The universe is created A Aleph Ayin
the universe is created and the first thing man did was to asign numbers to it, so began the human construct and destruct of word.
1 the first but instead of mankind just going about his business he decided to put 1 in a box. Alpha Aleph: the alphebet box. A‑B
soon language developed and further tags of all what we experienced, were added to the construct. One created a universe of tags attributes and words all attached to this image of 1..
Man still could not indentify 1, So he tried everything to know 1 he best the living daylights out of 1 but still 1 stood as 1 no matter the construct around 1. Man in his monkey brain stpid frustration of not knowing something that monkey brains can never know decided in their greed and thirst with all those 9 deadly sins, pandoras evils, decided to split 1 (atom) in the equation 1 0–1 0=2 as above so below man split the atom, got to know what was in it but fogot about wasn’t in it, but was NUN the
from that moment rinse repeat we have a construct of 2 to explain 1 — two created a whole new constructed universe Alphabetand mirage image around 2 but two doesnt exist, its is the construct image of 1 from a mirror
Aleph Beth so we have 1 and 2 but 1 and two make 3 so that would be the trinity the 3 in 1 so now 1 = 3 however now we have Aleph Beth and Gimel the invisiable camel leaving only a footprint. so 1 2 3 would mean 3 = six empress and lovers break rest
Adam the GOD construct in word and letters of the atom.
BoonBane: Wherever there is a boon, there is a bane, wherever there is a bane there is a boon.
Boomerang: a boomerang when thrown always comes back to the thrower. The shape of the boomerang curve and edges ensures it returns to the same place it was thrown from. A Boomerang originated in Australia by the first people.
Chromosome XX XY woman made man and he has a leg missing
The Four Fates “Fae Fierie” not 3 fates and the 5the god current
Frieda : — Margaret (Pearl) Lady Harris
GOD — Zeus ; Mother Earth there is no other GOd here beside me
GOD is a swan god is in everything and is intangible. energy in the wind a special kind of spirit wind
Hand Of God : The only part of God that that reached through the firmament to ATOM ALSO known as Lightning and splitting the Atom. you need to see this in reverse I bet when it is flipped you will see god reaching up through the earth as lightning does .. LIght goes in color comes out .it is logic logos lightning hit a cross and blew up
Left Hand and Right Hand of God: Death and the Hermit turning the wheel of the “GOD Construct” wheel. 9,13, 11 =33
111 111 = 222 LAMA MAAL LAAM ALMA ælm elm
IHVH The Secret Name of GOD — fourfold secret name of GOD Ultimately resolves to ZEUS See Share
crossed the abyss
LAMA : Knowledge 3141 AL MA Pi
LMNS: The next secret four fold word of god
Lamael, Mem, Nun, Samekh = 30 40 50 60 180 (degrees) + SNML MITHRAS 360
Ruth: Mirror vision reflection.
Logos is word all words contains truth. Every action has a reaction. All words have a illusionary word construct image built around them by man. Man uses and abuses that construct and yet the word stand pure if you look to it’s roots.
Sanamal My new mythos beginning now.
Sanimal see above Sanamal and Sanimal
SNML Abraxas shadow mirror of the first creation +plus 1 because the first comes to LAMANAS — SANAMAL (Lammas?)
30, 40, 50, 60 — 60, 1, 50, 1, 40, 1, 30, 1
= 364. ABRAXAS plus the creator 1and Zeus in the middle mirror 365 + ?
SANAAMAL =365 Sentinent Animals — Satan
Samekh: the spark of creation that is an epiphany, an idea, a bolt from the blue, the question of what if? and why?
60 in hebrew and attributed to satan in the illusionary GOD construct due to monkey brain of man at the time.
Samekh is Babalion AKA mamalion aks MTDNA AKA mammals
Shema: Mother
Shera: Grandmother babalon
MonkeyMatrix: The world of today of diversions and distractions.
MatrixMonkey: The operators who run around patching holes in the holagram
Pi: 3.141 repeat Feedback loop designed to keep you confused and kept the the going in circles . LAMA 3141 = 3.141 Pie is the answer to pie see Pi
Pie: Meaning Magpie. The origin of Pi — pi is 360 degrees.
Pi-Crumb: you cannot measure the circumference of a circle because it is a line with no start and no end.
Ouroborus The Serpent who swollows his tail look for some pi.
Samekh: the spark of creation that is an epiphany, an idea, a bolt from the blue, the question of what if? and why? zeus also a perfect power system.
60 in hebrew and attributed to satan in the illusionary GOD construct due to monkey brain of man at the time.
Samekh is Babalion AKA mamalion aks MTDNA AKA mammals
Kieros the true name of chaos ! when mankind put the I before E
Kheiron the Iron Heir Chiron the healer
Kairos Tipareth
The Silver Star Astraea — for all this goodle is your fiend or GDDG go duck duck go
Shema: Mother
Shera: Grandmother Babalon Babalion Baba Lioness baba is grandmother. There can be only one.
Tarot : TAU RHo The wheel of the Fae fates. the precision of ATOM .
Tetragrammaton 8 fold name of GOd
Teragram 8 told name of God MA 41 ‑RGARET 418 resh, gimel, aleph, resh, he, teth 200 3 1 200 5 9 =418
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