Prince of Cups — Early Lady Frieda (Margaret) Not Used In Deck Hor’Vered

When Bart Dele­planque post­ed some of the ear­ly Ver­sions of Lady Mar­garet’s work in the face­book Thoth Group, I was fas­ci­nat­ed.  When am I not? So at first  first chance I fired up my Horv­er tech­nique  and  opened some more doors and win­dows to let the breeze in.

So here for the first time at the court cards, and cards of ear­ly ver­sions.

Prince of Cups

Not used by Crow­ley in the final ver­sions.

Prince of Cup’s Vertical flip.

I found this one to have wafty ele­ments com­pared to the ver­sions that were released with the deck. The veils over face for exam­ple.
There is words form­ing at the knees as with oth­er images in Horv­er.
The wings look like blood cells Swirling.

Prince of Cups Horizontal Flip

  • Now this one is more like the mag­ick I have come to know.
  • I sat here for five min­utes watch­ing  the arms going up and down
  • Note the cat cen­tre at bot­tom
  • angel­ic dev­il­ish being at the top crown.
  • word under waist­line and top of cup
  • looks like bowl­ing rink under that at bot­tom of cup
  • being in cen­tre
  • the armour has clar­i­fied into fish scales
  • the cup is not attached to the prince so to speak he3 is hold­ing it
  • quite a few tem­ple entrances
  • cen­tre line cut
  • reminds me of cre­ation “In the begin­ning Del­phi” with the two eagles start­ing at same point, one going east, one going west until they met in the mid­dle at del­phi
  • cup had def­i­nite 3d ish­ness

Prince of Cups
Horizontal & Vertical

Well dang..  it is there alright and prob­a­bly stronger than the 78 finals if you sit back and watch the top set of arms they move into the bot­tom arms which then point at the tem­ple door inside them­selves guard­ed on each side and above.
very sub­dued colours

19 Jan­u­ary 2025 In con­clu­sion at this time, this card obscured an obscure sto­ry, although it reveals so much truth.

For more on the Prince Of Cups and it’s rela­tion­ship to Atu XIV Art
please see The Prince of Cups Horvered ©



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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