Emotional Rescue

first pub­lished 2009

Ever had a hissy fit?
Ever blown your stack?
Ever been really hurt and cried for days?

Ever ranted and raved and carried on?

If so then you have emo­tion….

(bet you felt bet­ter after­wards)

and that brings me to the sub­ject on my wid­dle mind today …


Do we hide them or do we leave them open to be as they are?

as we grow we are taught to refrain, to con­trol and to ignore our emo­tions.

In today’s soci­ety we even have lit­tle hap­py pills that take care of our emo­tions for us and damp­en them so that we do not feel emo­tion. We are taught as we grow to con­trol oursleves. Not to feel or to even think too deeply.

Yeah I get it.. emo­tion hurts. The easy way out is to take one of those pills and dull the sens­es from that emo­tion.

How­ev­er I’m not like that. I have nev­er hid my emo­tions.

Because I tru­ly believe that emo­tion = heart = pas­sion

and I am a pas­sion­ate per­son. With­out pas­sion life is bland and bor­ing and I feel that to exist as opposed to liv­ing life ful­ly is not what I wish to become in life.

We are often told not to cry, not to yell or not to be upset. Let it go, be the bet­ter per­on and ignore it… ah YES ignore it. Ignore yourslf and what your body spir­it and mind is try­ing to tell you.

how often do you ignore your­self?

How often do you hide from your emo­tions?

I read an inter­est­ing let­ter from one of my so called sup­port agen­cies the oth­er day which basi­cal­ly stat­ed that I am very artic­u­late but emo­tion­al.

I’m proud of that. I guess it wasn’t writ­ten in a pos­i­tive light but who cares. I am emo­tion­al. I am proud of my emo­tions because my emo­tions real­ly tell me what is going on around me.

Is it ratio­nal to con­trol ones feel­ings or is it more ratio­nal to be nat­ur­al and to feel and expe­ri­ence ALL there is to expe­ri­ence.

How can you hide your emo­tion and yet love freely?

How can you damp­en your feel­ings and still feel freely?

How can you tru­ly know your­self if you hide from what you feel?

You can’t You become a lit­tle less human and a lit­tle more robot­ic. You lose indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. You lose your sense of self. You become some­thing a lit­tle less than your­self. You, the inner you becomes hid­den behind an emo­tion­less mask.

I cry I laugh I love I hate but most of all I live and I live to my utmost. I see I think I touch I taste I hear but most of all I feel through life.

I won’t hide my emo­tion. I will feel what there is to feel whether it be joy or sad­ness melan­choly or despair.

and by doing that I will go on… I will move for­ward and not be kept stag­nant, I will not be trapped or held hostage by those very emo­tions kept tight­ly locked with­in my mind, slow­ly dam­ag­ing my soul until I too become that robot­ic emo­tion­less thing.

I love my life. I love it all. I take it all and accept it all.

It hurts
It sux some­times

But it rocks too



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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