Nine days ago, An evening visitor, paying respects to Hunta’s sister, who had just delivered babies, did not latch the front door open as they left.
he left late and saw himself out, Nina and Al went to bed.
The next morning they woke up to find both Nina’s and Al’s dogs missing from the house. Ballsack, Mo, (al’s) Blair and Hunter Nina’s)
all that day they searched high and lo, putting ads on facebook, calling friends to enlist their help and driving for hours calling out, with only silence in reply.
I drove around with Nina two days in a row to the areas they had been spotted. Al and Nina and everyone caring in the village drove around too around. Nothing
Poor al bereft and so locked within himself, I saw him sneak out often to “paint the walls with his tears” so broken and sad and lost without his best mate by his side. and Nina was frantic, trying and thinking of everything she could and then some to find them and bring them home for a big feed.
It was three days when Nina got a call from the lovely beautiful lady at the stockfeeds in Biggenden, she truly is amazing, I buy my bird seed and chicken food there.
She had spotted blair limping and bleeding along the side a road and picked her up. The poor girl had he throat ripped open and blood pouring down her.
on the afternoon of the 18th Nina rang council again to see if there was any updates on her missing dogs. Council admitted that Hunta had be “catchnetted” and was locked up in Gayndah Dog Jail.
The council worker Brooke came to visit Nina on the 19th at 10 am armed with his weapon of choice for the confusion delusion; a voice recorder.
He came on to Ninas property, stuck a microphone in her face when there was no witnesses around and demanded answers to questions. (I will dig deep to find ninas rights there.
As nina told him at the time she was in a state with puffy eyes sneezing and dry and dusty,because she has been cleaning up after a sander and grinder in a room that was being painted.
COuncil illegally bombarded NINA council stream worker, spoke to Nina and said that Hunta had been found inside a cage and there was a dead goat in there. Some people do listen and NIna was armed, locked and loaded on the “record” button on her phone.
Nina will make a stat dec on this matter, that Brooke from council swtiched off his audio recorder before stating the last section (next paragraph) on the fate of Hunta. Nina has requested on each occasion that they furnish her with all their information and proof as part of her response to the Hunta saga. TO be met by the stream workers brick wall, of “you are not listening to me Nina”. It reminds me of a wonderful parable of “basketball playing bear”.
Brooke stated “after his recorder was switched off”, council were investigating council were investigating and would let her know when they knew more. He said he knew that Hunta has a beautiful soul and wouldn’t hurt a fly but he had to pass the information on to the compliance officer.
he stated “i am going to take this to the board” and yet we find (Lie)that simple simon was the pieman who just rubber stamped a murder decree not unlike pontus pilate.
What brooke did not inform Nina of was her rights, her rights to have everything in writing, to arrange formal interviews with legal assistance and support with her. And questions in advance and evidence in advance.
Ninas rights wer ejust obliterated as he best buddy was dragged off the the gas chambers of Austwitz.
Nina tried to contact council for updates to no avail. Then a few days later simon says, phoned, the
18th at the house on 18th. doing up paperwork voice recorded talk to you about hunter..interview now I will record you you. brooke
te voice recording i took ended ,
destruction order issued