IIX Injustice Hor’Ver Flipped and Melded Mirror Of Mayet System Method Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley

When Jus­tice turns into Injus­tice well
here I am 

What is bal­ance becomes inbal­ance
What is imbal­ance becomes bal­ance

When the heart was weighed against Maat’s Feath­er, the heart had to bal­ance…
not be too heavy or too light. The heart had to have inno­cence.

No buy­ing your way in by “doing good” and going to church on Sun­day’s folks

how is your heart going?

Oth­er Arti­cle and Epis­tleS By MAYET

In the begin­ning — Cre­ation Egypt Style with Maat and Thoth and their sun Ra



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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