IHVH Unveiled ‑workings 12/14/2024

303 pm 14th of the 12th 2024

wow 15122024 4 26 pm tomor­row the tow­er lets see if i built this tow­er right to shine tomor­row

light goes in colour comes out.




enclosed in
Aleph 1 = o = ‑1
I shall return to hang you on your cross short­ly Aleph..ψ ele­phant Ganesh mum­ma matri­arch efe­lant ele­phant.

101 begin­ning — tak­ing shape new forms cre­at­ed that dance
zero = not mean noth­ing.
noth­ing means some­thing take away AKA take away 1
The moment of cre­ation comes as one thinks of noth­ing noth­ing has been a thought­form it becomes some­thing a named some­thing “a noth­ing” noth­ing but it is named and thought so it is not longer noth­ing.

AKA Noth­ing becomes some­thing the instant of thought­formin con­scious­ness

ALMA is the OLD secret four fold name of god


111 111 = 222

Ayin is Aleph in her purest form O 60 samekh sag­i­tar­ius the arrow of GOD light­ning




samek the spark of cre­ation the arrow of cre­ation flies in it’s glo­ry of pan­do­ra

nun the womb of the cre­ation the hid­den birth of the cre­ation

mem the birth of cre­ation in it’s purest form the earth with the child moon encir­cling  the water of the womb

lamed the light of cre­ation at it’s peak revers­ing spark

it is not the red blue of the fight con­struct mag­net

it is exists but it is not sub­ject to the red blue war

60 50 40 30 ==180

14, 8, 10 12 only
8 and 17 force and fire are cre­ation that keeps every­thing fir­ing
10 12 are the neg­a­tive illu­sion the clip­clops designed to trap  man on the wheel of the cross Tau RHo this is only one lev­el of a sto­ry that has many lev­els many words

Old sys­tem lies con­struct­ed bull­shit that you can­not feel and can­not use except to con­tact a word con­struct illu­sion of clip­clop

13 death right hand of GOD

11 god

9 the her­mit is the left hand of god

words were cre­at­ed by man from a gift from a cre­ator light goes in col­or comes out.

so all words con­tain the cre­ator they have a name for this now quan­tum entan­gle­ment

13 death right hand of GOD

12  mankind on the wheel being turned round and round

11 god

10 the wheel

9 the her­mit is the left hand of god

15 16 17 18         the prod­uct or the begin­ning 1st mir­ror bounce/pass
14  12   10  8      the 4 source num­bers   — cen­ter pil­lar the bounce 814 the­movers 1210 the­shak­ers
4 5 6 7              the prod­uct or the begin­ning

8 lust
14 art

it is how it is and always will be  light goes in colour comes out



new key 210 upheaval

the process of IHVH   is as fol­lows and is fol­low­ing

Light of cre­ation is sparked, the cre­ation from mind to hand “hand­of­God” grows in the womb of cre­ation and is born cre­ation with her child encir­cling her the child grows in pow­er and knowl­edge until the light of switched on and shines as the spe­cial star it is
180 degrees


this sim­ple phrase 6 word phrase is a mantra said over and over and over again

Pink Floyd showed you in logos this sim­ple truth on the cov­er of Dark side of the moon, light beams in col­or comes out

this is the sim­ple way to see through the con­struct that is designed for you not to be your light, why your life is kept dark in mis­ery and sor­row drift­ing search­ing for light in all the wrong places because you are blocked by the hor­rors and the words and actions used on you to kept you in the dark light beams in col­or comes out.

putting aqua back into the word con­struct of rain­bow giv­ing the water moth­er who cre­at­ed the rain­bow back to the rian­bow she cre­at­ed

Lovers of the Art of the Prince of Cups

Lovers of the Art of the Prince of Cups

After I had com­plet­ed the Art of the Prince of Cups, I was direct­ed to look at anoth­er match with IVY Art with the Lovers. So me being me decid­ed to look at all three togeth­er.

I meld­ed them in Hor’ the hor­i­zon­tal view, which I do not nor­mal­ly do first. How­ev­er I had to laugh out loud when the image was turned down to 50 per­cent opac­i­ty.

I had been mus­ing a ques­tion mov­ing for­ward, regard­ing logis­tics around some­thing that I real­ly need­ed to know before I do any­thing. The ques­tion was answered in the best pos­si­ble way in this Hor’ver© Image of the Prince of Cups with the lovers of  Ivy Art.

  • In this hor’ver of  he Prince of Cups with the lovers of  Ivy Art, amaz­ing­ly the twins are both wear­ing an almost exact copy wear­ing the blue invis­i­bil­i­ty cap also known as the blue crown of Egypt
  • Words are form­ing all over the shop
  • Ivy’s dress has changed from Green to pur­ple

I will be post­ing updates to this with the full hor’ver images

Prey and Predator — Man as Hunter

The hunter Gath­er­ing man of yes­ter­day.

I am Sit­ting here think­ing about this one… and I think with almost cer­tain­ty that Man’s num­ber 1 prey has­n’t changed in mil­lions of years.

Man’s main prey would of cer­tain­ly been .. ? What do you think man’s num­ber 1 prey was

New Secret Alignment Discovered of Thoth in XIV Art and Prince of Cups Horvered©

This is the Hor’ver© image that sent the hairs on the back of my neck danc­ing. I love it when I turn the opac­i­ty down on that last flip meld and watch as it all slow­ly appears, today Art Appeared in back and white, it was as obvi­ous an tits on a bull.

Pre­sent­ing a blue Art X Ivy as I call her (my car is called IVY too as its plates are IV7) .…. she has that same dress on and look at the Janus face…

My feet did­n’t touch the floor as I was rush­ing off to meld the both togeth­er and see what I could see .. well ok I lie my feet were in the floor and i was sit­ting at my old lap­top fir­ing up my fold­ers to see what was under the com­bi­na­tion I had nev­er thought of..

I did­n’t expect to see me .. but here we are ..
now i am won­der­ing if there is men­tion of princey princess in Art or vice ver­sa.


the key to Art or the Art Key to the Prince of Cups

61 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

50 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Larg­er Prince Card than Ivy Art still looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

50 Per­cent Opac­i­ty
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks per­fect. The 3 in 1

20th January 2025 discovery
Prince Of Cups Key to Art XIV

I was rework­ing my prince of cups today with a new angle o the Horv­er to make it all pre­cise when I had a “Bin­go” Lon call and noticed some­thing in my Hor­Flip of the Prince of Cups that astound­ed me so much that I had to get up from my desk and walk over to the tarot wheel table where  Botl and BoTh were sit­ting along with the cards and the plans that Cronos had shown me in Doth after I caught the “tem­ple” voice out on lies around three times.  More on that as it is writ­ten in DOTh — Reflec­tions of.

I walked over, took a drink from my water jug and picked up the draw­ing. Cronos had reached over my shoul­der when I said I can’t draw.

Cronos said “I will teach you, and I felt that famil­iar hand over mine reach from over my left shoul­der and guid­ed my pen­cil, before I had drawn the S I knew where my hand was going, I was as much dri­ving it as t was being guid­ed. it did form what I had been think­ing, I instant­ly saw “their his­tor­i­cal fatal mis­take” and I instant­ly saw the per­fect self per­pet­u­at­ing sys­tem as the 2d draw­ing appeared on the paper, in my mind it unfold­ed and unfold­ed into the per­fect shape.

I sat frozen feel­ing the warmth around me, it was a moment of vin­di­ca­tion, of relief in  a way and a high five fuck you to all. I had believed, I had loved, and I had held that in my heart. But most of all in the end I had trust­ed. I had gone back to my swan name on the spring *autumn equinox and then a month or so lat­er after a series of co inci­dence and syn­chronic­i­ty slapped me so hard that I said loud­ly “ok I give up.. I can’t deny this any­more.. I am fol­low­ing this instinct”. “bring­ing in the rain fer­til­i­ty hap­pened” the vol­cano adven­ture the nat­ur­al springs and the bill­abong.. the gar­den of bro­ken dreams and Pachama­ma …

it was all there .. I was being bast­ed and bast­ing  myself for my huge genet­ic lev­el dna changes and then along came lon… lon lyon Lon lie’s trig­gered my trans­mu­ta­tion in Novem­ber around my birth­day which began the ball rolling…

I still did­n’t get on board with what was going on until that fired up real hot dur­ing the chi­ron merc ret­ro­grade and Crow­ley Death day 21 days of DoTh up to that moment of me kiss­ing no ass on the winter/summer sol­stice the sun was born. The south­ern Sun is a woman, a beau­ti­ful woman who lit a fire to warm her peo­ple. She did­n’t need to steal the fire because she already had it inside her and her peo­ple respect­ed her so much and they loved her deeds as well as her. She is still the leg­end, she is still talked about today, she is still warm­ing her peo­ple in the great south­ern lands.

SO at the end of doth when I was bid farewell from the com­mu­ni­ca­tion.. no wait that was two day after the Swan, I had two more days of ques­tions and answers.. over all it was no time and yet all time..centuries and an instant.

and yes it was the 19th the day of the sun.. .. here it was in front of me…perfection.….. .  it was him .….but there was more..I cried. my swan. it was also moth­er and father and sis­ter … it is hard to explain that bit i will find words ..

so beau­ti­ful, so obvi­ous ..Crow­ley writes of it..when he wrote of it it sent chills up my spine, i was rid­ing the swan and I reme­ber how that amaz­ing ting feels like .. no grav­i­ty, no weight no where no time…

the Swan is in leg­ends, bal­lets, pageants, fairy tales 12, the 9 the 6, the 3 swans.… it is all the Swan… with me in his back.  .. but its not Zeus .. it am Zeus and  Hades and Posei­don — Gaia moth­er earth Ter­ra Ter­a­gram Mar­garet… and I am the pearl of Cronos… the crone.. the crow the mag­pie black­bird has spo­ken, like the first word and I am an eagle,  kestrel a hawk a kook­abur­ra and a phenix and rain­bow lori­keet .. I am actu­al­ly called the bird lady and the bird kid­nap­per in life here. and yet they are all names I am no name … O

The Great Grand­moth­er Babalon the daugh­ter neve goes to the moth­er .. the daugh­ter of the daugh­ter goes to the grand­moth­er know­ing roy­al line.

The Prince of Cups Horvered© *Huge Secret Revealed here

Prince of Cups

Pub­lished Ver­sion paint­ed by
Lady Frie­da (Mar­garet) Har­ris

Prince of Cups
Horizontal Flip of Horver©

  • When the prince turns into a princess
  • This card is show­ing the ele­ments now of XIV Art and  Janus face appears Key Revealed only By Mayet Sys­tem Mir­ror of Maat — Horv­er© Tech­nique
  • There is the secret of the swans open­ly shown in the cen­tre of this image Hor Flipped.
  • How do I know this? because I am look­ing at the sys­tem beside me that Cronus helped me draw and I see it in this image.
  • He/she looks very proud and care­ful of the car­go in the hands
  • wheras in the pub­lished closed image, he is hold­ing the flow­ers down­wards, in the flip ver­sion he is con­nect­ed into a machine “gear­stick”
  • shape of the invis­i­bil­i­ty cap is good, espe­cial­ly aroun dthe fore­hed, true to design but it is not his cap you can see it does­n’t fit on his head.. or two heads
  • there is a veil cov­er­ing the invis­i­bil­i­ty cap that is a dress with wings and the breast is a fan­tas­tic point of con­tact, it has a red glow at the bot­tom of the white.
  • to note i haven’t “gone through’ the tem­ples in my horv­er cards since 2019 when I found them spelled. Oh it still works amaz­ing­ly and con­tact is made easy but I do not trut hte con­tact… they­made one to many mis­takes. Any con­tact goes straight to to the tem­ple con­struct illu­sion leav­ing one feel­ing drained and weak for months instead of charged up by the cur­rent.
  • There are oth­er ways to con­tact source and to recharge

See Mayet’s New Key Revealed togeth­er here Art XIV (Ivy) with Prince of Cups and it is a per­fect match

Prince of Cups
Double Vertical Flip of Horver©

Prince of Cups
Single (a) Vertical Flip of Horver©

Prince of Cups
Single (b) Vertical Flip of Horver©


Prince of Cups — Early Lady Frieda (Margaret) Not Used In Deck Hor’Vered

When Bart Dele­planque post­ed some of the ear­ly Ver­sions of Lady Mar­garet’s work in the face­book Thoth Group, I was fas­ci­nat­ed.  When am I not? So at first  first chance I fired up my Horv­er tech­nique  and  opened some more doors and win­dows to let the breeze in.

So here for the first time at the court cards, and cards of ear­ly ver­sions.

Prince of Cups

Not used by Crow­ley in the final ver­sions.

Prince of Cup’s Vertical flip.

I found this one to have wafty ele­ments com­pared to the ver­sions that were released with the deck. The veils over face for exam­ple.
There is words form­ing at the knees as with oth­er images in Horv­er.
The wings look like blood cells Swirling.

Prince of Cups Horizontal Flip

  • Now this one is more like the mag­ick I have come to know.
  • I sat here for five min­utes watch­ing  the arms going up and down
  • Note the cat cen­tre at bot­tom
  • angel­ic dev­il­ish being at the top crown.
  • word under waist­line and top of cup
  • looks like bowl­ing rink under that at bot­tom of cup
  • being in cen­tre
  • the armour has clar­i­fied into fish scales
  • the cup is not attached to the prince so to speak he3 is hold­ing it
  • quite a few tem­ple entrances
  • cen­tre line cut
  • reminds me of cre­ation “In the begin­ning Del­phi” with the two eagles start­ing at same point, one going east, one going west until they met in the mid­dle at del­phi
  • cup had def­i­nite 3d ish­ness

Prince of Cups
Horizontal & Vertical

Well dang..  it is there alright and prob­a­bly stronger than the 78 finals if you sit back and watch the top set of arms they move into the bot­tom arms which then point at the tem­ple door inside them­selves guard­ed on each side and above.
very sub­dued colours

19 Jan­u­ary 2025 In con­clu­sion at this time, this card obscured an obscure sto­ry, although it reveals so much truth.

For more on the Prince Of Cups and it’s rela­tion­ship to Atu XIV Art
please see The Prince of Cups Horvered ©

The Mayet Method & System of Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The Mayet Method & System of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

The act of dupli­cat­ing images and flip­ping the copies before meld­ing them again to the orig­i­nal with lowed opac­i­ty on top lev­els.

Because I fol­low my nat­ur­al instincts in work, I often do things in reverse, I always have. I found that strange about myself. 1980 all my friends were speed skate champs and fig­ure skat­ing champs and here was lil me, carv­ing up the best and becom­ing a back­ward skat­ing champ. Today that skill comes in handy when reverse park­ing.

So I saw the ThoTh book in reverse from the  first time I looked at it. That start­ed my quest of look­ing at the book a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent.


The Mayet Method & Sys­tem of
Hor’Ver© La Diameld©

the act of dupli­cat­ing an image and flip­ping it either, or and Hor­i­zon­tal­ly, ver­ti­cal­ly, lat­er­al­ly, diag­o­nal­ly and then meld them togeth­er, low­er­ing the opac­i­ty of the top lay­er to 50%. Can be used with one image or mul­ti­ple. Most of my images here and oth­er sites have been cre­at­ed using just the Hor’Ver© method but there is some amaz­ing ones cre­at­ed as man­dala’s as per the gallery below

Why did I do this?

See the Epis­tle of the Eye in I
which explains how the eye sees an image in the con­scious as with the sub con­scious.

This began my work of Hor’Ver with oth­er great works of art, includ­ing the Amaz­ing Mona Lisa Secret’s exposed by my Hor’Ver method of the tem­ple door, the DOGGOD and the cen­tral ser­pent eye.

  • You are wel­come to use the Mir­ror Of Mayet images for ref­er­ence and study pur­pos­es. For all com­mer­cial and busi­ness use please email astrol­o­gist at gmail.

IIX Injustice

When Jus­tice turns into Injus­tice well
here I am 

What is bal­ance becomes inbal­ance
What is imbal­ance becomes bal­ance

When the heart was weighed against Maat’s Feath­er, the heart had to bal­ance…
not be too heavy or too light. The heart had to have inno­cence.

No buy­ing your way in by “doing good” and going to church on Sun­day’s folks

how is your heart going?

Oth­er Arti­cle and Epis­tleS By MAYET

In the begin­ning — Cre­ation Egypt Style with Maat and Thoth and their sun Ra



A word of faith.

All our lives we get told to trust

To have faith

Trust our Archons
Trust our RULERS

Wicked set of horns and huge dick you got there Jesus. Hor'ver 
Wicked set of horns and huge dick you got there Jesus. Hor’ver

Trust our Lead­ers

Trust Jesus construct

Trust God

Trust what we are told is the TRUTH

But some­times we for­get to trust the most impor­tant per­son of all

We forget to Trust ourselves

By hand­ing over trust to oth­ers we stop trust­ing in our own mind heart and spir­it.

Words are fas­ci­nat­ing things “TRUSSED” is “TRUST”  when you “trust” some­one you are effec­tive­ly “being “trussed” your­self by your faith. You are held in the bonds and chains of that trust.

Trust is Trussed

Tied Up Trapped Trussed Trust

We are effectively trussed by our trust in others.

We trust what they say to us

We trust they are telling us the truth

We trust they are right

We trust that every­thing will be ok

Is that Wise??

Ah a ques­tion.

You all know me, I am full of ques­tions.

So that leads me to my main point.

Should we trust or question?

Should we go through life and trust what oth­ers tell us is true?

Or should we ques­tion life for our­selves?

Explore for our­selves?

Should we rely and trust in others?

Have faith? Have trust?

Or should we grow our trust in ourselves

Blind Trust effec­tive­ly leaves us Blind­ly Trussed

Tied up



We hand over our pow­er

we hand over our faith

we hand over our trust

 We hand over con­trol.

and by doing all that we lose our instinct

Over the past two thou­sand years we have been told to trust

Trust God

Trust Our Lead­ers

Trust Our Elders

Now today we have no instinct

We have no trust of our­selves

We may believe but we do not know

We may trust but we are not cer­tain

We have faith but no proof

We are blind­ed by trust

So we don’t ques­tion

We are herd­ed like faith­ful trust­ing lambs to the slaugh­ter

We trust oth­ers

but how fatal is it?

To not trust our­selves


red and yel­low and pink and blue
pur­ple and orange and crim­son too
and then there is the col­or for­got
the vital aqua aura just for you

To Be Pub­lished here 18 Jan­u­ary 2025

IT’s name is ? — Compliments of Simon Lieman

You Are Sub­ject to IT dai­ly, every day, every month and every year of your life.
You know IT is hap­pen­ing because you are not stu­pid, but you don’t quite know how IT is hap­pen­ing, what IT is or if IT is real or if IT is just a fig­ment of your imag­i­na­tion.

In Good and Bad News, It Exists, IT is real, It is hap­pen­ing and IT has a name and asso­ci­at­ed data­bank of epic bib­li­cal pro­por­tions..

IT’s name is NLP. and I am going to intro­duce it to you via an avatar of real­i­ty. Simon The Eager.

To Be Pub­lished here