more shortly
Category: Aqua Aura
New Secret Alignment Discovered of Thoth in XIV Art and Prince of Cups Horvered©
This is the Hor’ver© image that sent the hairs on the back of my neck dancing. I love it when I turn the opacity down on that last flip meld and watch as it all slowly appears, today Art Appeared in back and white, it was as obvious an tits on a bull.
Presenting a blue Art X Ivy as I call her (my car is called IVY too as its plates are IV7) .…. she has that same dress on and look at the Janus face…
My feet didn’t touch the floor as I was rushing off to meld the both together and see what I could see .. well ok I lie my feet were in the floor and i was sitting at my old laptop firing up my folders to see what was under the combination I had never thought of..
I didn’t expect to see me .. but here we are ..
now i am wondering if there is mention of princey princess in Art or vice versa.
the key to Art or the Art Key to the Prince of Cups
61 Percent Opacity
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks perfect. The 3 in 1
50 Percent Opacity
Larger Prince Card than Ivy Art still looks perfect. The 3 in 1
50 Percent Opacity
Same Size Prince Card as Ivy Art looks perfect. The 3 in 1
20th January 2025 discovery
Prince Of Cups Key to Art XIV
I was reworking my prince of cups today with a new angle o the Horver to make it all precise when I had a “Bingo” Lon call and noticed something in my HorFlip of the Prince of Cups that astounded me so much that I had to get up from my desk and walk over to the tarot wheel table where Botl and BoTh were sitting along with the cards and the plans that Cronos had shown me in Doth after I caught the “temple” voice out on lies around three times. More on that as it is written in DOTh — Reflections of.
I walked over, took a drink from my water jug and picked up the drawing. Cronos had reached over my shoulder when I said I can’t draw.
Cronos said “I will teach you, and I felt that familiar hand over mine reach from over my left shoulder and guided my pencil, before I had drawn the S I knew where my hand was going, I was as much driving it as t was being guided. it did form what I had been thinking, I instantly saw “their historical fatal mistake” and I instantly saw the perfect self perpetuating system as the 2d drawing appeared on the paper, in my mind it unfolded and unfolded into the perfect shape.
I sat frozen feeling the warmth around me, it was a moment of vindication, of relief in a way and a high five fuck you to all. I had believed, I had loved, and I had held that in my heart. But most of all in the end I had trusted. I had gone back to my swan name on the spring *autumn equinox and then a month or so later after a series of co incidence and synchronicity slapped me so hard that I said loudly “ok I give up.. I can’t deny this anymore.. I am following this instinct”. “bringing in the rain fertility happened” the volcano adventure the natural springs and the billabong.. the garden of broken dreams and Pachamama …
it was all there .. I was being basted and basting myself for my huge genetic level dna changes and then along came lon… lon lyon Lon lie’s triggered my transmutation in November around my birthday which began the ball rolling…
I still didn’t get on board with what was going on until that fired up real hot during the chiron merc retrograde and Crowley Death day 21 days of DoTh up to that moment of me kissing no ass on the winter/summer solstice the sun was born. The southern Sun is a woman, a beautiful woman who lit a fire to warm her people. She didn’t need to steal the fire because she already had it inside her and her people respected her so much and they loved her deeds as well as her. She is still the legend, she is still talked about today, she is still warming her people in the great southern lands.
SO at the end of doth when I was bid farewell from the communication.. no wait that was two day after the Swan, I had two more days of questions and answers.. over all it was no time and yet all time..centuries and an instant.
and yes it was the 19th the day of the sun.. .. here it was in front of me…perfection.….. . it was him .….but there was more..I cried. my swan. it was also mother and father and sister … it is hard to explain that bit i will find words ..
so beautiful, so obvious ..Crowley writes of it..when he wrote of it it sent chills up my spine, i was riding the swan and I remeber how that amazing ting feels like .. no gravity, no weight no where no time…
the Swan is in legends, ballets, pageants, fairy tales 12, the 9 the 6, the 3 swans.… it is all the Swan… with me in his back. .. but its not Zeus .. it am Zeus and Hades and Poseidon — Gaia mother earth Terra Teragram Margaret… and I am the pearl of Cronos… the crone.. the crow the magpie blackbird has spoken, like the first word and I am an eagle, kestrel a hawk a kookaburra and a phenix and rainbow lorikeet .. I am actually called the bird lady and the bird kidnapper in life here. and yet they are all names I am no name … O
The Great Grandmother Babalon the daughter neve goes to the mother .. the daughter of the daughter goes to the grandmother knowing royal line.
The Prince of Cups Horvered© *Huge Secret Revealed here
Prince of Cups
Published Version painted by
Lady Frieda (Margaret) Harris
Prince of Cups
Horizontal Flip of Horver©
- When the prince turns into a princess
- This card is showing the elements now of XIV Art and Janus face appears Key Revealed only By Mayet System Mirror of Maat — Horver© Technique
- There is the secret of the swans openly shown in the centre of this image Hor Flipped.
- How do I know this? because I am looking at the system beside me that Cronus helped me draw and I see it in this image.
- He/she looks very proud and careful of the cargo in the hands
- wheras in the published closed image, he is holding the flowers downwards, in the flip version he is connected into a machine “gearstick”
- shape of the invisibility cap is good, especially aroun dthe forehed, true to design but it is not his cap you can see it doesn’t fit on his head.. or two heads
- there is a veil covering the invisibility cap that is a dress with wings and the breast is a fantastic point of contact, it has a red glow at the bottom of the white.
- to note i haven’t “gone through’ the temples in my horver cards since 2019 when I found them spelled. Oh it still works amazingly and contact is made easy but I do not trut hte contact… theymade one to many mistakes. Any contact goes straight to to the temple construct illusion leaving one feeling drained and weak for months instead of charged up by the current.
- There are other ways to contact source and to recharge
See Mayet’s New Key Revealed together here Art XIV (Ivy) with Prince of Cups and it is a perfect match
Prince of Cups
Double Vertical Flip of Horver©
Prince of Cups
Single (a) Vertical Flip of Horver©
Prince of Cups
Single (b) Vertical Flip of Horver©
Prince of Cups — Early Lady Frieda (Margaret) Not Used In Deck Hor’Vered
When Bart Deleplanque posted some of the early Versions of Lady Margaret’s work in the facebook Thoth Group, I was fascinated. When am I not? So at first first chance I fired up my Horver technique and opened some more doors and windows to let the breeze in.
So here for the first time at the court cards, and cards of early versions.
Prince of Cups
Not used by Crowley in the final versions.
Prince of Cup’s Vertical flip.
I found this one to have wafty elements compared to the versions that were released with the deck. The veils over face for example.
There is words forming at the knees as with other images in Horver.
The wings look like blood cells Swirling.
Prince of Cups Horizontal Flip
- Now this one is more like the magick I have come to know.
- I sat here for five minutes watching the arms going up and down
- Note the cat centre at bottom
- angelic devilish being at the top crown.
- word under waistline and top of cup
- looks like bowling rink under that at bottom of cup
- being in centre
- the armour has clarified into fish scales
- the cup is not attached to the prince so to speak he3 is holding it
- quite a few temple entrances
- centre line cut
- reminds me of creation “In the beginning Delphi” with the two eagles starting at same point, one going east, one going west until they met in the middle at delphi
- cup had definite 3d ishness
Prince of Cups
Horizontal & Vertical
Well dang.. it is there alright and probably stronger than the 78 finals if you sit back and watch the top set of arms they move into the bottom arms which then point at the temple door inside themselves guarded on each side and above.
very subdued colours
19 January 2025 In conclusion at this time, this card obscured an obscure story, although it reveals so much truth.
For more on the Prince Of Cups and it’s relationship to Atu XIV Art
please see The Prince of Cups Horvered ©
Injustice of The Universe
IIX Injustice Hor’Ver Flipped and Melded Mirror Of Mayet System Method Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley
When Justice turns into Injustice well
here I am
What is balance becomes inbalance
What is imbalance becomes balance
When the heart was weighed against Maat’s Feather, the heart had to balance…
not be too heavy or too light. The heart had to have innocence.
No buying your way in by “doing good” and going to church on Sunday’s folks
how is your heart going?
Other Article and EpistleS By MAYET
In the beginning — Creation Egypt Style with Maat and Thoth and their sun Ra
XX The Aeon Hor’Ver Flipped and Melded Mirror Of Mayet Method Book of ThoTh Aleister Crowley
The Aeon Hor’ver Unveiling Nun Self Birthing the Universe
Note the squatting Legs, Pendulous Breasts.
Note inside her swollen belly is a power system.
A word of faith.
All our lives we get told to trust
To have faith
Trust our Archons
Trust our RULERS

Trust our Leaders
Trust Jesus construct
Trust God
Trust what we are told is the TRUTH
But sometimes we forget to trust the most important person of all
We forget to Trust ourselves
By handing over trust to others we stop trusting in our own mind heart and spirit.
Words are fascinating things “TRUSSED” is “TRUST” when you “trust” someone you are effectively “being “trussed” yourself by your faith. You are held in the bonds and chains of that trust.
Trust is Trussed
Tied Up Trapped Trussed Trust
We are effectively trussed by our trust in others.
We trust what they say to us
We trust they are telling us the truth
We trust they are right
We trust that everything will be ok
Is that Wise??
Ah a question.
You all know me, I am full of questions.
So that leads me to my main point.
Should we trust or question?
Should we go through life and trust what others tell us is true?
Or should we question life for ourselves?
Explore for ourselves?
Should we rely and trust in others?
Have faith? Have trust?
Or should we grow our trust in ourselves
Blind Trust effectively leaves us Blindly Trussed
Tied up
We hand over our power
we hand over our faith
we hand over our trust
We hand over control.
and by doing all that we lose our instinct
Over the past two thousand years we have been told to trust
Trust God
Trust Our Leaders
Trust Our Elders
Now today we have no instinct
We have no trust of ourselves
We may believe but we do not know
We may trust but we are not certain
We have faith but no proof
We are blinded by trust
So we don’t question
We are herded like faithful trusting lambs to the slaughter
We trust others
but how fatal is it?
To not trust ourselves
red and yellow and pink and blue
purple and orange and crimson too
and then there is the color forgot
the vital aqua aura just for you
To Be Published here 18 January 2025
The Touch
The Touch of a Feeder
to be published here 21 January 2025
Avatar & Adventures of the Arch of The Crow
Avatar & Adventures of the Arch of The Crow
The Crow
To be Published 21st January 2025
sometimes I CAN be early
IT’s name is ? — Compliments of Simon Lieman
You Are Subject to IT daily, every day, every month and every year of your life.
You know IT is happening because you are not stupid, but you don’t quite know how IT is happening, what IT is or if IT is real or if IT is just a figment of your imagination.
In Good and Bad News, It Exists, IT is real, It is happening and IT has a name and associated databank of epic biblical proportions..
IT’s name is NLP. and I am going to introduce it to you via an avatar of reality. Simon The Eager.
To Be Published here
Thirsty As Bro
You know those people that look at you as if they want to eat you? They do
Place Marker to be published 12 January 2025
Tolerance Paradox. The Dangers Of The Tolerance Paradox In a Community of Today
Coming 11/January/2025
Beware The GreenMan Part 1 the Weave
Type — Master of Illusion
Other Names — False Fool
— Wandering Weaver
on new years night i was feeling pretty good. Rains had cleared and I had gone back to the billabong.. I even took my neighbour Paul there to show him what the floodwaters had done to the billabong on my evening visit. ooh that reminds me, I tried to tape that day but couldn’t because after I would ask paul if he could be quiet while I taped, each time he would start talking in his “weave” so I gave up.
I said “I asked you to be quiet while I was taping, it was only for a minute but you couldnt respect that. I knew he was high but he wasnt badly high, I have seen him worse. but he was “weaving” and I could see it. At that time, it was something curious to me but it wasn’t until after the events of the “Green Man” and I spoke to other women, that knowledge turned into understanding.
So let me tell you about the Green Man, the master of illusion. But first here is that dude clip failed 9 seconds in by someone who’s one job was to not talk for a minute. Pauly has no car through a comedy of self enforced errors. His big nisson 4wd died from a serious lack of care. I couldn’t believe it lasted that long with the noises and hissing and farting and coughing it did.
After I called him on not being quiet while I was taping, he got all petulant and started mocking me “oh she was taping she said” he reached out his arm to me and then pulled it back saying ” oh don’t touch me, that’s right she said not to touch her” and he looked at me and said, well I am going for a swim then and he turned his back to me and walked to the side of the billabong.
This was a big key and will unravel in this and part 2 and 3. ” Oh dont touch me, that’s right, she said not to touch her”.
he was “weaving” and I wasn’t tuning in and he stood in the water and was talking to himself and he said “I am just going to put you on my back and we will go through here and do this”
I said “Stop Pauly, I do not care if you are joking being real or in some fantasyland, I ride no mans, no woman’s, no anyone’s back, i might ride near you for a bit like this adventure but I ride alone, you know that. Respect that and please do not try and attach me. Now i am leaving in a about five mins. I want to go home”.
“oh don’t touch me, don’t touch me, don’t touch me” Fine I will stay here and pray in silence. he said ..
that half madness of talking and half communication made me think i was going mad about my boundaries.. was I being too stiff and self righteous? Should I just relax and ignore my instincts?
I’m thinking great please do be silent PUHLEESE .. so Paul starts praying .. and there is no silence at my billabong .. Pauly is praying out loud, like minister on the pulpshit loud. So loud that even the cows on the other side of the river paddocks could hear every word as they slowly chewed their cud and contemplated the loudly orating Greenman.
he’s getting louder and louder .. and now he’s looking from the side to see if i am listening.. WTFtard head game is this?
How could I not listen to that drone. Pauly’s voice had taken on a strange sharpness now .….… he was talking to his father god about some lady he visited ..
I just thought/presumed that shit gets me every time)that he meant old Barbara in number 14 who he gets all dressed up to the nines to go and have dinner with ..
he was kissing his crucifix around his neck while he was talking what i call green man “fantasy weaving” about this “lady” he visits and him apologizing to her if his “father” could help him and forgive him. and how he had done this lady wrong and then it flipped into him liking this lady that he did wrong to and he needed his fatehrs help to forgive him and help this lady to like him..but it was all up to father..
ahhh dafuq?
I’m standing there at my Zen billabong, thinking fuck this i don’t need to hear your fake ass prayers .. or “the weave” that you are trying to catch me in.
so I wandered upstream a bit to move away from him and he got louder .. none of it made sense, however but the few things that did make sense, seemed to be more about me with key bits about me, then he would switch to her, and then back to me and I’m thinking wtf now its me he’s talking about.. I realise now the fixation of a predator and those key links that people miss, I missed until now that are the danger for people, especially those bought up with manners. That Tolerance Paradox again. Acceptance over boundaries.
Back at the billabong, I just couldn’t get away from his voice and his “weave” ..if I turned to go up one track he would turn and start “praying” at the direction.
I felt an intangible dark threat that I hadn’t felt before so I walked over to my car and said come on Pauly i am going home now and I got in nitro jumped in and i started the car..
He turned and stared at me, still leaning on the tree next to the water, he did that for about 30 seconds and then finally came over to snow but she wouldn’t get in the car so he started to get really angry with her which made her back off more
That surprised me to see the anger and looking back on it now, there is still something I missing in my picture. She finally got in and I drove off, he started straight away but I shut him off and said Pauly I just want to get home i am tired and its dinner time.
He started again but this time on how pushy I was to rush him home after I had invited him, and how he couldn’t go for a swim now because of my “bad mood” and I was being a cunt. A year ago I would of taken that onboard and thought I was being a cunt, however, I am over it. Getting labeled from standing my ground, standing with morals, telling people truth and being fair then being stood all over for doing so and therein lays the boonbane of standing with truth which will become clearer as time goes on.
I said hey you can walk home, it is only 2ks. I have told you before I do not want to be around you when you are hi like this. I’m zen you are flying and never the twain shall meet. So lets just leave it there ok.
I didn’t bother to let him know the only reason he was in the car was for Snow after he had pestered me all day every day for weeks to take him there when i go, so this time it was near dusk, I had already been there for an hour or so that morning and I just wanted to grab a quick vid of the running water, as I hadn’t taken my phone earlier.
he kept trying to start to weave on the way back but each time i would say I’m tired Pauly, i just want to get home. I pulled into the complex and drove up to his unit..I stopped and said catch you later.
he just sat there, thinking and staring at me. I could see the clock ticking and wheels turning. I realise now he was looking for a new in. I realize now as I watch it all again in Video full colour forwards backward slow motion and fast forward..
I am grateful for that ability. Now I see the scariness that I didn’t see before in my naive thoughts that everyone would be like me in the heart.
I don’t always catch things when they happen, usually for good reason. Sometimes a blank expression is the best presentation and if I haven’t seen it, I haven’t registered it and my face has not shown that recognition. Later as I sit and do the post mortem on various things, like here I have full clarity and recall of the event. This time I look at their faces their expressions their thoughts and what they are REALLY saying.
I am watching his face as he looked at me, I can see it growing tiny into sharp focus on one thing me, and fish hooks he had in my to tug on.. Not many.
once again he reached over to touch and pulled back sharply with his childish voce saying the same rhetoric he always spits out “oh sorry she said not to touch her.. speaking in third person..
that is his weave jumping from one to the other, pulling you into his weave and I found out later from others about his other key “the touch”. Learn all about that horror here
See once before when he was high he came to my unit door for something and I was stunned, I don’t often see Auras but this day he was in a heightened state and a ugly crimson chalky aura was traveling along through his skin as he talked in tune to what I call now “the weave.. it is similar to the one i see on my daughters but theirs is beautiful like Kiras aqua one when she gets all excited. … this was an ugly dank colour on paul.. Find Aura’s here in my aural epistle
around that same time he bought a painting to me and said I had to hang it for him in my home because he had painted it himself. I looked at the painting and shuddered. The frustration the rage and anger anger oozed from every stroke.. it glowed a chaotic anger .. I said no thanks, to Pauly, and i said i could see anger in it and I wouldn’t put anger in my home..
and he said, totally without realising WHAT he was saying
“oh no, when I first started painting it I was really angry but I was happy again when I was painting and finishing it see, its good, I want you to hang it here”
some people do not know about energy or pretend not to so i just left it at that and left the painting against the wall in the front room that I wasn’t using.
thinking back now ouch.… hell happened on in that room after the painting arrived and then had moved on to a new home..
and then another memory that just came back .. my planet paintings.. I scrapped many and some I put in a second pile, to be edits, repainted, improved later and they were lying under my spray table in my outdoor studio and Pauly picked two up and said Ill take these, You don’t want them.. and he picked up two I had scrapped because .. purpose, I know what is inside me .. I painted them after a 6 month campaign of terror and being held hostage. I painted all that emotion into those works so much so you could see the red blood spatters all over the painting..I made sure I burned them that night.
I said no one touches those they will be burned.
I remember now thinking then oh jeez out of thirty or so canvases sitting there you pick the two with anger spells in them to be burned on the stake and destroyed not passed on to spread that rage and perpetuate it.…
All of my paintings are painted with love and I always feel chuffed to see that love spread and someone pick my work to hang in their space.
Then Paul said something that shocked me. He said you know that painting you gave me last christmas of the planets.
wow, I said why did you do that… and he said, I had the shits with you when you came back from Cairns and accused me of being in your house and I hated you so I burnt them.
and this is where the Tolerance Paradox comes into play and the dangers over acceptance over truth. Please Click Link to read my take on the dangers of the Tolerance Paradox especially in a Pagan healing damaged community.
At the time, two to three years ago. I was very damaged, an adulthood of beatings, gaslighting and having everything I have created stolen, I had just lost my husband to cancer, I had been accused of murdering him because two of my husbands had died previously, I was evicted the week of his funeral after asking more time to pay my rent as i had just lost half my income and the husband earning it.
His children broke into my caravan where I lived and stole my personal things and then his daughter came with a posse of about 30 to the park I lived at and demanded me come out of the van where nitro and i were sitting shaking so she could punch my head in for killing her dad *note number 2 on the eviction notice /causing a disturbance. Then i had the big brother standover man drug dealer “call me” because he wanted to speak to me about refusing to give his sister my husbands ashes.
Lets just say . horrendous times.. I lived in a tent for a year in the middle of floods and covid in a day in and day out survival mode before coming here. I had moved away from my children to give them autonomy so this is the first time EVER I have been alone in life without a man “to protect me” or family to do the same.
I was vulnerable, very and as strong as I am, I had deep wounds I need to lick and heal. So it was a given that SOMEONE would take advantage, it comes with the territory of givers and takers, but what shocked me is how many takers there are today.
I’d say I would of had VICTIM in neon lights above my head. Nah I know I did.
A few months back I walked into My Magickal Mess at Howard near Hervey Bay qld, and said Hi to an old friend and witch Cindy. She was talking to a couple of witch little old ladies who reminded me of some tv show somewhere, so Archy, I mean they were so Archy that they saw my bald head and tiny frame and both sidled up to me twisting their hands together with glee, reaching out to touch me, there is that touch again. one of them said, “Oh dear do you have cancer love” as they both anxiously awaited my sad reply. Nothing benign about these feeders, it oozed off them in some hocus pocus nightmare caricature reality.
I just stared back at them both, waiting for me to play their victim so they could feed off the misery. No, I answered, I just like shaving my head. They instantly froze and sidled backwards and disappeared out of the shop.
Cindy caught it, nothing was said but she smiled that little secret smile. We were talking for a minute catching up with Goss on her coven and shop and my little haven happenings. and she said I have to say you are looking fantastic Magi. I grinned and said,“normally it’s that response that your little sucubi gave me”.
She laughed and said no, last time I saw you, you were like a little wizened old lady, all shrunken up and old, now look at you standing there in warrior stance shoulders up.. you look 20 years younger. I looked puzzled, I thought i looked older with the shaved head and lets face it, I have lived a battle life and got the scars to prove it. I always said Crowley meant “the woman with the scars on her body” not stars. Cindy was right though, I had worked through some horrendous past and current happenings since she had seen me, I had conversations with source and I was ok with it all and happy with me.
All that interjection about me for for a reason, my two opposing mindsets. One of a person bruised and damaged currently who withdrew into a shell, basically disconnecting the current that is. ie; Instinct foresight forewarning, which allowed me to further become a victim again of the Tolerance Paradox.
and the Second me now, reborn bornless, after cutting the thread holding me to “what I HAVE to do” to “What I do when i do it how I do it where I do it but its all my way” and becoming sharp as a tack on a rose.
and now it rolls out.. the weave s unwoven..
As I was building my yard and outdoor areas and studios up, Pauly would go through my yard picking items up saying “you don’t want this! it would be better at my place” and go to walk off with it, plants in pots, gnomes, doo dads, tools, my bits of life .. I would often see him the back going through my rubbish pile I had ready to go to the tip every month.
One woman’s trash is another’s treasure I say, so that didn’t phase me. Maybe it should of though?
Thirsty As — Click for my take on Thirst and Thirst Quenching Incubus.
The best one was a few weeks back, I have a table out front of my kitchen window where my seedling sit and at the moment because I am using power tools I have two round saws, leads and angle grinder on the sheltered table and under it. Also on the table is the bird and chicken feed containers and a couple of odds and ends. A few weeks back I bought a set of roof racks for my tiny Rio and some ratchetty things and new rope, the rope was on the table waiting on the install of the racks.
First, another Archy The Crow walked up to get me to help him get a refund from ergon. The only time the guys around here will come near me by themselves is if they need something tech done, like refunds and anything online. So I fixed the crow up, got him a thousand dollar refund and he walked out all happy and pleased, saw my green rope all nicely coiled and picked it up and said “you don’t need this I will just take it with me”
Yes, my head is still spinning on that one. Even sitting here 6 weeks later writing this. More on that and the Avatar & Adventures of the Arch of The Crow
So my head spun even more off the Richter Scale when Pauly was in my garden at Christ returning bowls I had given him meals in, he saw my green rope on the table, picked it up and said “You don’t need this, I will just take it over to my place”.
Snap, “hunter collective consciousness”
so somehow no matter how many times I said no.. somehow he now has my passionfruit vines growing at his, my mulberry at his and rhubarb at his.. I didn’t mind…
it was only 30 metres to go pick what i wanted off them that was the deal..and ..I have shitty soil… but now?
I had just spent well over one thousand dollars to bring in perfect vegie garden soil that turned out to be just shit chemicals which burned killed and stunted everything i planted .. toxic waste dump .. the only tomato i got i picked was black inside.. how to take the heart out of a creation.. rip the creator off on the way…
overall it felt threatening. Everything I have ever built has been stolen and taken from me. and now on my rebuild, I have streamlined everything. I had and have the basic nessessities and when i had the chance, for the first time ever i built for my future, my chickens, their coops, my shed, my greenhouse and hundreds of plants and seeds to ensure hat with a bit of hard work and no more input I could produce a never ending source of life herbs flowers native trees fruit trees .. and I stocked my art supplies so in winter I can paint and create kiln fired glass magick..I was building a compact eden.
I bought tools most second hand, a new chainsaw and I was so proud of it. Everyone around here was shocked and said why buy it.. I said “because each time I asked you asses if I could borrow yours, you ALL said no and you pulled your man act on me. Oh no you might get hurt, oh no i havent got time to go chop wood, haha maggie you with a chainsaw look at you.. So now i can chop wood and no one can put me in the corner… I will be warm in front of my fire..
now they all say . geez your garden looks great Maggie, it is awesome, I see you out there working hard.. I just say thanks and keep going and think how nice it is to bring something nice to others when doing something solely for myself. See my garden of broken dreams is all about the sunflowers, and me walking out my door to a burst of yellow and green sunshine, it makes me happy and now I know it makes other people happy.
Even after the shitty soil, the ‘nado wreck, lack of good water my heart was still there..UNTIL .….the day I went out to build the shed and there was missing bits that were there the day before, it started to be a chore again..
the stress of replacement the worry of who stole parts to thwart me not for any other reason..and the violation of me, yet again. Another broken dream.
And now that takes me back to me not listening to to someone who knew — my Sister The Queen Bee
at the time Mel “looked” and said are you sure it isn’t Pauly, I see him.
Part 2 “Who has been sleeping in my bed” Coming Shortly
Magick and Word — Obeah & Wanga — Directed Spell of word
This is the second Part to a series
Breaking down and stripping word to it’s core
Beyond alpha and Omega and back again
Find Part 1 here
Obeah and Wanga — The Way and the Will
When mankind lost his link to source 8000 years ago, he lost the ability to think things in communication. So he had to create the secondary system of language and words reference tower of babel.
This new communication was flawed from the start as it was missing the base constituents of all “communication” between animals.
Mankind sets himself on a pedestal above animals, yet watch an animal need no sound whatsoever to communicate to those around them needs , purpose, danger, directions, love, position. Animals are sentient, more sentient than humans.
This is Mankind’s lost knowledge. Sentience. The ability to discern truth. The ability to connect to the current, The ability to know the current is above all. Truth.
Language has interfered with truth and buried truth under an alphabet of lies.
How the World Became a Word Construct Illusion
How the World Became a Word Construct Illusion
The Sanitized Version
When man developed language the first thing he said was “owww”, Sharply Followed by a “what the fuck was that?”, as he held his now bleeding head, he pointed to a strange object, that had arrived impromptu from the skies out of nowhere, sitting on the ground, bubbling, steaming and red hot, accompanied by a steady wooshe stream of mustard colored gas escaping the object in steady fogs of dirty yellow brown, that stunk worse than that egg that that exploded one time after baking in the sun and rain for a week or so.
so began the illusion construct
- we don’t know the object itself, it is a nothing that became something it became an 1.
because no one knew what that something was, it began to attach descriptive words as people used words together to describe it
so far for this hotblob we have added the following words to Blob
hot | bleeding | head | strange |
object | arrived | impromptu | from |
skies | out | nowhere | sitting |
om | ground | bubbling | steaming |
redhot | red | accompanied | by |
steady | woshe | steam | mustard |
coloured | gas | escaping | steady |
fogs | dirty | yellowBROWN | than |
that | stunk | worse | egg |
exploded | onetime | one | time |
after | bakinf | sun | rain |
for | a | week | or |
so | |||
wow over 50 words used to describe “Blob” a four letter word .. 51 words attached to poor four letter blob
and every one of them were not blob.
in order to describe it to other people “the IMagE of the blob grew and left the blob behind it” People wrote volumes of books trying to get to know just what this blob is, we still talk about the comet that wiped or didnt wipe the dinosaurs.
over time “the image of the blob became that comet that wiped out the dinosaurs”, the stuff legends are made of. and over time the image and legend of the blob grew to fill the entire world of word. Words live, and the image of the blob became a powerful entity in the community consciousness, remembered over and over from the core outwards.
Descriptive words
or whatever they call it, i left school at 13 and 8 months, actually I was kinda let go.. <3 so I am kinda of low educated, I think, too much lol
Extra words/descriptive words adjectives — take away from word itself not add to it. Actually they do add to it as well as take away from it..its one big mess. It is one big DIRECTED mess.
It created a mess of illusion that hides and covers the original word and what it stood for and allows a rhetoric to be shaped from the result.
Eg TRUTH has been tainted by Absolute truth, naked truth, blind truth.
They are not truth they are diluted and unclean.
Murder of Lion — Exposed
Liber O
Welcome to my Rose Garden.
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- Magick and Word — Obeah & Wanga — Directed Spell of word
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Sundaland: Tracing The Cradle of Civilizations
Sundaland Archive Format Downloads by Dhani Irwanto
Thank you to Dhani for your wonderful contribution
Sundaland by Dhani Irwanto
Sundaland is a bio-geographical region of Southeastern Asia which encompasses the Sunda Shelf, the part of the Asian continental shelf that was exposed during the Last Ice Age. It included the Malay Peninsula on the Asian mainland, as well as the large islands of Kalimantan, Java and Sumatera, and their surrounding islands.
Sundaland is in the tropics, surrounded by oceans, and within the Ring of Fire. Benefitting from the heavy precipitation, volcanic deposits in Sundaland develop into some of the richest forestry and agricultural lands, and developed into some of the richest fauna on Earth.
The vast majority of scholars accept that every living human being is descended from a small group in Africa, who then dispersed into the wider world. Archaeological and fossil evidence support an early migration of modern humans left Africa and followed the coastlines of Africa, Arabia, India and Sundaland. After migrating from the semi-deserted savannas of Africa, man first found a place in Sundaland where food was abundant and it was there that they left hunter-gatherer culture and invented farming, agriculture, trading and civilization, which made humanity first flourished. All this took place during the Last Glacial period.
The sea levels continued to rise gradually to peak levels about 5,500 years ago, causing land loss on tropical coasts with flat continental shelves. Cracks in the earth’s crust as the weight of the ice shifted to the seas set off catastrophic events compounded by earthquakes, volcano eruptions, super waves and floods drowned the coastal cultures and all the flat continental shelves of Southeast Asia, and wiped out many populations. As the sea rolled in, there was a mass migration from the sinking continent. Genetic studies show that there has been a sharp decline in the population of the world, and population turnovers from Southeast, East and South Asia to Europe, Near East and the Caucasus beginning at the the end of the Younger Dryas period.
The Younger Dryas disasters are also documented as legends, myths or tales in almost every region on Earth, observable with tremendous similarities. They are common across a wide range of cultures, extending back into Bronze Age and Neolithic prehistory. The overwhelming consistency among legends and myths of flood and the repopulation of man from a flood hero similar to the Noah Flood are found in distant parts of the Earth. The myths similar to the Garden of Eden, Paradise or Divine Land echo among the populations around the world. Memories of their origin are documented in their legends, such as the stories of Atlantis, Neserser, Land of Punt, Land of Ophir, Kumari Kandam, Kangdez and Taprobana. Pyramids spread in many parts of the world and emerged separately from one another by oceans who supposedly never discovered each other’s existence. Those indicate that they were derived from a common origin. Further, scholastic belief by etymologists and linguists are positive that all world languages sprang from a common source.