The Mayet Method & System of Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The Mayet Method & System of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The act of dupli­cat­ing images and flip­ping the copies before meld­ing them again to the orig­i­nal with lowed opac­i­ty on top lev­els.

Because I fol­low my nat­ur­al instincts in work, I often do things in reverse, I always have. I found that strange about myself. 1980 all my friends were speed skate champs and fig­ure skat­ing champs and here was lil me, carv­ing up the best and becom­ing a back­ward skat­ing champ. Today that skill comes in handy when reverse park­ing.

So I saw the ThoTh book in reverse from the  first time I looked at it. That start­ed my quest of look­ing at the book a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent.


The Mayet Method & System of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

the act of dupli­cat­ing an image and flip­ping it either, or and Hor­i­zon­tal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly, lat­er­al­ly, diag­o­nal­ly and then meld the images of the orig­i­nal and copy/copies togeth­er, low­er­ing the opac­i­ty of the top lay­er to 50%/33%/66% or any oth­er per­cent­age to exam­ine for results. Can be used with one image or mul­ti­ple.

Most of my images here and oth­er sites have been cre­at­ed using just the Hor’Ver© method but there is some amaz­ing ones cre­at­ed as man­dala’s as per the gallery below


Why did I do this?

See the Epis­tle of the Eye in I
which explains how the eye sees an image in the con­scious as with the sub con­scious.

This began my work of Hor’Ver with oth­er great works of art, includ­ing the Amaz­ing Mona Lisa Secret’s exposed by my Hor’Ver method of the tem­ple door, the DOGGOD and the cen­tral ser­pent eye.

this fol­lows through to the Hor’Ver Mir­ror of Mayet images such as this meld of The Knight of Cups with The Char­i­ot

which I thought was a log­i­cal meld when I looked at them side by side after the Hor’Ver© of each

  • You are wel­come to use the Mir­ror Of Mayet images for ref­er­ence and study pur­pos­es. For all com­mer­cial and busi­ness use please email astrol­o­gist at gmail.


Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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