Aqua IV

Nor is it the begin­ning
Nor is it the end
It’s just a place on the bend
whether you lose or whether your win­ning
in the eyes of the law
you’ll always be sin­ning
who made em judge
who made em jury
who chose the day for nature’s own fury
the pass­ing will come and no one will know
as time has before, the future will go
if all was for naught
as naught was for all
then the flow­ers may droop
but the trees will stand tall
the moun­tains will crum­ble
and fall into dust
the earth dis­em­bow­elled
in nature’s own lust
the days of his­to­ry con­cealed and elect
on Earth they are for­got­ten In the stars they reflect
no sin goes unpar­doned who’s eye can but see
form­less lines on an unbri­dled sea
the sailor arrives back home at last
inside the sto­ry, that began in the past.


Kei­th Swan

Keith Allan Swan
Kei­th Allan Swan 5th April 1951 to 19th of July 2007. Ares.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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