SANAAMAL — Sentient Animals
Sanimal and Sanamal
The Truth Behind Aleister Crowley,
The Beast’s Book Of ThoTh- Unveiled by Mayet Swan
Kheiron Astraea
Hidden inside the Book of ThoTh is one of the big reasons for the New Aeon of ME, Sentient Animals, SANA AMAL The creation of today. Satan. Saturn — mother time. These images are only revealed by using the Hor’Ver method Created by Mayet Swan, linked here using instructions given by the Master Aleister Crowley in Botl the Book of The Law.
Al said to drink of BoTh Botl’s meaning that the Book of ThoTh is to be worked together with Botl for results and examination. This follows the way the eye sees with mirrors flipping the image and the image appearing upside down and tuned around in the brain before the brain converts it to data and flips it back again.