never a Goddess
Maat is universal law.
At dawn guided by the Hand of Maat — mother and mother of all, Ra rises in the east where she travels through the day lighting her path and then sets in the west where he travels through the night sky as Khepera, cloaked and resting to light up at dawn and rise again.
Maat enfolds the universe and all that is and is not, within her winged spread arms. In one hand she holds the light and in the other the dark all division is joined in the centre of balance to perpetually spin in the eternal 8
At night guided by the left hand of Maat, Thoth the moon travels across the sky with a pen in hand to observe and record, to scribe the balance of night and day and all that is. Thoth is knowledge. Thoth was that first instant of baby consciousness in the beginning, when everything was all there in one place over and over thoughts crashed mind was confused. Then mind thought and said Stop. Imma write this dawn. so was born time, and records…
In the beginning the priests were sworn to serve Maat and in turn they stood over the pomp and pageantry of all new pharoahs who would swear allegiance to honor and uphold Maat. At first baby princes and princesses were taught to honour maat, honour truth.
However, mankind cannot face truth when he has lies in his heart, so man, with corruption in his hardening heart, paid the priests in gold to turn away from truth.
They created a legion of new Gods and Goddesses and put them on false pedestals. The newly minted created Gods and Goddesses were easier to worship than truth. So truth faded from men’s hearts.
Maat faded as a panthenon of new pretend images were raised in her place and worshipped.
Soon Maat toppled and the people tore off her crown and put it on the head of their false idols
The crown, I find it hard to describe it to you, there is no words for the image I see from memory. The one thing I can tell you, is that it wasn’t a crown yet it was the true blue crown of Egypt. It was also the invisibility cap of legends.
I will try to present the picture of milady to you, she has the face of the most beautiful queen lioness, with such a proud knowing regal look about her.
The 8 which is an upright eternity symbol, is balance. However the construct of time, all all it encompases, force field, magnetics, that balance changes with time, corruption has set in. Justice begins to lean over and tip rapidly becoming imbalance, from change dragging on the core of justice, Truth. So 8 loses a leg as it is tipped over and becomes the 9. Containing all the was before, the new beginning, restoration and rectification to restore purity to the world.
There is truth and then there is you.
She is the atom yet outside the atom. She holds all atoms in one hand and nothing in the other.
She is the self conceived self incubated self born self perpetuating truth. Truth stands! solitary. She is the self inside every being and blade of grass. She is you, even you have forgotten her name, to you her name is Mother Earth and Iam her daughter as you are all her sons and daughters.
For further Adventures down the rabbithole of truth through an illusion you are invited to explore
Justice is Not Blind <– read here
My Terms <— words and codes
Chromosomes Reveal Truth <——–So Simple
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