When Bart Deleplanque posted some of the early Versions of Lady Margaret’s work in the facebook Thoth Group, I was fascinated. When am I not? So at first first chance I fired up my Horver technique and opened some more doors and windows to let the breeze in.
So here for the first time at the court cards, and cards of early versions.
Prince of Cups
Not used by Crowley in the final versions.
Prince of Cup’s Vertical flip.
I found this one to have wafty elements compared to the versions that were released with the deck. The veils over face for example.
There is words forming at the knees as with other images in Horver.
The wings look like blood cells Swirling.
Prince of Cups Horizontal Flip
- Now this one is more like the magick I have come to know.
- I sat here for five minutes watching the arms going up and down
- Note the cat centre at bottom
- angelic devilish being at the top crown.
- word under waistline and top of cup
- looks like bowling rink under that at bottom of cup
- being in centre
- the armour has clarified into fish scales
- the cup is not attached to the prince so to speak he3 is holding it
- quite a few temple entrances
- centre line cut
- reminds me of creation “In the beginning Delphi” with the two eagles starting at same point, one going east, one going west until they met in the middle at delphi
- cup had definite 3d ishness
Prince of Cups
Horizontal & Vertical
Well dang.. it is there alright and probably stronger than the 78 finals if you sit back and watch the top set of arms they move into the bottom arms which then point at the temple door inside themselves guarded on each side and above.
very subdued colours
19 January 2025 In conclusion at this time, this card obscured an obscure story, although it reveals so much truth.
For more on the Prince Of Cups and it’s relationship to Atu XIV Art
please see The Prince of Cups Horvered ©