
Logos = WORD

Logos is not the“word of god”

Logos became a tech­ni­cal term in West­ern phi­los­o­phy
begin­ning with Her­a­cli­tus (c. 535 – c.  475 BC), (aka Before Christ)

Logos became part of the ver­nac­u­lar By Aris­to­tle times 384 BC (aka Before Christ)
it was adopt­ed by She­brews in 40 bc
Chris­t­ian con­struct start­ed 200 ad
bible writ­ten 600ad

Logos is an ancient greek word for word.

logos is word

word is logos

your mind has been con­di­tioned to attach GOD to the word, logos.

The More the Illu­sion is seen through from periph­er­al, from the hori­zon eyes will open
light goes in col­or comes out

of TheDark!!



he Greek word logos (λόγος) means “word, dis­course, or rea­son”. It’s the root of the word “log­ic” and is used in rhetoric to describe a method of per­sua­sion that uses rea­son and log­ic. 

The word logos comes from the Pro­to-Indo-Euro­pean root leǵ‑, which means “I put in order, arrange, gath­er, choose, count, reck­on, dis­cern, say, speak”. It’s relat­ed to the Ancient Greek word légō, which means “I say”.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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