2009 Logos

and Now for the First of Logos.

Poet­ry through time

Down through time mankind has worked life­times to record their day to day strug­gles and life for the gen­er­a­tions to come. Not all the lit­er­a­ture writ­ten, paint­ed, or sculp­tured sur­vives the test of time and of that which does sur­vive in record­ed form, bare­ly any of it is known to the peo­ple of today.

What makes a piece of work sur­vive that test of time? What makes a piece turn from a work of art into a clas­sic that is held in rev­er­ence still today, pos­si­bly hun­dreds of years since it’s cre­ation.

What makes the Mona Lisa one of the most viewed pieces of art in the world still today. What makes clas­sic poet­ry still recitable by mem­o­ry for the gen­er­a­tions of today, many years after the author first penned the prose.

The answer is sim­ple.

and that was the answer.


Sim­plic­i­ty. The abil­i­ty of the artist to cap­ture their sur­round­ings, what their eyes see, what their soul feels, what they touch, taste, hear and think about and then turn it to paper and repro­duce that “moment” for eter­ni­ty in a sim­plis­tic form that trans­lates and is relat­able to by the mass­es.

The Mona Lisa is a clas­sic because of it’s stun­ning sim­plic­i­ty. The painter has sim­ply cap­tured a moment in time an trans­lat­ed it to can­vas in a lan­guage that is appeal­ing and under­stand­able by the mass­es.

If Da Vin­ci had put a bowl of fruit in her hands, jew­els around her neck, flow­ers in the field, the sun in the sky, a house or barn in the back­ground, what would we be look­ing at? What sto­ry would he be telling? What would be the focus and mean­ing behind what he had to say?

It gets lost in trans­la­tion. The more “wax­ing lyri­cal” or “wax­ing poet­ic” a piece has, the more the base mes­sage is obscured. I am sure you can see the anal­o­gy by now to writ­ing sto­ries and espe­cial­ly poet­ry.

Clas­sic pieces of poet­ry sur­vive because of their sim­plic­i­ty and the abil­i­ty of the author to relate a “moment” in form that every­one will under­stand. When you look at clas­sic poet­ry that has sur­vived you will see it is musi­cal and for the most part, bril­liant in it’s sim­plic­i­ty.

I will keep this blog sim­ple today. Today for the first time I am going to intro­duce you one such sim­plis­tic writer who’s work has sur­vived that test of time and has been trans­lat­ed into ever lan­guage known to man.


That Poet and bril­liant mind would be none oth­er than Nos­tradamus him­self.



He is per­haps arguably the best poet through­out his­to­ry and his work com­bines my great­est loves in the poet­ic world.

Sim­plic­i­ty, qua­trains and eso­te­ria.


I know his work was in French so it makes that bit more dif­fi­cult to show­case Nos­trad­maus but what I want to show­case is the sheer bril­liance that is the man. He used his gift in such a closed mind­ed time to last many life­times and reached out to many minds. Nos­tradamus was born in a time of closed reli­gion and polit­i­cal thoughts. He was a bril­liant man and saw the world as the great bril­liant artists have through­out time. A left of cen­tre, from the out­side look­ing in, curi­ous vista.

Because of the abil­i­ty to look at the world from dif­fer­ent eyes, he was able to take it one step fur­ther and to actu­al see and project where things would lead. It was com­mon sense real­ly. Pure log­ic or logos.

If some­one gets mar­ried to some­one I know to be dis­trust­wor­thy and a sleep around then I could pret­ty much guar­entee a bro­ken heart qua­trains for the gen­tle­man con­cerned will be a case of life imi­tates art with­in a few short years.

But because of the time he lived, he could not blog his thoughts on the world at large. So he used his gift of the word, the gift of Logos to share his visions and drems and views of times ahead. He used sim­ple poet­ry or qua­trains. A sim­ple four lined stan­za, rhyming it to tell a sto­ry in a way that left the view­er guess­ing and sur­mis­ing what he was talk­ing about.

At the time his mean­ing was not clear. That became clear in time. What is clear is that this man had a gift and he used that gift to share with us today a piece of mag­ic that was Nos­trad­mus­es world.

Ryh­ming Poet­ry with sim­plic­i­ty

Poet­ry is bal­ance. It must have a flow and form that is pleas­ing to the mind in order for the read­er to feel the emo­tion behind the writ­ten word. It is not just a mat­ter of ryh­ming the last words of the sec­ond and fourth lines. All oth­er mate­r­i­al must fit. There must be a sto­ry or feel­ing con­veyed by the words and there must be a musi­cal sound or lilt to the pat­tern of words as they are said. There are rules in the poet­ry world. Once again. I don’t do rules so I will share my own per­son­al poet­ic rules.

It will not work it the sen­tence struc­ture is flat.

dum dum dum dum dum
— is flat

da da da da da
— is flat

but it will work with

dee dum dee dum dee dum dee dum.
— is musi­cal

It will not work if the sto­ry does not make sense or if it con­tains a waxed poet­ic fluff­ball of out­side influ­ences.

Keep it sim­ple.

The Chal­lenge
What I would like to see today is for every­one to use their gifts and real­ly step out­side their com­fort zone. Not just their gifts of the word but their gifts of the dream. I would like you to sit a minute and to think how it could be in the future and if you were nos­tradamus today, what would you write, What would be your qua­trains for tomorrow’s world.

Share them here. Here is two exam­ples of qua­trains I have writ­ten today. The dif­fer­ence between them is sim­ple. One is good and one isn’t. Although they both tell the sto­ry I wish to tell, One has max­i­mized the use of words and feel­ings and the ohter is just a bunch of words put togeth­er that hap­pen to rhyme but not flow. I don’t want a dis­cus­sion or argu­ment over what I wrote, the actu­al sub­ject mat­ter. I am just using it as an exam­ple.


A cow­boy heads towards set­ting suns
with gold­en rains and rag­ing beasts
of fools sand and mighty ter­rors
they will wish the wheel rolled east

if oba­ma wins pre­s­e­lec­tion
there is one path you know
there will be an assas­si­na­tion
into the white house a clin­ton will go

Which one works for you?



I hope I didn’t lose you halfway through all that.


What do you think?

Resources for Fur­ther Read­ing

Nos­trad­maus Wikipedia

Nostradmaus.org — All Qua­trains List­ed

What is a Qua­train — Wikipedia



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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