Polygamy and Raids

April 2008

May has some­thing to say and her fin­gers did the walk­ing.…. *grins

Last week I touched on the sto­ry of the polyg­a­mist com­pound raid in texas that has seem­ing­ly polar­ized the nation.

I found I have more to say on this mat­ter. SO I decid­ed to blog it today and open some dis­cus­sion.

These bad men were caught and stopped from vio­lent­ly rap­ing and beat­ing their many wives. Chil­dren were being raped and impreg­nat­ed and held against their will. The author­i­ties did a great job in bring­ing these freaks down.

Is that how you saw it?

Yes that is the way it has been pre­sent­ed but after watch­ing it all over the past week some ques­tions are start­ing to raise in my head. Lots of them. main­ly about the wrongs and rights of the whole she­moz­zle.

On the sur­face, in the eyes of men and women in Amer­i­ca today, these women and chil­dren are supressed and abused and liv­ing an attr­cious life.

But are they? Or are we judg­ing these peo­ple to our own social stan­dards?

There is some “issues” I have with the whole debar­cle.

In the 90’s there was anoth­er Tex­an cult. The name David Koresch still to this day sends fear into the hearts of peo­ple around the world and the whis­pered word “cult” soon gets bandied around. In 1996 tanks, armed gun­men, heli­copters and army all invad­ed the Waco com­pound and with­in 30 min­utes there was over 100 dead. At first every­one bought the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the raid but soon things emerged that were not quite right. Mis­takes were made. fatal ones.

Now we have the armed com­man­do raid on this polygamy com­pound.

Polygamy right or wrong.

Today as a species we have moved that far from all that is nat­ur­al that WE HAVE FORGOTTEN what is nat­ur­al to us. We have for­got­ten instinct and what is right.

I am not say­ing that polygamy is the way to go for the human race but lets look at nat­ur­al selec­tion for a minute here. It is all around you in nature. The sur­vival of the fittest, only the strongest genes car­ry through. The fight for alpha sta­tus in the tribe and the right to “have the women”. In the kan­ga­roo pop­u­la­tion and I know the same goes for lions in Africa, there are large amounts of juve­nile rogue wan­der­ers. The alpha male gets his pride of females and the juve­nile males are cast out to fight amongst them­selves for supre­me­cy and they wan­der, to find an even­tu­al mate.

Humans used to do this too but then some­thing hap­pened. Oh yes I can hear you say­ing it now. Humans became “civ­i­lized”. Cit­i­zen, civil­ian, servi­tude, ser­vant slave. Oh that right. yes we became con­trolled.

So when we look at nature we can see that polygamy is a nat­ur­al occur­ance to ensure the sur­vival of the fittest. Ok then, so who told us this was wrong, Oh thats right, the bible, the same book that tells us to treat women as chat­tels (Chris­tian­i­ty is the ulti­mate patri­archial reli­gion and sun/son fire male wor­ship­per), it also tells us that homo­sex­u­als should be killed and I could go on with the crap that was writ­ten because of that con­trol. So I should lis­ten to this book that incites hatred should I or should I lis­ten to the birds and the bees and the flow­ers and the trees.. and a lit­tle thing called LOVE.

Who are we to judge how these peo­ple live their lives? Who are we to take their chil­dren. Who are we to tell them the way they are liv­ing is wrong.

Can you say glasshouse and humungous rocks.. boul­ders in fact.….….

Lets look at the dirty side of the coin. These peo­ple work hard, they “slave” away in gar­den to acheive self suf­fi­cien­cy for their fam­i­lies. Their chil­dren are along­side them. We slave away in con­crete office block, work­ing our lives for the man and ignor­ing our chil­dren, leav­ing them to school and day cen­tres to raise.

They pro­duce their own food. Pure and nat­ur­al and not a drain on sys­tem. We pro­duce GM tox­in enriched foods that are slow­ly or fast­ly destroy­ing our plan­et and food chain. We buy hor­mon­al chick­en and feed on madon­alds and oth­er assort­ed fast foods. They live in a qui­et peace­ful soci­ety, rel­a­tive free of crime. We live in a greedy 7 dead­ly sins soci­ety of any­thing goes that is full of dan­gers to us and chil­dren.

They have great access to health care. Many have glass­es and braces on teeth. They are warm and sur­round­ed by love.

These peo­ple have seen the evils in soci­ety today and cho­sen to live apart form it. They see that mankind has sown the seeds for his own destruc­tion and so they have pre­pared them­selves to be an enclosed unit. If this so called dred­ed bird flu sweeps our coun­tries. Who has more chance of sur­vival. Will you have a bet­ter chance in the mid­dle of a big city or town fight­ing for med­ical help, fight­ing for food and water, sur­round­ed by greed. Or these peo­ple who have lov­ing­ly pre­pared them­selves for such an even­tu­al­i­ty. And don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a far fetched anal­o­gy. in 22 arti­cle I pulled up on the bird flu in 2006, every sin­gle one of them had the exact same line in it. Sci­en­tist have FEARS and WARN that the bird flu will mutate into a DEADLY PANDEMIC. wow all thsoe fears.. can you image the chaos when it starts.

These peple wear fun­ny dress­es. Have you seen a goth or an emo late­ly? I actu­al­ly admired the pas­tel col­ors and the neat clean and tidy appear­ance of the fam­i­lies.


They share a hus­band. Well lets get down to this. I’ve spo­ken to polyg­a­mists and read and watched many things over the years in my efforts to under­stand. From a wom­ans point of view. She shares chores, instead of her­self doing every­thing, those house­hold tasks are shared, in com­pa­ny, the child mind­ing is shared. Then there is the com­pa­ny and the sup­port. Women need to have their “girls”, some­one to talk to, share fears, com­fort them and to sup­port them in areas that men’s brains are just not wired for. The sup­port and friend­ship between polyg­a­mist wives is incred­i­ble. They are clos­er than sis­ters. They care only about the fam­i­ly. The whole fam­i­ly. That is their gig in life. Their fam­i­ly.

and lets face it girls… you know those nights that you have a headache? ..No such wor­ry.. no pes­ter­ing with the wood­peck­er in the back all night..

In any cul­ture you have rogue ele­ments. Espe­cial­ly ones that can infil­trate such an oga­ni­za­tion and use or be used by oth­ers. Our own chaot­ic and deviant soci­ety full of crimes drugs and abusers infects the very air these peo­ple breathe. So even if they choose o live away from soci­ety, they have no choice but to face soci­eties con­se­quences. They will get freaks and odd­balls try­ing to join for their own agen­da.

It brings me to mind the witch tri­als and reli­gious per­se­cu­tion of the ear­ly cen­turies. Burn them. Kill them, they are dif­fer­ent.

Are we going to raid nud­ist camps next and take their kids?

So every­one cries out “but there was an alle­ga­tion of abuse”

When an orga­ni­za­tion becomes to big and inde­pen­dant for their boots and starts hav­ing peo­ple lis­ten to them and achieve some inde­pen­dance from the sys­tem a cam­paign is start­ed, to desto­ry cred­i­bil­i­ty and to give a ‘rea­son” for the takeover and bring­ing down of inde­pen­dance. How easy would it be, to slip some­one next to a known sex offend­er and have him whis­per in his ear about this mag­ic place where he could have 4 or 5 young women all at once. Zap, dude would­n’t even ask ques­tions except for direc­tions before he would be off like a shot. Done deed, let nature take its course and two years lat­er a whis­pered phone call alleg­ing abuse of a girl who has since not been found, is all the excuse you need.

Until 1830 or so the legal age of con­sent in Eng­land was 13. There are still many nations where the age of con­sent is that low. Do we run in with com­man­do raids to those coun­tries and take over with guns and take the chil­dren oh wait we used mis­sion­ar­ies for that.. cos the bible told us so.…do we march in and tell them they are liv­ing wrong, they should live like us in con­crete jun­gles, with arti­fi­cial food, shit­ty health ser­vices, crimes, drugs, divorce, abuse and *sigh.….…. yeah.…..

50 years ago in Aus­tralia we had the stolen gen­er­a­tion of Aus­tralians. A whole gen­er­a­tion of abo­rig­i­nal babies tak­en from their moth­ers and placed with white fam­i­lies because they had a bit of white in them. (well hey, I have a bit of black in me, does it make it right for abo­rig­i­nals to take my chil­dren and return them to the tribe? tit for tat). It was done because soci­ety said it was wrong for those chil­dren to live with their fam­i­lies, it was wrong for white chil­dren to live with black fam­i­lies. It destroyed a gen­er­a­tion.

Today the gov­ern­ment says sor­ry it was wrong.. small peace of mind for the stolen ones

40 years ago babies were tak­en from sin­gle moth­ers and adopt­ed out. The moth­ers were told it was wrong, that it was a sin, that it was a crime. Anoth­er gen­er­a­tion destroyed. Those chil­dren did­n’t get an apol­o­gy.. unlike­ly they ever will.. they just see the con­fu­sion of a soci­ety that accepts and con­dones and encour­ages in some areas what they were cast out for at birth.

You see as many read­ers know I was one of those chil­dren, tak­en from my moth­er who was 18. SHe was told it was a sin to have me and not be mar­ried. I was tak­en from her arms and adopt­ed into a nice chris­t­ian fam­i­ly and led to believe all my live as a child that my moth­er had sinned. I was that much of a shame­ful sin that i was­n’t even afford­ed the lux­u­ry of a labour ward and mater­ni­ty ward. No I was born behind a sheet to hide me from the sur­round­ing dead bod­ies, in a morgue. The shame of my birth was that great that I was bought into life in the bow­els of death. Can you imag­ine how I felt as a sin­gle moth­er of 19 hold­ing my fuzzball of a baby daugh­ter in my arms for the first time? The first ever touch and bond with any­thing of my blood? The thoughts of how some­one could have their baby tak­en away.….

I grew up ask­ing why. Why was I so bad and so sin­ful that no one want­ed me. I grew up to find out I was stolen so in turn their was some­one else out there ask­ing why was I tak­en from them. My broth­er is a won­der­ful per­son. He has a great job, a beau­ti­ful fiancee, a baby on the way, a new home and a gen­tle nature.… he is loved and adored by his moth­er, they are very close, they talk every­day and the bond betwen them is incred­i­ble.… his moth­er, our moth­er should be proud of him and she is. Don’t get me wrong. I adore my adop­tive par­ents and wor­ship the gorund they walk on, they have done so much for me.

I was judged before I was born and have been ever since. My life’s choic­es have nev­er been conventional..they nev­er were, how could they be when con­ven­tion­al­i­ty was ripped from my grasp with my first breath of air. It has giv­en me some­thing I am hap­py with. A per­spec­tive of look­ing at things form all sides.… not just the one that is being fed to me.. I can feed myself and pre­fer a fork to a spoon.

I guess what I am say­ing is .. you have lis­tened to the media blitz on these 400 or so chil­dren and yes the tri­al will be the best cir­cus I’ve watched for many years. You have seen that nice lady say­ing how she had tak­en cus­tody of all those chil­dren to fos­ter them out and go to court. Those chil­dren were tak­en from their par­ents by the gov­ern­ment because they were dif­fer­ent. What was wrong with going in and work­ing with these peo­ple. Oh we have heard that there is some­thing going on here.. ra ra…

No we had to have the “phonecall” the “excuse” the “media cir­cus” and jus­ti­fi­ca­tion. This sends a mes­sage to the peo­ple .. hmm is it a good one or is it fear? I hope you have looked at the pho­tos I have put here and I hope you have looked at the oth­er side of this coin and the impli­ca­tions of the loss of free­dom. No I do not con­done abuse. There is abuse every­where. If one child is abused in a day­care cen­tre are all the chil­dren tak­en from their moth­ers?

This is abuse.

This sure looks like love to me.





Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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