Fate & Destiny

Life is like a huge fer­ris wheel… you go up and down and round and round.. some­times it seems like you are for­ev­er at the bot­tom.. but the wheel turns.. from the bot­tom, you climb, high­er and high­er and as you get high­er and high­er, the view gets bet­ter.. life gets bet­ter.. some­times you have to stop and wait for oth­ers to get on or off the ride…. but it always begins again.. it doesn’t stay stag­nate for­ev­er.. it moves up again……

Life goes on.. the sun will shine tomor­row… The sun­shine may be cloud­ed … but it’s still there… and soon­er or lat­er, those clouds are going to rain out.. bring­ing back the sun­shine and rain­bows….

On my 100th birth­day.. as I blow the can­dles out with a blow dri­er…. I want to be able to reflect back and real­ly be hap­py and proud of my accom­plish­ments.


I want to look aaround at my huge fam­i­ly and friends and be able to tru­ly say.. my life rocked.. it was the best


I want to grow old with­out regrets..

with no
“Oh i real­ly wish i had done that after all”…….

as I wile away the hours in my lit­tle farm cot­tage over­look­ing the ocean and moun­tain I want to be able to replay the movies of my life in my mind over and over….and enjoy those high­lights time after time.


.. you make it your­self…

if you want some­thing.. then go out and get it….. take the reins….take con­trol.. dri­ve on and steer the wagon…..don’t let life pass you by..and when you do get to obsta­cles.. they are just speed bumps on the road….designed to slow you down and make you think before any dam­age is done to your vehicle….that would be….


If you are unhap­py.. make changes.. be hap­py.. you have that right……This is your life.. Yours and yours only.. make it good….

Cos this one is about you and only you.

Life.. live it

How do you live your life?

Do you treat it as if life is pre­cious…..?

Do you think each day is a gift and not a giv­en right………………?



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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