this piece pub­licly.

It was writ­ten in 2009/2010  and placed on pri­vate jour­nal entry.

On the 14th of Feb­ru­ary 2010, I answered a knock at my back door. Stand­ing there was 3 fed­er­al police offi­cers, two on the sides point­ing tasers at me and the one in the mid­dle point­ing a loaded gun at me.  My heart dropped. It was the last time I saw my youngest three babies for two years.

Almost two years lat­er my legal aid was stripped from me, with the gov­ern­ment excuse that I had “used to many resources” I was then forced to rep­re­sent myself in mul­ti­ple juris­dic­tions to fight for my chil­dren.
lat­er a Judge apol­o­gised to me, say­ing, we are sor­ry Mrs Swan, a judge can only made deci­sions based on the evi­dence we have in front of us. We now know from your cross exam­i­na­tion of the appli­cant today that we were not in pos­ses­sion of the facts.

moment of hi five, Yay I stood there with­out a lawyer and crushed him with truth. ..  It was too late though,  it was torn, the dam­age was irre­pairable and I have been pick­ing up scat­tered feath­ers ever since. There was no hi five, but there was the burn of injus­tice in my heart.

no, it was the burn if injus­tice.

At the time I could not share my pain. I couldn’t share any­thing. i could only wrap myself with­in myself and scream inside.

Today in some ways i am still scream­ing inside

I have learned one thing. one very impor­tant thing

to endure


it is a deep despair inside, a rest­less­ness borne of not know­ing but a the same time hav­ing to bear the con­tem­pla­tive thoughts of what will be and even worse what can be.

It is the real­iza­tion that noth­ing, not even your chil­dren are tru­ly yours, they belong to the state to ban­ter and pass around like mar­ketable goods.

These are my chil­dren, I chose to be a mum, I chose all that came with being a mum. I am not per­fect and per­haps in the God’s eyes I have failed, or found to be lack­ing but to be judged by a stranger?

to have soci­ety and some one far away from the real­i­ties of our fam­i­ly, sit­ting in such high judg­ment of us who holds the abil­i­ty in his hands to take all from under us, to take from us all we have , all we have built, and all we have planned and all we are is I guess to feel the ulti­mate loss. The loss of life, the loss of free­dom, the loss of hat should be

The pain is unbear­able, every minute I stop and heave a deep sigh, as if some­thing is trapped and held with­in my very soul,  burst­ing to tear it’s way out to cause the ulti­mate pain a moth­er can bear. The loss of a child or the threat of the loss of a child.

I just tucked Kahleah into bed …I do feel my heart break­ing with every breath. I watch their angel­ic faces as they begin to bloom again, only to face that it all might be ripped from us again. The tran­quil­i­ty and heal­ing shat­tered, our fam­i­ly frag­ment­ed and for­got­ten.

My babies.  The pain is too much too keep writ­ing, my tears beg annoy­ing­ly to be wiped away as they run in a con­stant stream down my cheeks unheed­ed. My vision is blurred. my heart is so heavy. I can’t  stop the waves of pain that rip through my soul.

it is the worse, it is rock bot­tom, it is the dev­as­ta­tion that only a par­ent could dread. The mem­o­ries flash like replay in full Tech­ni­col­or wind­screen through my mind of our life togeth­er, of our dreams, our hopes, and of our fear, of our night­mare.

Yet that night­mare, it was noth­ing, it had noth­ing  on this night­mare. This is the ulti­mate pain, the ulti­mate sequel to end the saga. The final con­trol, the final cut.  and yes, it is the deep­est, far deep­er than I have evr endured from him before. Far worse than too much, it hurts so bad.

what reg­is­ters is my babies, of my bond with them

of B as he says, “I hope you bought a hug with you mum” or “I know what you bought me home from the shop mum­my, you bought me a kiss”.

Of lis­ten­ing to S’s oper­at­ic tones pierce my head in per­fect pitch as she mer­ri­ly dances around the house and her smiles at

me the love the bond between us as moth­er and daugh­ter. Of K, my lit­tle sun­shine, Her earnest blue eyes look­ing deeply into mine as she tells me one of her sto­ries.

We are just now only begin­ning to find each oth­er again. We are just begin­ning to mend and learn­ing to walk all over again and now it is threat­ened with a destruc­tion that i am pow­er­less to stop.

and it hurts ………. bad….

I’m sor­ry i just need an out­let for this pain and I can’t pub­lish this pub­licly….. I hurt

Alone in the dark, alone with your thoughts
over­come with deep feel­ings of dread.
all of your hopes and all of your fears
are flow­ing ran­dom­ly around in your head.

search­ing for courage, the spark that’s inside
to stand up and face what the fates bring,
sup­press­ing inside you the need to be free,
as slow­ly the voice stops to sing

when you final­ly stand up and step on to the future,
from the tears that are all done and all cried,
fac­ing the fears of all that is unknown,
that takes courage born of blood and of pride.

the torch­es of knowl­edge which light up the way
will help guide you to take one step more
the light may grow dim and flick­er about
but the spir­it comes from deep in the core

The book of today has already been writ­ten
the pages are num­bered from the days of your life
it’s signed in your blood and then sealed with the laws
ready to cut through your soul like a knife

Look deep in the mir­ror at you star­ing back
you see time etched and marked on your face
inno­cence gone from those eyes which now turn away
a know­ing deep far­away look in its place

Anoth­er day old­er there is no going back
no chang­ing the past with a pen
the les­son is learned reac­tion to action
it is time for the deep wounds to mend

A red dawn breaks out from under the dark­ness
as nature waits for the new day to begin
Con­scious­ness wak­ens and stirs from it’s sleep
the world has turned on it’s axis again



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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