
The moun­tains and hills that erupt from the ground
bring life to the water as it starts on it’s round
gath­er­ing togeth­er falling faster the flow
start­ing the move­ment for the wind that will blow

The water that falls runs to pools in the rocks
decay­ing and rot­ting all move­ment just stops
along comes the sun bring­ing heat and bright light
dis­till­ing the water until van­ished from sight.

Ris­ing high above earth it forms to a cloud
and gath­ers it’s forces ’til it screams out loud
with the wind that is blow­ing it around and around
over the moun­tains it bursts to the ground

With a loud clap of thun­der and light­en­ing as well
the storms and the clouds reflect the sto­ry to tell
bring with it the rain­bows who’s colours refract
deep inside uni­ver­sal mir­rors all natures exact

Not one being first not one being last
the past is the future the present is past
they split the atom and dropped the bomb
the earth will fight back before it is gone.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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