My Birth Snapshot

Mar­garet Ruth Boyle
MAr­garET  Maet Ma’et Mayet (pearl)
21 Novem­ber 1966 04:11  (AEST)
Uni­ver­sal Time (UT/GMT):
20 Novem­ber 1966 — 18:11
Local Side­re­al Time (LST):
House sys­tem:
Placidus sys­tem
Lat­i­tude, Lon­gi­tude:
Australia Aus­tralia (AU)
Place of Birth  Annan­dale Morgue (Queen Vic­to­ria Hos­pi­tal)

Syd­ney ‑Heart of the ser­pent Land of the rain­bow ser­pent

Arrived by my moth­er who was cov­ered over with screens block­ing her from see­ing me with hor­ri­ble Nuns, dead bod­ies draped in sheets,

My arrival was hid­den in the dis­grace I was.

Name my moth­er was going to call me Kat­ri­na McLeod 

My moth­er was dragged to a pres­by­ter­ian wom­en’s home where she was made to scrub floors and walls with a tooth­brush all day with nuns stand­ing over her telling her how evil she was and she was for­sak­en by God, She was des­tined to hell where she would spend eter­ni­ty pay­ing for her sin of lust.
Note January 5th 2025 7 31 pm: I do not know whether they will ever come a time that I can relive, revisit and replay this even without having to stop, breathe, walk around and count to a million or so before I scream.

Adopt­ed out at 3 days old.

Adop­tive Moth­er : Frances Fay Twiss                  ‑water Can­cer
Adop­tive father : Gra­ham Edward Boyle GEB  ‑Earth Vir­go
Birth Moth­er Del­la Kris­tine McLeod                    —  Air Libra
Birth father Syd­ney Leo Hartin                              — Fire Sag­i­tar­ius

Cusp of Rev­o­lu­tion
sun in first house

Ascen­dant Scor­pio
Moon Pisces
Mer­cury cusp Scor­pio Sag­i­tar­ius
Jupiter — Sta­tionery
Jupiter ret­ro­grade begin date



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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