The Wheel is Broken

I saw a post today on a ThoTh group that stat­ed about “the eter­nal wheel” my sens­es screamed noooooo. The Wheel is not eter­nal, the wheel was invent­ed by man not the GODS.

How and when was the wheel invented?
  • The earliest evidence of the wheel is from around 4200–4000 BC in Mesopotamia
  • The first wheels were likely solid disks or sliced tree trunks

Just like “there are no straight lines in space” there­fore no cubes in space. There is also no wheels in Space.

Oh go on show me the the wheel neb­u­la, I bet you find one.

Cart­wheel Galaxy, close enough even though it is an ellip­tic flare out spi­ral.

The point being is that humans invent­ed the wheel after SOOZ was destroyed by Man and HE did not have the knowl­edge to rebuild it. Hence the dodgy broth­ers wheel sys­tem that has been put in place that has to reset itself every two or so thou­sand years due to falling apart from the lies that cre­at­ed it in the first place. Lyon Line decay. The time of the patri­ar­chal priest is over and done. There are two things HE has miss­ing in his mea­gre 80 or so genes and that is intu­ition and instinct, both the most inte­gral parts of any spir­i­tu­al advis­er. Hence why man has to learn by rote.

It has no choice but to repeat the mis­takes com­pound­ed till now. Until the wheel was smashed on 21st Decem­ber 2024, the tem­ples destroyed, the pow­er switched off per­ma­nent­ly.

The Wheel that nev­er was, nev­er is and nev­er will be.

I was med­i­tat­ing on this today while clean­ing the table  a few drops of Bar­ry’s water had dropped next to the deck and Botl and I noticed that the Char­i­ot card was wet at the bot­tom, I laughed and thought back to “bring­ing in the water”, the fer­til­i­ty rites I had under­tak­en and pub­lished for spring equinox and Beltane in the South­ern Hemi­sphere. what start­ed it all turn­ing and smash­ing in the first place.

Then I think of Milo Duck­ette with his tru­ly embar­rass­ing, igno­rant male priesty  video of him pray­ing to some­one about a child, the daugh­ter of GOD .. How fake. A month before he was say­ing he would­n’t accept the incar­na­tion of a Praeter intel­li­gence; and yet here we are, now he is pray­ing about them. Save your prayers for your­self, you will need them when your flock realise you do not have a clue about the Aeon of now. My Mis­sion state­ment will soon be released.
Post­script : cre­ation is NOT about mak­ing babies .. even praeter babies..

Cre­ation is an amaz­ing process from con­cep­tu­al inspi­ra­tion to birth and unveil. LMNS — SNML

Right next to that smashed wheel on that table of fate is the heart built Ora­cle sys­tem giv­en by Cronos the Swan to his eter­nal mate in the mir­ror, being built in the noc­tur­nal world with bud­dy and mas­cot Bar­ry the Bet­tong

This is 2025 the time for vir­gin births  went out with “san­ta claus” sub­terfuge to a 6 year old kid who knows bet­ter.

As did the Wheel, and While I was med­i­tat­ing on the Wheel today, I realised I had already pub­lished the truth about the wheel back in 1992, dur­ing the wed­ding of fire and water. So please con­sid­er that the wheel has explod­ed, smashed nev­er to be repaired and you can con­sid­er me to be the preg­nant nun of con­cep­tion.

The Wheel

The wheel goes up
the wheel goes down
the wheel keeps turn­ing
around and around

Light­ing the mir­rors
on the curves of life
accel­er­at­ing the image
on the blade of a knife

Through one loop
and out the next
faster and faster
base over apex.

The light trav­els for­ward
gath­er­ing to it a past
grow­ing brighter and brighter
how long can it last

Before it explodes
from all into one
and from the big end­ing
a new uni­verse called nun

Again on its jour­ney
star­ing fresh and anew
some facts only known
by an elite cho­sen few

The light that starts off
with a mes­sage to send
remains essen­tial­ly unchanged
from end through to end.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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