Archangel Lumiel
Lumiel’s (also known as Lama, Lama’el, Lamas, Lamassu, Lu Ma, Luma’el, Luma’il, and Lumael) name means “light of God”, and She/he is referred to as the “Lightbearer”. He is thought to be a Cheribum. The Cherubim (plural of Cherub) Guardian Angels are members of the 1st Angel Choir and rank 2nd in the nine orders of angels.
Their name means “outpouring of wisdom and enlightenment”, since through them radiates the light of Divine knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of God. The Cherubim are angelic figures that perform divine duties on earth.
They are not cute little winged children as often depicted in art. The Cherubim are sphinx-like and have four faces (that of a Cherub or ox, a human, a lion, and an eagle) and four wings. They sit at the throne and serve God. Their original responsibility was to protect the Garden of Eden. They yield a flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life. They are the keepers of celestial records and hold the knowledge of God. They move quickly and their wings cover their body. They are members of the first choir and second in the hierarchy of angels. Before falling from Heaven, Satan was a Cherub.
Lumiel was originally considered a dark angel because of his association with the concept that prayers that involve a question of “why?” were answered above other prayers, but were considered powerful and dangerous with unpredictable consequences.
He received these “why?” prayers and answered them with either blessings or curses, depending on the nature of the question. He appears as a young man clothed in a white tunic and brilliant white cloak. On his brow, he has a blazing star radiating rays of pure white light. He also wears a necklace of a Tau Cross entwined with a serpent. He is also represented as sphinx or chimeric, with the body of a lion and the head of a man.
Lumiel is called upon to help you in an emergency, but only if it’s an emergency. She is invoked at the end of rituals and invocations to “clear” unwanted spirits remaining, and to exorcise hidden demons. In Islam, HE is invoked in rites of exorcism.
Planet under rulership is Earth;
Element is Air;
Day is Tuesday;
Symbol is the Tau Cross;
Letter composition is brown ink on blue paper;
Tarots are the World (XXI), The Fool (0), and the Hermit (IX);
Ritual candle colors are dark green and brown;
Complimentary color is green;
Gemstones are emerald and quartz; and
Flowers/Herbs are red rose and 5‑petaled wild rose.
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