Hor’ver © Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley — Mirror Of Mayet — Maat Method
Aleister Crowley’s Book of ThoTh
Now Unveiled and Opened with the Mirror of Mayet
The Heirophant Atu ‑Arch 5
Hebrew He Final.
Roman Numerals V
Truth InJustice & New Word Order
Hor’ver © Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley — Mirror Of Mayet — Maat Method
Aleister Crowley’s Book of ThoTh
Now Unveiled and Opened with the Mirror of Mayet
Roman Numerals V
The act of duplicating images and flipping the copies before melding them again to the original with lowed opacity on top levels. Can be used wit one image or multiple.
Aleister Crowley’s Book of ThoTh
Now Unveiled and Opened with the Mirror of Mayet
When Justice turns into Injustice well
here I am
What is balance becomes inbalance
What is imbalance becomes balance
When the heart was weighed against Maat’s Feather, the heart had to balance…
not be too heavy or too light. The heart had to have innocence.
No buying your way in by “doing good” and going to church on Sunday’s folks
how is your heart going?
Other Article and EpistleS By MAYET
In the beginning — Creation Egypt Style with Maat and Thoth and their sun Ra
The Aeon Hor’ver Unveiling Nun Self Birthing the Universe
Note the squatting Legs, Pendulous Breasts.
Note inside her swollen belly is a power system.