Mirrored Scales



The fright and the ter­ror
that cre­ates all life’s tears
is born of reli­gion
which cre­ates all life’s fears.

Satanism or hatred
Chris­tian­i­ty alike
all are just mir­rors
on the scales of our psy­ches

Fol­low thy leader
all the rule books do say
obey and work hard
to earn a weeks pay

Day and day out
year after year
sleep­ing and work­ing
’til the end­ing is near

Not hav­ing no time
nor ener­gy for fun
liv­ing life bleak
the work nev­er done

Cre­at­ing sup­pres­sion
of instinct and light
blind­ing the glo­ry
of nature’s delight

Cloud­ing the images
of the spir­it called man
The soul put in chains
cross and nails in his hand

but whether the cross is upright
or spun in reverse
as you see from these lines
its mir­rored its curse.

Good and evil are cre­at­ed
from fic­tion not fact
to explain it this way
is a mat­ter of tact.




Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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