Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All. (2006)

This was writ­ten by me in 2006, and now read­ing it back, I can see why I was giv­en hell for the next 18 years of decep­tion, I was wak­ing up then.

Smok­ing Mir­rors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cra­dle and All.

Smok­ing Mir­rors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cra­dle and All.

Don’t ever give up on free­dom. Today our soci­ety is giv­en the impres­sion we are feee. Free of speech and free of thought. We are not free. We are the tar­get of those who rule, those who must be obeyed and those that are the rich in our cap­i­tal­is­tic soci­ety. We the peo­ple have been reduced to slave­dom but as we earn a smal wage, a token of free­dom we the peo­ple do not under­stand the chains of our bondage.

The Inter­net was seen by we the peo­ple as free­dom of expres­sion, as a way of express­ing our thoughts, express­ing our ideas and express­ing our con­cerns with the shap­ing of our world but cyber­space has become a sin­is­ter bas­tion of con­trol.

In the last few years our eyes have been opened to the devi­ous­ness of cyber­space. Of the new term coined in sin and lies, “coin­tel­pro”, the Counter Intel­li­gence Pro­gram. How deep does it go.

Where once we believed that there pos­si­bly may be a few coin­tel­pro agents scat­tered here and there watch­ing and lis­ten­ing, it has­n’t been until now that the depths of such pro­grams and the devi­ous­ness of oper­a­tives has been revealed.

No it’s not just Chi­na that is con­trolled with such tight bonds, it is us, “we the peo­ple” that are also chained to the walls of cyber­space and our every thought and writ­ing con­trolled. Con­trolled by name­less, face­less oppo­si­tion, shapeshifters, name chang­ers and dis­in­for­ma­tion agents who do reign supreme. So sub­tle­ly that 95 per­cent of peo­ple wan­der­ing around in cyber­space do not even know the face­less oppo­si­tion exists. Silent­ly plant­i­ng mis­in­for­ma­tion, qui­et­ly weed­ing out oppo­si­tion to offi­cial lines and sneak­i­ly destroy­ing those who do wake up. Those that do find out and those that realise they have been a fool for so long.

But is it so bad to be a fool and place trust, no it is far worse to deceive and to break trust. To take a truth and cre­ate a lie.

The Pyra­mid

YOU opened up the door­way
AND risked a look inside.
YOU could­n’t share the vision
AND the truth you had to hide.

YOU did­n’t build the pyra­mid
AND struc­ture things just right.
YOU went and split the atom
AND were blind­ed by sun­light.

YOU for­got to use a mir­ror
AND bounce it all around.
YOU turned away, closed the eye
AND did­n’t speak a sound.

YOU did­n’t see me watch­ing
AND know­ing all the lie.
YOU kept on chain­ing spir­it
AND did­n’t hear it’s sigh.

YOU lust­ed for more pow­er
AND greed went hand in hand.
YOU acquired gold and dia­monds
AND built cas­tles in the sand.

YOU built up debt to Moth­er Earth
AND that will nev­er be repaid.
YOU reaped the crop that you sowed
AND lay in the bed you made.

YOU have asked for nature’s fury
AND that is exact­ly what you’ll get.
YOU know nature is the bal­ance
AND at dawn the sun will set.

Live by Ma’et. Live for truth. Live by Truth.

The Truth can always see a lie but a lie can­not always see the Truth.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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