Lumiel The ArchAngel of The New Aeon of ME and The One and Only Apocalypse

Archangel  Lumiel

 Lumiel’s (also known as Lama, Lama’el, Lamas, Lamas­su, Lu Ma, Luma’el, Luma’il, and Lumael) name means “light of God”, and She/he is referred to as the “Light­bear­er”. He is thought to be a Cheribum. The Cheru­bim (plur­al of Cherub) Guardian Angels are mem­bers of the 1st Angel Choir and rank 2nd in the nine orders of angels.

Their name means “out­pour­ing of wis­dom and enlight­en­ment”, since through them radi­ates the light of Divine knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of the mys­ter­ies of God. The Cheru­bim are angel­ic fig­ures that per­form divine duties on earth.

They are not cute lit­tle winged chil­dren as often depict­ed in art. The Cheru­bim are sphinx-like and have four faces (that of a Cherub or ox, a human, a lion, and an eagle) and four wings. They sit at the throne and serve God. Their orig­i­nal respon­si­bil­i­ty was to pro­tect the Gar­den of Eden. They yield a flam­ing sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life. They are the keep­ers of celes­tial records and hold the knowl­edge of God. They move quick­ly and their wings cov­er their body. They are mem­bers of the first choir and sec­ond in the hier­ar­chy of angels. Before falling from Heav­en, Satan was a Cherub.

Lumiel was orig­i­nal­ly con­sid­ered a dark angel because of his asso­ci­a­tion with the con­cept that prayers that involve a ques­tion of “why?” were answered above oth­er prayers, but were con­sid­ered pow­er­ful and dan­ger­ous with unpre­dictable con­se­quences.

He received these “why?” prayers and answered them with either bless­ings or curs­es, depend­ing on the nature of the ques­tion. He appears as a young man clothed in a white tunic and bril­liant white cloak. On his brow, he has a blaz­ing star radi­at­ing rays of pure white light. He also wears a neck­lace of a Tau Cross entwined with a ser­pent. He is also rep­re­sent­ed as sphinx or chimeric, with the body of a lion and the head of a man.

Lumiel is called upon to help you in an emer­gency, but only if it’s an emer­gency. She is invoked at the end of rit­u­als and invo­ca­tions to “clear” unwant­ed spir­its remain­ing, and to exor­cise hid­den demons. In Islam, HE is invoked in rites of exor­cism.

Plan­et under ruler­ship is Earth;
Ele­ment is Air;
Day is Tues­day;
Sym­bol is the Tau Cross;
Let­ter com­po­si­tion is brown ink on blue paper;
Tarots are the World (XXI), The Fool (0), and the Her­mit (IX);
Rit­u­al can­dle col­ors are dark green and brown;
Com­pli­men­ta­ry col­or is green;
Gem­stones are emer­ald and quartz; and
Flowers/Herbs are red rose and 5‑petaled wild rose.

That is what this book is about, to try to dis­cov­er the ori­gins of the Archangel Lumiel As you will see from my research there is very lit­tle infor­ma­tion about this elu­sive Archangel, and what is known, or pro­posed, is in many ways con­tra­dic­to­ry, and in some case extreme­ly mis­lead­ing. Some of what you are about to read may appear con­tro­ver­sial, and it is! Main­ly because for hun­dred of years, many Bib­li­cal mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions have been ignored and these appar­ent incon­tro­vert­ible facts have nev­er been seri­ous­ly ana­lyzed. Lumiel the angel for the pro­tec­tion of soul, body emo­tions and the mind, He pro­tects the soul from sep­a­ra­tion and dis-empow­er­ment, the body from ill health, and the mind and emo­tions from dam­age and neg­a­tive vibra­tions.



Archangel Lumiel — Angelic & Planetary Correspondences

Name of Plan­et under ruler­ship: Earth.
Plan­et Name in Hebrew: Eretz
Hebrew Mean­ing: Earth or Land.
Teach­ing Angel: Lumiel
Cor­rect Pro­nun­ci­a­tion: Loo-ME-EL.
Celes­tial Title: The Light­bear­er.
Tra­di­tion — Angel iden­ti­fied in Not iden­ti­fied.
Hebrew Name: None iden­ti­fied.
Hebrew Let­ter: None iden­ti­fied.
Egypt­ian Name:: Osiris.
Sta­tion: Archangel, Plan­e­tary and Teach­ing Angel.
Ruler of: Not applic­a­ble.
Guardian Angel of Plan­et: Meta­tron.
Greek/Roman God of Plan­et: Ado­nis.
Met­al: Not iden­ti­fied .
Day: All Days of the Week.
Month: All.
Hours of Day Ruled: All Hours.
Month Ruled: Not iden­ti­fied.
Cycle of Results: 12 Months.
Orbit: 12 Months.
Fixed Stars: None.
Days to Avoid work­ing with Archangel Lumiel None.
Gems: Emer­ald and Quartz
Rit­u­al Can­dle Colour: Dark­Green, Brown.
Plan­e­tary Colour: Blue
Sym­bol: Tau Cross.
Har­ran /Hermentics Colour: N/A.
Com­pli­men­ta­ry Colour: Green.
Colours of the Pen­ta­cle of Lumiel: Vio­let.
Astral Colour: Not iden­ti­fied.
Sym­bol: Tau Cross.
Tarot Card(s) The World (XXI ), The Fool (0 ) and the Her­mit( IX)
Plan­e­tary Num­ber: Not iden­ti­fied.
Tal­is­man Size/Sides: Not iden­ti­fied.
Num­bers of the Earth: 0, 9, 20.
Mag­i­cal Note: Not iden­ti­fied.
Direc­tion Ruled: Not iden­ti­fied.
Degree: Not iden­ti­fied.
Angel­ic Thought­form: Strong proud tree (Any kind ).
Fruit: Not iden­ti­fied.
Tree: Not iden­ti­fied.
Flowers/Herbs: Red Rose, Wild Rose (5 petals).
Insect: Not iden­ti­fied.
Ani­mals: Not iden­ti­fied.
Anato­my Gov­erned: Not iden­ti­fied.
Riv­er Ruled: All.
let­ter Como­si­tion: Blue Paper — Brown Ink.
Mag­i­cal Script: Any.
Plan­e­tary Spir­it: Not iden­ti­fied.
Plan­e­tary Intel­li­gence: Not iden­ti­fied.
Olympic Spir­it: Not iden­ti­fied.
Demon of the Day: Not iden­ti­fied.
Incense, Oils, Per­fumes and Inks: Click here.
Relat­ed Astro­log­i­cal Cor­re­spon­dences:
Earth: Click here.
Relat­ed Ele­men­tal Cor­re­spon­dences: Click here.
Relat­ed Kab­bal­is­tic Cor­re­spon­dences: Click here.
Relat­ed Deities: Osirus, Ado­nis, Pan, Krish­na, Lucifer. (Incor­rect­ly iden­ti­fied with Satan.)
Mis­cel­la­neous Infor­ma­tion:
Archangel Lumiel -(Hebrew) “Light of God” — He appears a young man clothed on a white tunic and bril­liant white cloak. Accord­ing to some, on his brow he has a blaz­ing star radi­at­ing rays of pure white light. he also wears a neck­lace of a Tau cross entwined with a ser­pent.
In the Angel­ic Mag­ic of Made­line Mon­tal­ban Lucifer­’s iden­ti­fi­ca­tion as “The Morn­ing Star” (Venus) equates him with ‘Lumiel’, whom she regard­ed as the Archangel of Light.
He is the Lord of the Morn­ing Star and the Lux Mun­di (Light of the World) whose rebirth from dark­ness we cel­e­brate at the win­ter sol­stice.
Angel­ic Sig­na­ture:
There is a know Angel­ic Sig­na­ture for the Archangel Lumiel, but this has only been pub­lished in pri­vate cir­cles.
Signs & Sym­bols Relat­ed — Archangel Lumiel and the Earth: Click here.
The Archangel Gov­erns:
Mag­i­cal Inten­tions: The World and issues relat­ing to the World (Earth). He may be called upon to assist you with help in an emer­gency, but only if it is an emer­gency. He is the Teach­ing Angel of all peo­ples of the Earth espe­cial­ly women.

Influ­ences: All things direct­ly to do with the Earth.

Neg­a­tive aspects: None iden­ti­fied.

Note: Accord­ing to Peter de Abano, “…. that the first hour of the day, of every Country,and in every sea­son what­so­ev­er, is to be assigned to the Sun-ris­ing, when he first appeareth aris­ing in the hori­zon: and the first hour of the night is to be the thir­teenth hour, from the first hour of the day .…” Accord­ing to occult law a day starts at day­break, not at mid­night.

The read­er does not require any pri­or mag­i­cal train­ing or knowl­edge, how­ev­er it is also suit­able for the advance prac­ti­tion­er wish­ing an intro­duc­tion to the Mag­ic of the Angels of Men (Pauline Art).

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Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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