My Terms

The uni­verse is cre­at­ed A Aleph Ayin

the uni­verse is cre­at­ed and the first thing man did was to asign num­bers to it, so began the human con­struct and destruct of word.
1 the first but instead of mankind just going about his busi­ness he decid­ed to put 1 in a box. Alpha Aleph: the alphe­bet box. A‑B
soon lan­guage devel­oped and fur­ther tags of all what we expe­ri­enced, were added to the con­struct. One cre­at­ed a uni­verse of tags attrib­ut­es and words all attached to this image of 1..

Man still could not inden­ti­fy 1, So he tried every­thing to know 1 he best the liv­ing day­lights out of 1 but still 1 stood as 1 no mat­ter the con­struct around 1. Man in his mon­key brain stpid frus­tra­tion of not know­ing some­thing that mon­key brains can nev­er know decid­ed in their greed and thirst with all those 9 dead­ly sins, pan­do­ras evils, decid­ed to split 1 (atom) in the equa­tion 1 0–1 0=2 as above so below man split the atom, got to know what was in it but fogot about was­n’t in it, but was NUN the
from that moment rinse repeat we have a con­struct of 2 to explain 1 — two cre­at­ed a whole new con­struct­ed uni­verse Alpha­betand mirage image around 2 but two does­nt exist, its is the con­struct image of 1 from a mir­ror
Aleph Beth so we have 1 and 2 but 1 and two make 3 so that would be the trin­i­ty the 3 in 1 so now 1 = 3 how­ev­er now we have Aleph Beth and Gimel the invisi­able camel leav­ing only a foot­print. so 1 2 3 would mean 3 = six empress and lovers break rest

Adam the GOD con­struct in word and let­ters of the atom.

Boon­Bane: Wher­ev­er there is a boon, there is a bane, wher­ev­er there is a bane there is a boon.

Boomerang: a boomerang when thrown always comes back to the throw­er. The shape of the boomerang curve and edges ensures it returns to the same place it was thrown from. A Boomerang orig­i­nat­ed in Aus­tralia by the first peo­ple.

Chro­mo­some XX XY woman made man and he has a leg miss­ing

The Four Fates “Fae Fierie” not 3 fates and the 5the god cur­rent

Frie­da : — Mar­garet (Pearl) Lady Har­ris
GOD  — Zeus ; Moth­er Earth there is no oth­er GOd here beside me
GOD is a swan god is in every­thing and is intan­gi­ble. ener­gy in the wind a spe­cial kind of spir­it wind

Hand Of God : The only part of God that that reached through the fir­ma­ment to ATOM ALSO known as Light­ning and split­ting  the Atom. you need to see this in reverse I bet when it is flipped you will see god reach­ing up through the earth as light­ning does .. LIght goes in col­or comes out .it is log­ic logos light­ning hit a cross and blew up

Left Hand and Right Hand of God:  Death and the Her­mit turn­ing the wheel of the “GOD Con­struct” wheel.    9,13, 11 =33


111 111 = 222 LAMA MAAL LAAM ALMA ælm elm

IHVH The Secret Name of GOD —  four­fold secret name of GOD Ulti­mate­ly resolves to  ZEUS See Share
crossed the abyss
LAMA : Knowl­edge 3141 AL MA Pi

LMNS: The next secret four fold word of god
Lamael, Mem, Nun, Samekh = 30 40 50 60 180 (degrees) + SNML MITHRAS 360
Ruth: Mir­ror vision reflec­tion.
Logos is word all words con­tains truth. Every action has a reac­tion. All words have a illu­sion­ary word con­struct image built around them by man. Man uses and abus­es that con­struct and yet the word stand pure if you look to it’s roots.

Sana­mal My new mythos begin­ning now.
San­i­mal see above Sana­mal and San­i­mal

SNML Abraxas shad­ow mir­ror of the first cre­ation +plus 1 because the first comes to LAMANAS — SANAMAL (Lam­mas?)
30, 40, 50, 60 — 60, 1, 50, 1, 40, 1, 30, 1
= 364. ABRAXAS plus the cre­ator 1and Zeus in the mid­dle mir­ror 365 + ?
SANAAMAL =365 Sen­ti­nent Ani­mals  — Satan

Samekh: the spark of cre­ation that is an epiphany, an idea, a bolt from the blue, the ques­tion of what if? and why?
60 in hebrew and attrib­uted to satan in the illu­sion­ary GOD con­struct due to mon­key brain of man at the time.
Samekh is Babalion AKA mamalion aks MTDNA AKA mam­mals

She­ma: Moth­er
Shera:  Grand­moth­er babalon

Mon­key­Ma­trix: The world of today of diver­sions and dis­trac­tions.

Matrix­Mon­key: The oper­a­tors who run around patch­ing holes in  the hola­gram

Pi:   3.141 repeat Feed­back loop designed to keep you con­fused and kept the the going in cir­cles . LAMA 3141 =  3.141 Pie is the answer to pie see Pi

Mean­ing Mag­pie. The ori­gin of Pi — pi is 360 degrees.

Pi-Crumb: you can­not mea­sure the cir­cum­fer­ence of a cir­cle because it is a line with no start and no end.

Ouroborus The Ser­pent who swol­lows his tail look for some pi.

Samekh: the spark of cre­ation that is an epiphany, an idea, a bolt from the blue, the ques­tion of what if? and why? zeus also a per­fect pow­er sys­tem.
60 in hebrew and attrib­uted to satan in the illu­sion­ary GOD con­struct due to mon­key brain of man at the time.
Samekh is Babalion AKA mamalion aks MTDNA AKA mam­mals

Kieros the true name of chaos !  when mankind put the I before E
Khe­iron the Iron Heir Chi­ron the heal­er
Kairos  Tipareth
The Sil­ver Star Astraea — for all this goo­dle is your fiend or GDDG go duck duck go

She­ma: Moth­er
Shera:  Grand­moth­er Babalon Babalion Baba Lioness baba is grand­moth­er. There can be only one.

Tarot : TAU RHo The wheel of the Fae fates. the pre­ci­sion of ATOM .

Tetra­gram­ma­ton 8 fold name of GOd

Ter­a­gram 8 told name of God MA 41 ‑RGARET 418 resh, gimel, aleph, resh, he, teth 200 3 1 200 5 9 =418




Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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