In The Beginning — Trinity Egypt Style.

nev­er a God­dess

Maat is uni­ver­sal law.

At dawn guid­ed by the Hand of Maat — moth­er and moth­er of all, Ra ris­es in the east where she trav­els through the day light­ing her path and then  sets in the west where he trav­els through the night sky as Khep­era, cloaked and rest­ing to light up at dawn and rise again.


Maat enfolds the uni­verse and all that is and is not, with­in her winged spread arms. In one hand she holds the light and in the oth­er the dark all divi­sion is joined in the cen­tre of bal­ance to per­pet­u­al­ly spin in the eter­nal 8

At night guid­ed by the left hand of Maat, Thoth the moon trav­els across the sky with a pen in hand to observe and record, to scribe the bal­ance of night and day and all that is. Thoth is knowl­edge. Thoth was that first instant of baby con­scious­ness in the begin­ning, when every­thing was all there in one place over and over thoughts crashed mind was con­fused. Then mind thought and said Stop. Imma write this dawn. so was born time, and records…

In the begin­ning the priests were sworn to serve Maat and in turn they stood over the pomp and pageantry of all new pharoahs who would swear alle­giance to hon­or and uphold Maat. At first baby princes and princess­es were taught to hon­our maat, hon­our truth.

How­ev­er, mankind can­not face truth when he has lies in his heart, so man, with cor­rup­tion in his hard­en­ing heart, paid the priests in gold to turn away from truth.

They cre­at­ed a legion of new Gods and God­dess­es and put them on false pedestals. The new­ly mint­ed cre­at­ed Gods and God­dess­es were eas­i­er to wor­ship than truth. So truth fad­ed from men’s hearts.

Maat fad­ed as a pan­thenon of new pre­tend images were raised in her place and wor­shipped.

Soon  Maat top­pled  and the peo­ple tore off her crown and put it on the head of their false idols

The crown, I find it hard to describe it to you, there is no words for the image I see from mem­o­ry. The one thing I can tell you, is that it was­n’t a crown yet it was the true blue crown of Egypt. It was also the invis­i­bil­i­ty cap of leg­ends.
I will try to present the pic­ture of mila­dy to you, she has the face of the most beau­ti­ful queen lioness, with such a proud know­ing regal look about her.

The 8 which is an upright eter­ni­ty sym­bol, is bal­ance. How­ev­er the con­struct of time, all all it encom­pas­es, force field, mag­net­ics, that bal­ance changes with time, cor­rup­tion has set in. Jus­tice begins to lean over and tip rapid­ly becom­ing imbal­ance, from change drag­ging on the core of jus­tice, Truth. So 8 los­es a leg as it is tipped over and becomes the 9. Con­tain­ing all the was before, the new begin­ning, restora­tion and rec­ti­fi­ca­tion to restore puri­ty to the world.

There is truth and then there is you.

She is the atom yet out­side the atom. She holds all atoms in one hand and noth­ing in the oth­er.

She is the self con­ceived self incu­bat­ed self born self per­pet­u­at­ing truth. Truth stands! soli­tary. She is the self inside every being and blade of grass. She is you, even you have for­got­ten her name, to you her name is Moth­er Earth and Iam her daugh­ter as you are all her sons and daugh­ters.

For fur­ther Adven­tures down the rab­bit­hole of truth through an illu­sion you are invit­ed to explore


Jus­tice is Not Blind <– read here
My Terms <— words and codes
Chro­mo­somes Reveal Truth  <——–So Sim­ple



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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