New Secret Alignment Discovered of Thoth in XIV Art and Prince of Cups Horvered©

This is the Hor’ver© image that sent the hairs on the back of my neck danc­ing. I love it when I turn the opac­i­ty down on that last flip meld and watch as it all slow­ly appears, today Art Appeared in back and white, it was as obvi­ous an tits on a bull.

Pre­sent­ing a blue Art X Ivy as I call her (my car is called IVY too as its plates are IV7) .…. she has that same dress on and look at the Janus face…

My feet did­n’t touch the floor as I was rush­ing off to meld the both togeth­er and see what I could see .. well ok I lie my feet were in the floor and i was sit­ting at my old lap­top fir­ing up my fold­ers to see what was under the com­bi­na­tion I had nev­er thought of..

I did­n’t expect to see me .. but here we are ..
now i am won­der­ing if there is men­tion of princey princess in Art or vice ver­sa.


the key to Art or the Art Key to the Prince of Cups

61 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

50 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Larg­er Prince Card than Ivy Art still looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

50 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

20th January 2025 discovery
Prince Of Cups Key to Art XIV

I was rework­ing my prince of cups today with a new angle o the Horv­er to make it all pre­cise when I had a “Bin­go” Lon call and noticed some­thing in my Hor­Flip of the Prince of Cups that astound­ed me so much that I had to get up from my desk and walk over to the tarot wheel table where  Botl and BoTh were sit­ting along with the cards and the plans that Cronos had shown me in Doth after I caught the “tem­ple” voice out on lies around three times.  More on that as it is writ­ten in DOTh — Reflec­tions of.

I walked over, took a drink from my water jug and picked up the draw­ing. Cronos had reached over my shoul­der when I said I can’t draw.

Cronos said “I will teach you, and I felt that famil­iar hand over mine reach from over my left shoul­der and guid­ed my pen­cil, before I had drawn the S I knew where my hand was going, I was as much dri­ving it as t was being guid­ed. it did form what I had been think­ing, I instant­ly saw “their his­tor­i­cal fatal mis­take” and I instant­ly saw the per­fect self per­pet­u­at­ing sys­tem as the 2d draw­ing appeared on the paper, in my mind it unfold­ed and unfold­ed into the per­fect shape.

I sat frozen feel­ing the warmth around me, it was a moment of vin­di­ca­tion, of relief in  a way and a high five fuck you to all. I had believed, I had loved, and I had held that in my heart. But most of all in the end I had trust­ed. I had gone back to my swan name on the spring *autumn equinox and then a month or so lat­er after a series of co inci­dence and syn­chronic­i­ty slapped me so hard that I said loud­ly “ok I give up.. I can’t deny this any­more.. I am fol­low­ing this instinct”. “bring­ing in the rain fer­til­i­ty hap­pened” the vol­cano adven­ture the nat­ur­al springs and the bill­abong.. the gar­den of bro­ken dreams and Pachama­ma …

it was all there .. I was being bast­ed and bast­ing  myself for my huge genet­ic lev­el dna changes and then along came lon… lon lyon Lon lie’s trig­gered my trans­mu­ta­tion in Novem­ber around my birth­day which began the ball rolling…

I still did­n’t get on board with what was going on until that fired up real hot dur­ing the chi­ron merc ret­ro­grade and Crow­ley Death day 21 days of DoTh up to that moment of me kiss­ing no ass on the winter/summer sol­stice the sun was born. The south­ern Sun is a woman, a beau­ti­ful woman who lit a fire to warm her peo­ple. She did­n’t need to steal the fire because she already had it inside her and her peo­ple respect­ed her so much and they loved her deeds as well as her. She is still the leg­end, she is still talked about today, she is still warm­ing her peo­ple in the great south­ern lands.

SO at the end of doth when I was bid farewell from the com­mu­ni­ca­tion.. no wait that was two day after the Swan, I had two more days of ques­tions and answers.. over all it was no time and yet all time..centuries and an instant.

and yes it was the 19th the day of the sun.. .. here it was in front of me…perfection.….. .  it was him .….but there was more..I cried. my swan. it was also moth­er and father and sis­ter … it is hard to explain that bit i will find words ..

so beau­ti­ful, so obvi­ous ..Crow­ley writes of it..when he wrote of it it sent chills up my spine, i was rid­ing the swan and I reme­ber how that amaz­ing ting feels like .. no grav­i­ty, no weight no where no time…

the Swan is in leg­ends, bal­lets, pageants, fairy tales 12, the 9 the 6, the 3 swans.… it is all the Swan… with me in his back.  .. but its not Zeus .. it am Zeus and  Hades and Posei­don — Gaia moth­er earth Ter­ra Ter­a­gram Mar­garet… and I am the pearl of Cronos… the crone.. the crow the mag­pie black­bird has spo­ken, like the first word and I am an eagle,  kestrel a hawk a kook­abur­ra and a phenix and rain­bow lori­keet .. I am actu­al­ly called the bird lady and the bird kid­nap­per in life here. and yet they are all names I am no name … O

The Great Grand­moth­er Babalon the daugh­ter neve goes to the moth­er .. the daugh­ter of the daugh­ter goes to the grand­moth­er know­ing roy­al line.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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