Secret Mona Lisa codes Keys — visible Temple Door

truth of the GOD con­struct is in art .. the mir­ror of the eye. and behind that, is the reflec­tion and in that is the piece of GOD that is the heart of cre­ation. All cre­ation

You can only see the truth trap visu­al­ly in the flip ..the image appears in your brains flipped up and flipped across .. your brain reads the mes­sage back­wards and upside down and THEN con­verts it right way up and across so this is what your brains sees..

Mona Lisa was/is the door to the red drag­on’s tem­ple (mason­ic) for cen­turies.

Every time you look at it you get drawn into the illu­sion.

How­ev­er, if you look at the  paint­ing from the hori­zon, at the reflec­tion, you see the pure truth behind the illu­sion­ary “catch­net” light in the cen­tre.

Is God to live in a Dog, no but the high­est of us are,

you will see the cute crit­ter under the even cuter dog if you look deep

now this is how sub­lim­i­nal adver­tis­ing works.. grab a pic of a gam­bling ad or alco­hol or any sleek image it will be already horver’ed hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal flip and past­ed. I have seen inno­cent look­ing pics and flip­ping the  the dupli­cate images meld­ing them and they flip into girls or guys hav­ing sex or a bit of hawk tua, you don’t see it but your eye and mind does.. it con­trols you


note the ser­pent eye in the cen­tre eye and note the tem­ple the arch on her fore­head and the tem­ple pills are the noses. The more you see. note the two con­structs in the mid­dle at sides of image , like a winged crit­ter with 8 legs the globe con­struct of per­fect ion in mid­dle, the angel bow tying it all in


The Hawk and The Dog
You will see these images often in Logos art and cre­ation

as it is linked in the col­lec­tive con­scious­ness




Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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