How the World Became a Word Construct Illusion

How the World Became a Word Con­struct Illu­sion
The San­i­tized Ver­sion

When man devel­oped lan­guage the first thing he said was “owww”, Sharply Fol­lowed by a “what the fuck was that?”, as he held his now bleed­ing head, he point­ed to a  strange object, that had arrived impromp­tu  from the skies out of nowhere, sit­ting on the ground, bub­bling, steam­ing and red hot, accom­pa­nied by a steady wooshe stream of mus­tard col­ored gas escap­ing the object in steady fogs of dirty yel­low brown, that stunk worse than that egg that that explod­ed one time after bak­ing in the sun and rain for a week or so.

so began the illu­sion con­struct
- we don’t know the object itself, it is a noth­ing that became some­thing it became an 1.
because no one knew what that some­thing was, it began to attach descrip­tive words as peo­ple used words togeth­er to describe it

so far for this hot­blob we have added the fol­low­ing words to Blob

hotbleed­ing headstrange
for aweekor

wow over 50 words used to describe “Blob” a four let­ter word .. 51 words attached to poor four let­ter blob
and every one of them were not blob.

in order to describe it to oth­er peo­ple “the IMagE of the blob grew and left the blob behind it”  Peo­ple wrote vol­umes of books try­ing to get to know just what this blob is, we still talk about the comet that wiped or did­nt wipe the dinosaurs.

over time “the image of the blob became that comet that wiped out the dinosaurs”, the stuff leg­ends are made of. and over time the image and leg­end of the blob grew to fill the entire world of word. Words live, and the image of the blob became a pow­er­ful enti­ty in the com­mu­ni­ty con­scious­ness, remem­bered over and over from the core out­wards.

Descrip­tive words

or what­ev­er they call it, i left school at 13 and 8 months, actu­al­ly I was kin­da let go.. <3 so I am kin­da of low edu­cat­ed, I think, too much lol

Extra words/descriptive words adjec­tives — take away from word itself not add to it. Actu­al­ly they do add to it as well as take away from it..its one big mess. It is one big DIRECTED mess.

It cre­at­ed a mess of illu­sion that hides and cov­ers the orig­i­nal word and what it stood for and allows a rhetoric to be shaped from the result.

Eg TRUTH has been taint­ed by Absolute truth, naked truth, blind truth.

They are not truth they are dilut­ed and unclean.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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