Mayet’s Moon Mystery Oct 2005

Extra Moon In Pho­to’s ? Pic­ture Weird­ness

I take a lot of shots of sun­sets and sun­ris­es and last night I was out tak­ing pho­tos just on sun­set of the moon and pink clouds.

I was amazed when after one shot I had an image that was not there and then when I came inside to stick the images on my com­put­er I was shocked and flab­ber­gast­ed at the image.

These shots are of the moon. The moon is ris­ing in the East. I was tak­ing the pho­to point­ing due east.

Then I turned around to cap­ture some nice clouds on the moun­tain­top fac­ing due west and then I took the below image stand­ing in the same spot as I took the east­ern moon images but now fac­ing due north north­west. This is the first one I took. Noth­ing unusu­al. I was­n’t going to take any more from this angle because I was­n’t hap­py with the pic­tures but then decid­ed to take a cou­ple more

Now for the amaz­ing shot that still has me shak­ing my head. I know my cam­era. I know how to take pic­tures I know what a smudge on the cam­era looks like, I know what ris­ing smoke looks like and I know what reflec­tions look like.

But this is the moon.….…..In my shot tak­en fac­ing north north west and yet the moon was behind me to the back­side of my head ris­ing in the east? How is this so. Check the cloud for­ma­tions in this pic and the one before.…

I have just shak­en my head and put it down to “the unex­plain­able”.

I took more images, in fact when I saw that come up in the lcd pre­vew screen I went snap mad and point­ed the cam­era all over the sky try­ing to repro­duce the effect…but I could­n’t


I will put Pichere for your perusal with kind Mayet’s per­mis­sion.
This has been cropped very close­ly, no col­or cor­rec­tion, gam­ma nor con­trast has been done..Raw crop only.




Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

One thought on “Mayet’s Moon Mystery Oct 2005”

  1. ——————————————————

    I have had the pho­to exam­ined by many many peo­ple and pho­tog­ra­phy experts and no one can explain or even come close to explain­ing just what the heck is in the pho­to and how it hap­pened.

    Some of the com­ments I have received over the pics fol­low here 

    There is absolute­ly no evi­dence these pho­tos have been edit­ed or faked.
    It is clear that the bot­tom pic­ture is not round like the top one..
    What­ev­er it is. It is THERE.
    That is some strange pho­to Mayet.

    I won­der, could it be a reflec­tion off of some­thing? What I do not know. Elec­trochro­mat­ic cloak­ing device show­ing you what was behind you instead of what was behind it?

    I think that both shots show, if you look care­ful­ly, that:
    a) they were tak­en in pret­ty much the same spot, except the sec­ond one the cam­era was tilt­ed up just slight­ly more
    b) the clouds have moved just slight­ly to the left in the sec­ond one. It seems to me that the true order of the sequence of the shots could be more or less proven if a weath­er sta­tion or ser­vice could ver­i­fy the prop­er direc­tion the clouds should have been mov­ing in from that van­tage point on that night.
    In the high res image, I also saw an unusu­al sec­tion of blocks if you zoom way in on the low­er por­tion of the light. The col­ors don’t seem to be con­tigu­ous with the rest of the blocks in the image at that high a zoom. Just not sure what it means, could be a cam­era mal­func­tion…

    That light looks to be with­in the stratosp­hear not out in space.

    Its inter­est­ing, I real­ly have no expla­na­tion on how you could achieve such an effect.

    You just hap­pened to be for­tu­nate enough to get a moth­er­ship on film..
    This is what empa­thet­i­cal­ly came to me when I viewed it.
    I am a photofin­ish­ing engi­neer, and I must dis­count spots or any oth­er thing..
    Know­ing they are com­ing, it does not sur­prise me..hang on to them and get an enlarge­ment if you can..or crop it down

    Well in my opin­ion, it does­n’t look exact­ly like the moon in the oth­er pic­tures. None of those “trails” com­ming off of it.

    Which leads me to a few rea­sons: One you put it there, which I would­n’t believe because I’ve seen your posts and you come off as a very cread­i­ble per­son, but I had to throw it out there any­ways; anoth­er is its a bug or dust that had float­ed in front of the lens; like some­one had already said, a reflec­tion of a space object such as a satel­lite, but I would­n’t think it would be that large of an object; its an ORB!; its some­thing we can’t explain and is a true mys­tery.

    Hope we find out what it is though

    Could it have been a reflec­tion? But then again the sun and moon can come out at both the same time, it hap­pens alot. Buty­ou said that there was noth­ing there, maybe a reflec­tion off a satelite?

    There has to be an explaina­tion to it.

    When I was at the shore in the sum­mer, we saw a very big, almost red moon over the ocean, but the moon was behind us, was there for a good hour. Tons of peo­ple were out­side star­ing.

    Chalk it up to strange atmos­pher­ic phe­nom­e­na? Who knows..

    Could there have been some dust on the lens? Could your cam­era been affect­ed by freak elec­tro-mag­net­ic waves?

    Maybe there’s two moons orbit­ing our plan­et but one’s hid­den by an opti­cal illu­sion?

    Maybe it’s NOT the moon. And all that implies…

    I’m from Mel­bourne (Aus­tralia) and a while ago I saw anoth­er moon too, but it was red and so low that it was behind peo­ples hous­es. This was about 9 o’clock at night.

    Look, it’s not a sec­ond moon: Mayet, sure­ly you looked at the sky with your naked eyes while tak­ing these right? And you did­n’t see that light in that direc­tion, right? So this ‘moon’ must have been spin­ning at the speed of light across the sky for it to be there one moment and then gone the next (in which case the image would have a drag-blur). So it must be either a cam­era mal­func­tion (pic­ture amal­ga­ma­tion or some­thing) or it is some­thing that the cam­era could see but not the naked eye, or it was a ufo fly­ing about.

    What­ev­er it may be, I do not believe Mayet to be fak­ing this… it is int­rig­ing

    after look­ing at those pic­tures, I was just as flaber­gast­ed, but I have a the­o­ry of what it might have been.
    An Irid­i­um flare, cer­tain satelites use Irid­i­um, I believe as a fuel to repo­si­tion them­selves in there orbit, I saw one once, it looked very resem­bla­to­ry to the pic­ture.
    Also, I believe I read some­one said that ina pho­to enhance­ment pro­gram, the “orb” had a square in it, now I dont claim to know any­thing about pho­to edit­ing, but I do know about satelites, and alot of satelites are square cubi­cle in shape, so that could evi­dence of it being a satelites Irid­i­um flare.

    if it is a ufo, which i firm­ly believe, could the lights on the bot­tom be some elec­tro­mag­net­ic source (saw a sci fi spe­cial last week on how some peo­ple believed ufo propul­sion is elec­tro­mag­net­ic)??

    this sure looks a lot like a big blueish ball of light i saw hov­er­ing over hill­tops in Turkey back in 1994 i think. At that time i was very aware its extrater­res­tri­al and peo­ple around me were dead frozen star­ing at it. Nobody remem­bered see­ing any­thing unusu­al when it was gone.…like if some­body turned up a big reflec­tor in the sky

    this sure looks a lot like a big blueish ball of light i saw hov­er­ing over hill­tops in Turkey back in 1994 i think. At that time i was very aware its extrater­res­tri­al and peo­ple around me were dead frozen star­ing at it. Nobody remem­bered see­ing any­thing unusu­al when it was gone.…like if some­body turned up a big reflec­tor in the sky

    It seems you are not alone: many more peo­ple are see­ing a large mys­tery light source in the sky ‑some describe it as a “moth­er­ship” I believe.
    I am very skep­ti­cal that some­thing strange is hap­pen­ing. Though hav­ing said that; you nev­er know. Per­haps you can cross check your expe­ri­ence with that what oth­ers claim they have expe­ri­enced.
    There is even an account of some­one in the Philip­ines that has also seen that big light source.

    Nor­mal­ly I am not real­ly into the para­nor­mal or strange phe­nom­e­nas. I stum­bled across that thread/board by coin­ci­dence a few weeks ago. I am skep­ti­cal some­thing weird is real­ly hap­pen­ing, but (again) who knows?

    FWIW, I don’t believe you PS’d it, and I’ve also read enough of your stuff to know you would­n’t be pulling our chains on this. I know you said you were out­side, which entire­ly dis­counts this the­o­ry, but it real­ly looks to me like a reflec­tion of an inte­ri­or light on a win­dow.

    It looks too big to me to be any­thing off of a satel­lite, and it’s too cir­cu­lar to be a mete­orite (unless it’s com­ing right at you…), and there’s no trail of any kind. In the large image you linked to ear­li­er, there is a slight­ly larg­er “blur” of the light on the top-right side of it, which leads me to believe that the object (or your cam­era) was mov­ing towards the low­er-left, even if very slight­ly. Oth­er than that, if it’s mov­ing it must be mov­ing quite slow­ly or you have a high shut­ter speed on your cam­era (don’t know what the nor­mal rate is on a dig­i­tal cam…)

    I’d have to go with either the cam mal­func­tion for a “nor­mal” the­o­ry, or an object that’s some­how “cloaked” for a more out-there idea. Some­thing that bright would’ve been noticed before you took the pic­ture.

    Thank you for the response, put me in the moth­er­ship gang.
    We have been ask­ing and talk­ing about dis-clo­sure for decades and when/if one gets an image of one, it is debunked.
    IMO, this is just the tip of the ice­berg of what will be an enmasse showing/landing.
    If I were an alien, I would make it so clear that nobody could declare they are get­ting clos­er and have no inten­tions of harm­ing the true believ­ers„

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