
First Pub­lished 2009
Some­times I just have to laugh at the hypocrisy of hoomans…. 

If I wore a fur coat.. I would be looked down upon and crit­i­cized. I would have PETA on my ass for wear­ing a dead ani­mal. If I wore fur and I was pho­tographed by the paparazzi for wear­ing such said fur, I would suf­fer pub­lic shame and Naked PETA protests out­side my abode. I might even make nation­al news head­lines.


Many celebri­ties have joined the PETA cause over the years includ­ing Pamela Ander­son “Oh No I could nev­er wear fur”. Celebri­ties hold news con­fer­ences, Char­i­ty doo’s and are at the fore­front of ani­mal rights march­es and protests in their effort to stop peo­ple wear­ing dead ani­mals……

No celebri­ty who wants to keep their career and pub­lic pop­u­lar­i­ty would be caught dead in a fox fur coat or a mink stole and most are vocal in their anti fur stance.

Can you say “Join­ing caus­es because it is trendy”.

Even Anne Win­tour the edi­tor of Vogue mag­a­zine wears fake fur instead of the real Mc Coy…. It is con­sid­ered a huge blun­der for stars to wear real fur…..

So Ok we know from all this that wear­ing fur is bad. Wear­ing dead ani­mals is bad.


That is where I laugh at the hypocrisy. 

Because at the same time this “Anti Fur” celebri­ty stance is on the rise, so is anoth­er trend…..


The good Old Aussie Ugg Boot.

Ugg boots are not new to us Aussies. I remem­ber hav­ing them as a kid. Most Aus­tralians wear them hap­pi­ly around dur­ing the cold­er months and some even in sum­mer.


Just late­ly over the past cou­ple of years UGG Boots have grown into a multi­na­tion­al rage across the world. Stores spe­cial­iz­ing in UGG boot sales are spring­ing up every­where from Hol­ly­wood to London’s trendi­er sub­urbs.


Every­one who is any­one is now wear­ing UGG Boots and attend­ing store open­ing of UGG boot shops across the world..


So how is that hyp­o­crit­i­cal

Well I don’t know what rock all these hyp­o­crit­i­cal peo­ple were born under.. because UGG Boots are made of Sheep­skin.. yup a poor ole sheep had to die a nasty death to get those boots that are so com­fy and warm….You are still wear­ing a dead ani­mal……




So I per­son­al­ly can’t see the dif­fer­ence between killing a fox for his fur or a sheep for his skin…. can you? 



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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