IHVH Unveiled ‑workings 12/14/2024

303 pm 14th of the 12th 2024

wow 15122024 4 26 pm tomor­row the tow­er lets see if i built this tow­er right to shine tomor­row

light goes in colour comes out.




enclosed in
Aleph 1 = o = ‑1
I shall return to hang you on your cross short­ly Aleph..ψ ele­phant Ganesh mum­ma matri­arch efe­lant ele­phant.

101 begin­ning — tak­ing shape new forms cre­at­ed that dance
zero = not mean noth­ing.
noth­ing means some­thing take away AKA take away 1
The moment of cre­ation comes as one thinks of noth­ing noth­ing has been a thought­form it becomes some­thing a named some­thing “a noth­ing” noth­ing but it is named and thought so it is not longer noth­ing.

AKA Noth­ing becomes some­thing the instant of thought­formin con­scious­ness

ALMA is the OLD secret four fold name of god


111 111 = 222

Ayin is Aleph in her purest form O 60 samekh sag­i­tar­ius the arrow of GOD light­ning




samek the spark of cre­ation the arrow of cre­ation flies in it’s glo­ry of pan­do­ra

nun the womb of the cre­ation the hid­den birth of the cre­ation

mem the birth of cre­ation in it’s purest form the earth with the child moon encir­cling  the water of the womb

lamed the light of cre­ation at it’s peak revers­ing spark

it is not the red blue of the fight con­struct mag­net

it is exists but it is not sub­ject to the red blue war

60 50 40 30 ==180

14, 8, 10 12 only
8 and 17 force and fire are cre­ation that keeps every­thing fir­ing
10 12 are the neg­a­tive illu­sion the clip­clops designed to trap  man on the wheel of the cross Tau RHo this is only one lev­el of a sto­ry that has many lev­els many words

Old sys­tem lies con­struct­ed bull­shit that you can­not feel and can­not use except to con­tact a word con­struct illu­sion of clip­clop

13 death right hand of GOD

11 god

9 the her­mit is the left hand of god

words were cre­at­ed by man from a gift from a cre­ator light goes in col­or comes out.

so all words con­tain the cre­ator they have a name for this now quan­tum entan­gle­ment

13 death right hand of GOD

12  mankind on the wheel being turned round and round

11 god

10 the wheel

9 the her­mit is the left hand of god

15 16 17 18         the prod­uct or the begin­ning 1st mir­ror bounce/pass
14  12   10  8      the 4 source num­bers   — cen­ter pil­lar the bounce 814 the­movers 1210 the­shak­ers
4 5 6 7              the prod­uct or the begin­ning

8 lust
14 art

it is how it is and always will be  light goes in colour comes out



new key 210 upheaval

the process of IHVH   is as fol­lows and is fol­low­ing

Light of cre­ation is sparked, the cre­ation from mind to hand “hand­of­God” grows in the womb of cre­ation and is born cre­ation with her child encir­cling her the child grows in pow­er and knowl­edge until the light of switched on and shines as the spe­cial star it is
180 degrees


this sim­ple phrase 6 word phrase is a mantra said over and over and over again

Pink Floyd showed you in logos this sim­ple truth on the cov­er of Dark side of the moon, light beams in col­or comes out

this is the sim­ple way to see through the con­struct that is designed for you not to be your light, why your life is kept dark in mis­ery and sor­row drift­ing search­ing for light in all the wrong places because you are blocked by the hor­rors and the words and actions used on you to kept you in the dark light beams in col­or comes out.

putting aqua back into the word con­struct of rain­bow giv­ing the water moth­er who cre­at­ed the rain­bow back to the rian­bow she cre­at­ed