Magick and Word — Obeah & Wanga — Directed Spell of word

This is the sec­ond Part to a series
Break­ing down and strip­ping word to it’s core
Beyond alpha and Omega and back again
Find Part 1 here

Obeah and Wan­ga — The Way and the Will

When mankind lost his link to source 8000 years ago, he lost the abil­i­ty to think things in com­mu­ni­ca­tion. So he had to cre­ate the sec­ondary sys­tem of lan­guage and words ref­er­ence tow­er of babel.

This new com­mu­ni­ca­tion was flawed from the start as it was miss­ing the base con­stituents of all “com­mu­ni­ca­tion” between ani­mals.

Mankind sets him­self on a pedestal above ani­mals, yet watch an ani­mal need no sound what­so­ev­er to com­mu­ni­cate to those around them needs , pur­pose, dan­ger, direc­tions, love, posi­tion. Ani­mals are sen­tient, more sen­tient than humans.

This is Mankind’s lost knowl­edge. Sen­tience. The abil­i­ty to dis­cern truth. The abil­i­ty to con­nect to the cur­rent, The abil­i­ty to know the cur­rent is above all. Truth.

Lan­guage has inter­fered with truth and buried truth under an alpha­bet of lies.

How the World Became a Word Construct Illusion

How the World Became a Word Con­struct Illu­sion
The San­i­tized Ver­sion

When man devel­oped lan­guage the first thing he said was “owww”, Sharply Fol­lowed by a “what the fuck was that?”, as he held his now bleed­ing head, he point­ed to a  strange object, that had arrived impromp­tu  from the skies out of nowhere, sit­ting on the ground, bub­bling, steam­ing and red hot, accom­pa­nied by a steady wooshe stream of mus­tard col­ored gas escap­ing the object in steady fogs of dirty yel­low brown, that stunk worse than that egg that that explod­ed one time after bak­ing in the sun and rain for a week or so.

so began the illu­sion con­struct
- we don’t know the object itself, it is a noth­ing that became some­thing it became an 1.
because no one knew what that some­thing was, it began to attach descrip­tive words as peo­ple used words togeth­er to describe it

so far for this hot­blob we have added the fol­low­ing words to Blob

hotbleed­ing headstrange
for aweekor

wow over 50 words used to describe “Blob” a four let­ter word .. 51 words attached to poor four let­ter blob
and every one of them were not blob.

in order to describe it to oth­er peo­ple “the IMagE of the blob grew and left the blob behind it”  Peo­ple wrote vol­umes of books try­ing to get to know just what this blob is, we still talk about the comet that wiped or did­nt wipe the dinosaurs.

over time “the image of the blob became that comet that wiped out the dinosaurs”, the stuff leg­ends are made of. and over time the image and leg­end of the blob grew to fill the entire world of word. Words live, and the image of the blob became a pow­er­ful enti­ty in the com­mu­ni­ty con­scious­ness, remem­bered over and over from the core out­wards.

Descrip­tive words

or what­ev­er they call it, i left school at 13 and 8 months, actu­al­ly I was kin­da let go.. <3 so I am kin­da of low edu­cat­ed, I think, too much lol

Extra words/descriptive words adjec­tives — take away from word itself not add to it. Actu­al­ly they do add to it as well as take away from it..its one big mess. It is one big DIRECTED mess.

It cre­at­ed a mess of illu­sion that hides and cov­ers the orig­i­nal word and what it stood for and allows a rhetoric to be shaped from the result.

Eg TRUTH has been taint­ed by Absolute truth, naked truth, blind truth.

They are not truth they are dilut­ed and unclean.