I saw a post today on a ThoTh group that stated about “the eternal wheel” my senses screamed noooooo. The Wheel is not eternal, the wheel was invented by man not the GODS.
How and when was the wheel invented?
The earliest evidence of the wheel is from around 4200–4000 BC in Mesopotamia
The first wheels were likely solid disks or sliced tree trunks
Just like “there are no straight lines in space” therefore no cubes in space. There is also no wheels in Space.
Oh go on show me the the wheel nebula, I bet you find one.
Cartwheel Galaxy, close enough even though it is an elliptic flare out spiral.
The point being is that humans invented the wheel after SOOZ was destroyed by Man and HE did not have the knowledge to rebuild it. Hence the dodgy brothers wheel system that has been put in place that has to reset itself every two or so thousand years due to falling apart from the lies that created it in the first place. Lyon Line decay. The time of the patriarchal priest is over and done. There are two things HE has missing in his meagre 80 or so genes and that is intuition and instinct, both the most integral parts of any spiritual adviser. Hence why man has to learn by rote.
It has no choice but to repeat the mistakes compounded till now. Until the wheel was smashed on 21st December 2024, the temples destroyed, the power switched off permanently.
The Wheel that never was, never is and never will be.
I was meditating on this today while cleaning the table a few drops of Barry’s water had dropped next to the deck and Botl and I noticed that the Chariot card was wet at the bottom, I laughed and thought back to “bringing in the water”, the fertility rites I had undertaken and published for spring equinox and Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere. what started it all turning and smashing in the first place.
Then I think of Milo Duckette with his truly embarrassing, ignorant male priesty video of him praying to someone about a child, the daughter of GOD .. How fake. A month before he was saying he wouldn’t accept the incarnation of a Praeter intelligence; and yet here we are, now he is praying about them. Save your prayers for yourself, you will need them when your flock realise you do not have a clue about the Aeon of now. My Mission statement will soon be released.
Postscript : creation is NOT about making babies .. even praeter babies..
Creation is an amazing process from conceptual inspiration to birth and unveil. LMNS — SNML
Right next to that smashed wheel on that table of fate is the heart built Oracle system given by Cronos the Swan to his eternal mate in the mirror, being built in the nocturnal world with buddy and mascot Barry the Bettong
This is 2025 the time for virgin births went out with “santa claus” subterfuge to a 6 year old kid who knows better.
As did the Wheel, and While I was meditating on the Wheel today, I realised I had already published the truth about the wheel back in 1992, during the wedding of fire and water. So please consider that the wheel has exploded, smashed never to be repaired and you can consider me to be the pregnant nun of conception.
The wheel goes up
the wheel goes down
the wheel keeps turning
around and around
Lighting the mirrors
on the curves of life
accelerating the image
on the blade of a knife
Through one loop
and out the next
faster and faster
base over apex.
The light travels forward
gathering to it a past
growing brighter and brighter
how long can it last
Before it explodes
from all into one
and from the big ending
a new universe called nun
Again on its journey
staring fresh and anew
some facts only known
by an elite chosen few
The light that starts off
with a message to send
remains essentially unchanged
from end through to end.