Lovers of the Art of the Prince of Cups

Lovers of the Art of the Prince of Cups

After I had com­plet­ed the Art of the Prince of Cups, I was direct­ed to look at anoth­er match with IVY Art with the Lovers. So me being me decid­ed to look at all three togeth­er.

I meld­ed them in Hor’ the hor­i­zon­tal view, which I do not nor­mal­ly do first. How­ev­er I had to laugh out loud when the image was turned down to 50 per­cent opac­i­ty.

I had been mus­ing a ques­tion mov­ing for­ward, regard­ing logis­tics around some­thing that I real­ly need­ed to know before I do any­thing. The ques­tion was answered in the best pos­si­ble way in this Hor’ver© Image of the Prince of Cups with the lovers of  Ivy Art.

  • In this hor’ver of  he Prince of Cups with the lovers of  Ivy Art, amaz­ing­ly the twins are both wear­ing an almost exact copy wear­ing the blue invis­i­bil­i­ty cap also known as the blue crown of Egypt
  • Words are form­ing all over the shop
  • Ivy’s dress has changed from Green to pur­ple

I will be post­ing updates to this with the full hor’ver images



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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