Truth InJustice & New Word Order
Hidden inside the Book of ThoTh is one of the big reasons for the New Aeon of ME, Sentient Animals, SANA AMAL The creation of today. Satan. Saturn — mother time. These images are only revealed by using the Hor’Ver method Created by Mayet Swan, linked here using instructions given by the Master Aleister Crowley in Botl the Book of The Law.
Al said to drink of BoTh Botl’s meaning that the Book of ThoTh is to be worked together with Botl for results and examination. This follows the way the eye sees with mirrors flipping the image and the image appearing upside down and tuned around in the brain before the brain converts it to data and flips it back again.
Dear Lyon Milo Duck ette,
Please take your hands off my creation.. K THANX Bye
Was that A no I heard?
Darling olf MAN, you were not invited and you were specifically denied entry TO THE EQUINOX OF THE GODS and told NO when you requested tickets for you and giggles. Mind you giggles would of been invited had she bought forward her own work as woman un yoked by man.. sadly she is chained by you. speaking only when she is allowed to speak and only what you allow her to say.
There is time for you Connie to rise above the bullshit of man, there will be women around you to give you a helping hand whenever you need it. Not the ones that are blinded by milo light, they are even more bedazzled & stunned than you, however the GOL and Kheiron with the Astraea Sisters of the Healing Hand will be there. We are legion. I guess you still have hope, that it will be as he said it would be, however that bus left the station long ago, you are the one with the power in your little hands is in you not him. never was in him, had to leech yours.
Milo Milo Chocolate Milk Drink that is very bad for you and full of sugar that rots your insides and magnetically attaches to sickness. Funny idea of silence you have running your mouth off to all sundry everywhere, falling allover yourself with error after error about matter you have no clue about, I mean who was the angel you said of the apocalypse?
Probably sandy they all say sandy.. Milo, sand angels are what kids do when they lie down in sand, there is no alpha Sandy angel.. but *smiles.. there is an amazing Lumiel I know very well.… the forgotten arch angel.. Read all about Lumiel here and here and more to come with her/his true attributes.. Like wicked sen‘32 se of very dry humour … Metal is Iron … Kheiron .. heir or iron .… haha see it all fits unlike your bollucks. dunno where the 32 came from but ill leave it there ..
it is so embarrassing to the work and the adorable freedom that is behind the work to see you bow down/kow tow/pray *(to who) & prostelate yourself. (my new word for someone who grovels) I mean that praying video? Nina shuddered and said ooh that man is evil, Jodi’s mouth caught flies with a “gaaah WTF is that”, Mel was ewww *cringe and I was flabbergasted, man you are not real, unlike my real live friends there, your words are empty and we all here want to know what dafuq are you praying to? That word salad was terrible and the patriarch pontificating hell no. Who Dafuq do you think you are? the pope kissing one ring too many ?
Milo, you and everything you represent are the Why and What and the very reason I am here…patriarchal nonsense and priests … damn boy, you tipped those scales way too far overboard.. that “christian priest persona“is disgusting. Very David Koresh.. tell them enough times it becomes true eh.…
Hootnote: I see you doing readings with decks other than ThoTh.. sad .. ThoTh only awards loyalty. That would be like me Hor’vering© the Rider Waite.. *rolling eyes*. No wonder AL/ThoTh is not happy.
My work has been black listed by you and OTO and OTO members are actively encouraged through your miss-use of Magick to ignore my work and dismiss it. I do believe this goes back to the 90s when I first released the Mayet Manuscript with the lost 33 degrees. Do you do that with everyone’s work or am I just that special? and how is that going to look on you when you are exposed for burying truth and tryin gto put it to sleep again?
Today I watched your video of today or yesterday the 30 minute boring sermon all about the child and the blood, just a little dab on the chest. You almost orgasmed over the blood on the chest, did you get more thirsty? Sure looked bad, you showed your underneath..its not nice… oh more on my blood later btw. Anyhoots, I laughed when you said boy child and then you looked sideways with a slight grimace for just that moment too long and said “or girl” and thought yay finally he has woken up to “oh shit it’s her”
yuppers he knows IAM here watching *for 30 secs which is all the greyness I can stand. So you have finally woken up to my existence on the same aero’plane as you. Hi Lyon Milo, do you think you can shhhh now? Stop tainting and poisoning ME. especially as you do not know what or who ME is.
ME is NUNYA to you. None of your business. Your job, whether you like it or not is to close down the OTO in it’s current form and pass your “flock” over to my capable hands. WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
Did you tell your flocky brethren that I had destroyed your temple and kicked sand all over it? or are you going to just keep going and pretend you still have the power that you do not hold and had to steal and thieve it in the first place? Honey bunchles, the sun in the south is a woman.. mother sun… daughter moon
I also note you and your little wifey are begging for money again on your timeline again.. greedy little man aren’t you now?. .. only weeks after you put the giggly little attachment up for sainthood, that alone has earned you more fire IRE than you will know what to do with. You want to make a con a saint? you disgusting decrepit old man.
Just to balance that fatal booboo mistake of yours. Meet your new REAL Saint. And best everyone get on board with this one real fast.
Patron Saint of Dead Children, youth and those who died accidentally or by suicide. Angel of all lost children and all pagans.
Her true Feast day is July 2nd when we celebrate Cancer, the mother and Great grandmother of all friend and companion to everyone. (that’s the 11 broken down for you *smiles) Celebrations are also held on April 30 May 1 for the deaths of all children, and youth before their time. That goes for all who died before their time, they all come under the loving arms and protection of Saint Frances Fay the beautiful.
Saint Frances of the southern sun, is there for all women suffering oppression and will answer cries for help, souls who have been crushed and tears of pain. More on Saint Frances Fay Archangel of the south later.
Yes I made my mother not only a saint but an archangel too. I gave her wings Milo, I took my wings off my back and gave them to her to fly with because I can.
Shit Ignant666 and Shiva called me Faun about 7 years ago now and you just woke up to the party after missing and tossing off on it for so long. I must admit to having multiple giggle sessions with my girls over your sheer hubris and super inflated ego thinking i was this annoying simple crazywoman sprouting nonsense.
(haha I was) but this nonsense is real and flicking me away with your hand shows sooo much more about you than it does about me. Very lacking. You have not even had the common decency to say hello and greet me unlike Bart who may delete my comments but at least he gives me a love heart with it. NEWS IS you cannot control the narrative and you certainly can’t control me, even my government has given me a stamped conviction of being UNCONTROLLABLE.
I see now why I was told by DoTh to wait to post this announcement today, over a month since I emerged shell shocked but very awake. Simply because you couldn’t wait to rattle your mouth off, showing off just how much you know about today (nothing) and making a total fool of yourself when this comes out with the truth of all your crap.
mr Duck please step down from the pullpit
so without further ado here is the truth of the revealed through your lies.
Firstly thank you for the transmutation that I did not ask for. One boonbane of mine is truth. If someone lies to me or thwarts me, instantly a download current bang of truth hits my databanks hard. You lied when you said you would not accept a prater intelligence, when you had all been ritualling yourself out of existence since the atrocity that is Jack Parson’s and Lie 49. We shall call him Icarus shall we, flew a bit close to the sun with his illusion, and yet I see it is accepted as curriculum for OTO. Pathetic.
From Crowley’s Death Day 1st of December to the Winter Solstice on December 21 2024 I was being conditioned, upgraded data banks and DNA Changes. It was a timeless process triggered by you publicly thwarting my existence. and I wonder about that, Did you do it purposefully so you could control and destroy it before it had begun? Did you forget who I really am and this is sooo much bigger than even you can see? It was bingo after all. My reflections of Doth contains the truth .. as I write it and tells of me destroying the temple. There are no temples other than mother earth herself.
1, it is not your choice and has sweet F’all to d with you when how and if anyone, let alone a prater intelligence incarnates, stick to your own lane. You know Praeter means MORE than Human?
you have controlled the narrative of ThoTh since you published your easy to understand guide to milos interpretation of Thoth and now I believe the next one is the tarot architect.. so the world has to read ThoTh to your limited understanding. wow how horrendous of you. CROWLEY knew it would be bastardized and my job would be tough without proof, so he wrote it all in there .. from here to eternity the keys will be uncovered
AND well how son, can you write about Tarot when I hold all the keys to ThoTh because I am ThoTh .. as Al was He was the ibis I am the lady Swan.. the Pen . Writing any book on tarot ThoTh would require one to hold the key to the mirror of ThoTh at the very least. All you have is tired faded deluded rhetoric that you are already conditioning your “flock” with the old familiar tired, overdone, worn out brainwashing story of a birth that never happened. SCHTAP!!!!
Creation has nothing to do with a childbirth, or a wee baby bairn, you all made a complete mess of that one by taking out the Mother.
You had years to bring out the truth behind ThoTh it is there on the right.. covering over the 93 *wink wink. Look closely it phases.
3141 Lama ALMA Maal with a dippythong that makes MAEL not MALE like Samael
these people are worshipping you, not the events or changes. Why is that Ducky? Could it be because you put yourself up there front and centre of the whole shebang as some kinda apocalyptic GURU /.. the OTO expert on the AEON of ME? OTO Gatekeeping? Seems so. How hard is it for you to find material to fit with your illusion over truth, I notice you reached the bottom of the Enochian barrel and managed to put yourself up there as an enochian magick expert too and you still managed to regurgitate the Jesus illusion while you were at it. NO IMAGINATION. another gene missing in man. Apparently Enoch is me .. who knew ..I could guess you gathered your flock of magicians and told them to come to Enochian magick classes for practice and to put baby back to sleep and charged them a fortune to do it..what is that donations you said? Jimmy baker and tammie fay had donations too, they all feed off their flock.
All these years with ThoTh and you still haven’t opened the book. I must admit, it is not just the book, the book must reflect in life itself. .. and the book is all about Women and children first. oh and AL’s secret .. *laughing my head off .… you know al was THE BEAST right?
The amazing thing is.. I knew exactly what the new aeon was about in 1992/93 when I was shown my first vision of it by Keith, you can call him Kether if you like. Amazing being he is. Our home was set high above the whole suburb of Figtree, three floors, five bedrooms, three living areas in Walang Avenue above SAADS shops.
One night Keith and I were out star gazing on the back balcony, searching for satellites. we had been lost in it for hours just soaking up the universe when keith grabbed me and said watch this. He was standing in the middle of the area with his back towards the door and I was facing both him and the house.
As he said that he took a drag on his cigarette and had a big sip of Port, just as he did that from the corner of my eye, I could see something that looked like a star flying down towards us behind and to the side of Keith. It came down fast and then curved around the back of Keith, by now I was standing next to him under his arm. As the light object came in, it left an echo trail behind it and as it came around me I saw that it was actually a 2d picture of a cartoon kangaroo. It spun past me and “bang” slammed into Keiths chest, dropping the big man to the ground like a fly. He couldnt breathe and just lay there. I took his drink from him and took a long sip of the port myself while I reconciled what I had just seen, the stunning “out of this world” star with the silly Kangaroo picture.
Part 2 Creation to come in hours
Lumiel’s (also known as Lama, Lama’el, Lamas, Lamassu, Lu Ma, Luma’el, Luma’il, and Lumael) name means “light of God”, and She/he is referred to as the “Lightbearer”. He is thought to be a Cheribum. The Cherubim (plural of Cherub) Guardian Angels are members of the 1st Angel Choir and rank 2nd in the nine orders of angels.
Their name means “outpouring of wisdom and enlightenment”, since through them radiates the light of Divine knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of God. The Cherubim are angelic figures that perform divine duties on earth.
They are not cute little winged children as often depicted in art. The Cherubim are sphinx-like and have four faces (that of a Cherub or ox, a human, a lion, and an eagle) and four wings. They sit at the throne and serve God. Their original responsibility was to protect the Garden of Eden. They yield a flaming sword to guard the way to the Tree of Life. They are the keepers of celestial records and hold the knowledge of God. They move quickly and their wings cover their body. They are members of the first choir and second in the hierarchy of angels. Before falling from Heaven, Satan was a Cherub.
Lumiel was originally considered a dark angel because of his association with the concept that prayers that involve a question of “why?” were answered above other prayers, but were considered powerful and dangerous with unpredictable consequences.
He received these “why?” prayers and answered them with either blessings or curses, depending on the nature of the question. He appears as a young man clothed in a white tunic and brilliant white cloak. On his brow, he has a blazing star radiating rays of pure white light. He also wears a necklace of a Tau Cross entwined with a serpent. He is also represented as sphinx or chimeric, with the body of a lion and the head of a man.
Lumiel is called upon to help you in an emergency, but only if it’s an emergency. She is invoked at the end of rituals and invocations to “clear” unwanted spirits remaining, and to exorcise hidden demons. In Islam, HE is invoked in rites of exorcism.
Planet under rulership is Earth;
Element is Air;
Day is Tuesday;
Symbol is the Tau Cross;
Letter composition is brown ink on blue paper;
Tarots are the World (XXI), The Fool (0), and the Hermit (IX);
Ritual candle colors are dark green and brown;
Complimentary color is green;
Gemstones are emerald and quartz; and
Flowers/Herbs are red rose and 5‑petaled wild rose.
Copyright © 2009 — 2024. — Archangels & Angels. All R
I saw a post today on a ThoTh group that stated about “the eternal wheel” my senses screamed noooooo. The Wheel is not eternal, the wheel was invented by man not the GODS.
How and when was the wheel invented?
The earliest evidence of the wheel is from around 4200–4000 BC in Mesopotamia
The first wheels were likely solid disks or sliced tree trunks
Just like “there are no straight lines in space” therefore no cubes in space. There is also no wheels in Space.
Oh go on show me the the wheel nebula, I bet you find one.
Cartwheel Galaxy, close enough even though it is an elliptic flare out spiral.
The point being is that humans invented the wheel after SOOZ was destroyed by Man and HE did not have the knowledge to rebuild it. Hence the dodgy brothers wheel system that has been put in place that has to reset itself every two or so thousand years due to falling apart from the lies that created it in the first place. Lyon Line decay. The time of the patriarchal priest is over and done. There are two things HE has missing in his meagre 80 or so genes and that is intuition and instinct, both the most integral parts of any spiritual adviser. Hence why man has to learn by rote.
It has no choice but to repeat the mistakes compounded till now. Until the wheel was smashed on 21st December 2024, the temples destroyed, the power switched off permanently.
The Wheel that never was, never is and never will be.
I was meditating on this today while cleaning the table a few drops of Barry’s water had dropped next to the deck and Botl and I noticed that the Chariot card was wet at the bottom, I laughed and thought back to “bringing in the water”, the fertility rites I had undertaken and published for spring equinox and Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere. what started it all turning and smashing in the first place.
Then I think of Milo Duckette with his truly embarrassing, ignorant male priesty video of him praying to someone about a child, the daughter of GOD .. How fake. A month before he was saying he wouldn’t accept the incarnation of a Praeter intelligence; and yet here we are, now he is praying about them. Save your prayers for yourself, you will need them when your flock realise you do not have a clue about the Aeon of now. My Mission statement will soon be released.
Postscript : creation is NOT about making babies .. even praeter babies..
Creation is an amazing process from conceptual inspiration to birth and unveil. LMNS — SNML
Right next to that smashed wheel on that table of fate is the heart built Oracle system given by Cronos the Swan to his eternal mate in the mirror, being built in the nocturnal world with buddy and mascot Barry the Bettong
This is 2025 the time for virgin births went out with “santa claus” subterfuge to a 6 year old kid who knows better.
As did the Wheel, and While I was meditating on the Wheel today, I realised I had already published the truth about the wheel back in 1992, during the wedding of fire and water. So please consider that the wheel has exploded, smashed never to be repaired and you can consider me to be the pregnant nun of conception.
The wheel goes up
the wheel goes down
the wheel keeps turning
around and around
Lighting the mirrors
on the curves of life
accelerating the image
on the blade of a knife
Through one loop
and out the next
faster and faster
base over apex.
The light travels forward
gathering to it a past
growing brighter and brighter
how long can it last
Before it explodes
from all into one
and from the big ending
a new universe called nun
Again on its journey
staring fresh and anew
some facts only known
by an elite chosen few
The light that starts off
with a message to send
remains essentially unchanged
from end through to end.