I Did Not Say That!

Do you want your voice to be heard?

Have you ever found your­self say­ing some­thing to some­one only to have it twist­ed and mis­rep­re­sent­ed at a lat­er date?


Have you ever played Chi­nese Whis­pers? Have you ever been the vic­tim of Chi­nese Whis­pers? Sil­ly ques­tion because I think we have all been the vic­tim of whis­pered rumors and twist­ed words before.

“That is not what I said”

“I Did Not Say That!”

When deal­ing with rumors or com­plaints, do you speak out loud­ly and oral­ly cor­rect the mis­takes made?

uh uh bad bad.

That is Not What you Said

Ok how can you prove what I said then?

ahh that is the point. Unless we have proof of the con­ver­sa­tion con­tents via a stenog­ra­ph­er or a taped record­ing then we can’t prove what we said.

Even some­one tak­ing notes of a con­ver­sa­tion can make errors.
Words tran­scribed, trans­lat­ed, orat­ed or dic­tat­ed can be tak­en out of con­text and changed. Just like Chi­nese Whis­pers too.

“That is not what I said”

I found myself scream­ing that state­ment many times late­ly.

In deal­ing with every­thing I am deal­ing with offline at the moment I have learned one valu­able les­son. Well many but the biggest les­son I learned is to

Write it the fuck down!!




“That is what I said”


I think I have become the most pro­lif­ic let­ter writer in Aus­tralia. After hear­ing state­ments from peo­ple I am deal­ing with such as “We have nev­er been told that before” “you nev­er told us that before” and “That is not what you said” I decid­ed that the only way I could back myself up and to prove it indeed is exact­ly “That was what I said” is by writ­ing it down and send­ing it off in print..

So either way, to prove my point or to prove their point I could eas­i­ly ref­er­ence and refer to exactly“What I Said”

“well sir if you refer to my let­ter dat­ed 16th of Octo­ber, page 2 line 16 then you can see 


I have become silent.

My voice is no longer heard. I no longer spend an hour on the phone to cus­tomer com­plaints. Instead I spend five min­utes on hold and find out a fax num­ber, email address or snail mail address of the per­son I real­ly need to be talk­ing to and can help me.

Speak­ing of which, don’t you get tired of the riga­ma­role of phone depart­ments you talk to about any sort of com­plaint. First you orate your issue to the recep­tion­ist and then shes says “hold on please trans­fer­ring you now”. You wait on hold anoth­er fif­teen min­utes and then relate your tale again to a new dude who sounds like he just got out of high school only to find out that it is not dudes depart­ment that you need and he needs to trans­fer you again. In one phone con­ver­sa­tion to Tel­stra regard­ing a mis­take on my phone bill I usu­al­ly talk to peo­ple In India, Perth, Mel­bourne, Syd­ney Bris­bane and the per­son that usu­al­ly even­tu­al­ly helps me is in down­town Dune­doo, in out­back New South Wales with a total pop­u­la­tion 26.

Time of phone call = One hour forty min­utes.
Result of Phone call= Was told to put it in writ­ing and was giv­en an address to send it to.

So yeah..don’t wor­ry or both­er about using your voice..
some peo­ple just don’t lis­ten hear or com­pre­hend
just write it down..
pre­serve it for pos­ter­i­ty..
keep the records..



“This is what I said”

Have you ever wished you had writ­ten it down?



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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