Pi is Magpie SOLVED

to find pi the cir­cum­fer­ence of a cir­cle you need to find the radius
to find the radius of a cir­cle you need the diam­e­ter
to find the diam­e­ter of a cir­cle you need the cir­cum­fer­ence
to find the cir­cum­fer­ence of a cir­cle you need to find the radius .. rinse repeat
to find the radius of a cir­cle you need the diam­e­ter
“feed­back loop”

a cir­cle is a two dimen­sion­al round line that has no begin­ning and no end.

and the piece of the pie has been swal­lowed ouroboros

Google says ouroboros is

1. : a cir­cu­lar sym­bol that depicts a snake or drag­on devour­ing its own tail and that is used espe­cial­ly to rep­re­sent the eter­nal cycle of destruc­tion and rebirth. 2. usu­al­ly ouroboros or less com­mon­ly uroboros : some­thing (such as a nev­er-end­ing cycle) that is likened to or sug­ges­tive of the Ouroboros sym­bol.

How to solve pi

Eat it .. AKA to solve pi take it out of the equa­tion because any equa­tion using pi will fail even if the equa­tion sneak­i­ly tells you to add pi and then sub­tract pi you still lost that miss­ing bit you put in in the first place..

four and twen­ty black birds baked in a pi
Pi lit­er­al­ly means Mag­pie
Pi . Pie Mag­pie     My first real nick­name that reflect me..

Pi in numbers using herbrew

Pi =  LAMA  Knowl­edge of the light man­i­fest­ed and dark..
L 30 A 1 M 40 A 1
Pie = 72 = Which evolves
She­ma /Shimmer and she is not a pie to be con­sumed
LMNS 30–49-50–60 I80 degrees and back again SNML 180 degrees 360
360 divid­ed by 72 is 5 the five days of thoth the star
LAMA is pi 3.141 LAMA 3141 72: but beyond that is LMNS l SNML I ate that pie..as mag­gi­ty as it was ..
it called like a mag­pie and that will be 180 degrees and back again with pearl and her mir­ror Mar­garet swan SNML San­i­mal spells Zeus .. LMNS lumi­nou­sand your book is closed . What ever else ask me .. it’s all in your nour­ish­ment .. remem­ber .. all in the name of me drink of both botl­now to see that lie in action in your whole “soci­etal con­struct” lets ask google

Pi is an abbre­vi­a­tion of the Greek periph­ereia, “periph­ery.” Def­i­n­i­tions of pi. noun. the ratio of the cir­cum­fer­ence to the diam­e­ter of a cir­cle; approx­i­mate­ly equal to 3.14159265358979323846… tran­scen­den­tal num­ber.


Mean­ing of the word PIE

The word “pie” comes from the Latin word pica, which means “mag­pie”Before it was used to describe a pas­try, “pie” was used to describe the bird. The word first appeared in Eng­lish man­u­scripts in the 13th cen­tu­ry.


mag­pies with their black and white con­trasts and there habit of pick­ing ran­dom items up and tak­ing them back to their nest is one rea­son that mag­pie is asso­ci­at­ed with pie.. a pie is some­ht­ing that has ran­dom items browned baked in a pas­try

The word “pie” may have come to be asso­ci­at­ed with mag­pies because the fill­ing of a pie may have remind­ed din­ers of the black and white birds. For exam­ple, a mince pie is typ­i­cal­ly filled with raisins, sug­ar, and spices.

what is PI
a. : the sym­bol π denot­ing the ratio of the cir­cum­fer­ence of a cir­cle to its diam­e­ter. b. : the ratio itself : a tran­scen­den­tal num­ber hav­ing a val­ue round­ed to eight dec­i­mal places of 3.14159265.8 Dec 2024

Suc­cinct­ly, pi—which is writ­ten as the Greek let­ter for p, or π—is the ratio of the cir­cum­fer­ence of any cir­cle to the diam­e­ter of that cir­cle. Regard­less of the cir­cle’s size, this ratio will always equal pi.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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