2005 Mayet Manuscript

I have post­ed part of this before but not my the­o­ry behind this.

Some peo­ple will have seen me post this before but this time it’s just back­ground of my the­o­ry and it does bear notic­ing, not because I am say­ing hey look what I did, I am so smart.…..I am say­ing hey come look what I found, want to share and the­o­rize why this thing was hid­den..? I see sig­nif­i­cance in this, its just not a bunch of num­bers, its col­ors, music, sound, vibra­tion, and ener­gy.

You may just see a bunch of num­bers that look pret­ty togeth­er and shrug and then go back to enjoy­ing oth­er things.

From what I could gath­er there was knowl­edge hid­den from the mass­es, as Jesus and Moses before him were hid­den from soci­ety. The sto­ry had bear­ing in the Mason­ic leg­ends of Hiram. All the sto­ries stem­ming (split­ting maybe) from the same source.

It all came down to some knowl­edge that the elite or priests as I call them want­ed to keep from the peo­ple. It came to some­thing that was hid­den from the peo­ple but kept secret by the elite few. Clues were giv­en down time but most­ly peo­ple spec­u­lat­ed.

We turn to the tarot of mys­ti­cal ori­gins but full of hid­den and deep mean­ings. The major Arcana made up of 22 num­bers includ­ing the Zero. Many leg­ends spoke of the truth being hid­den with­in the tarot and that could have been one rea­son it has been demo­nized over the years.

I worked specif­i­cal­ly at decod­ing from clues Crow­ley left behind, I found hints that seemed to have sig­nif­i­cant mean­ing and I worked in pure num­bers.
the 22 cards of the Arcana when added are 0 = +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21 == 231

I pulled Crow­ley’s cards out and sep­a­rat­ed them into the attrib­ut­es set out on them into a zodi­ac cir­cle of 12 cards.

start­ing with the emper­or 4 Aries and kept going around in a cir­cle.

I then added up each ele­ments num­bers.

Fire came to 29 — 4 emp(aries), 11 lust(leo), 14 art(sagitarius).
Earth came to 29 — 5 hiero(taurus), 9 hermit(virgo), 15 devil(capricorn)..ok o far so far so good both 29 but then the next two did­n’t fit.
Air came to 31 — 6 lovers(gemini), 8 adjustment(libra), 17 star(aquarius)
Water came to 38 7 chariot(cancer), 13 death(scorpio), 18 moon(pisces)

exter­nal image

to my mind it did­n’t make sense, there was no pat­tern. I looked at the cards and re read what Crow­ley said about them and then played with a cal­cu­la­tor and 22 cards for the next 6 months.

Final­ly dur­ing this time I made a few changes

First was the card Crow­ley called Adjust­ment, I made an adjust­ment with that card. Then the art card spo­ken of in Val­halls thread was moved due to things I saw on the
cards and read, over to take the lust (removed) card posi­tion for Leo. Death was tak­en out of the cir­cle and so was it’s part­ner (pos­i­tive neg­a­tive) 13 death. 13+9=22. The
wheel of for­tune and it’s part­ner the hanged man were bought into the cir­cle. 10+12 = 22. The last change was in the sequence of the final cards of each ele­ment, sag­i­tar­ius,
capri­corn, aquar­ius, pisces. 14, 15, 17, 18. As I had already moved the 14 over to the spot of Leo I moved the 15 down one, added the 16, then the 17 and 18 stayed in
place. The num­bers of the final sign of each ele­ment were 15, 16, 17, 18 to match the first four of 4, 5, 6, 7, numer­i­cal order.

exter­nal image

Each ele­ment and all lines add up to 33 the total of the zodi­ac cir­cle, being 132 out of the full Major Arcana cir­cle of 231.
The first four signs of each ele­ment add to 22
The sec­ond signs ofeach ele­ment add to 44
The third signs of each ele­ment add to 66
show­ing once again the per­fect bal­ance of the num­bers.
Notice the pat­terns of dou­ble num­bers in the results.
Pay close atten­tion also to the per­fect bal­ance of dif­fer­ences between the num­bers.
Each dif­fer­ence adds up to 11 in a per­fect for­ward and reverse pat­tern again and the mir­ror images of the neg­a­tive — pos­i­tive are also per­fect­ly bal­anced, show­ing a per­fect
enclosed cir­cuit sys­tem.

Oth­er parts

exter­nal image

exter­nal image

That was just the start of it,  More on that page about the rest of the major Arcana.


Now that’s all just back­ground, now to the the­o­ry and thought.

This num­ber sys­tem was hid­den behind the tarot as it has been for hun­dreds of years. It was all there but a few moves had been made to make it look imper­fect and not right, to take away that secret, erased from the face of things. Noth­ing that sci­ence could grasp onto, noth­ing tan­gi­ble in fact only fan­ta­sy. The mys­ti­cal tarot that has been ridiculed and demo­nized over the cen­turies. Tarot mean wheel. Wheel turns, move­ment, wheel of life.

To stu­dents the tarot is a book of knowl­edge. Well this sys­tem is hid­den behind the vis­i­ble book. This is pure math­e­mat­ics, pure build­ing blocks of the uni­verse. Hid­den behind that occultish 22 cards is a per­fect numero­log­i­cal sto­ry that tells about the uni­verse, the plan­ets, the con­stel­la­tions, mag­net­ics, yin yang, male female life. There is more to it, the num­bers could be used to cre­ate pure ener­gy fields. I still don’t know the full poten­tial of the sys­tem I decod­ed but I do know it’s vast. If peo­ple had the true attrib­ut­es and mean­ings in front of them instead of the lie that has been on them for years, then they could grasp the mean­ing and sig­nif­i­cance of life, through all the inter­pre­ta­tions of each of the cards. Instead, there is no math­e­mat­i­cal base, it looks like an airy fairy thing. It looks the demo­nized thing that it is por­trayed as.

This sys­tem was always there, always in the cards but yet it was hid­den by some­one, some­time. The God of today is sci­ence. With­out sci­ence we have no proof of things. Evi­dence would have to be sci­en­tif­ic proof that sci­ence can see. Up to now the occult has been ridiculed and treat­ed with con­tempt by soci­ety, frowned on and only allowed in pub­lic over the last two cen­turies. Before then tarot cards were a burn­able offence. Why? What was so scary to the priests about the tarot? Is it because the mag­net­ic field pro­duced by the new num­ber align­ments where before there was noth­ing but hotch­poss? If this num­ber sys­tem and mag­net­ics gets worked on by sci­en­tists, who knows what they can fur­ther reveal. Build­ing blocks of cells, pow­er source using the mag­net­ic field prin­ci­ples con­tain in the sys­tem?

I think the elite know the attrib­ut­es they are using pub­licly are the wrong ones. It stops peo­ple learn­ing and keeps even those inter­est­ed in that sub­ject con­trolled so they do not learn the secret. Who know back to the Mason­ic tra­di­tion per­haps the secret of this sys­tem was actu­al­ly buried in the tem­ple of Solomon and the peo­ple who knew the secret killed. All for the future, now. It may of in fact have been split between the var­i­ous priests/tribes/groups to be passed on from the top elite only to the next gen­er­a­tion of top elite only. Maybe it was as said the secret was entrust­ed to three to pass on but they were killed leav­ing so they could­n’t pass the secret on. That’s all part of the sto­ry that still has to be unrav­eled, who is who in the zoo and who does know what.

All I do know is this secret was there in the tarot all along, Crow­ley gave enough hints to find it. Whether he knew of it is not exact­ly known to me, I think he may have because he vir­tu­al­ly tied rib­bons around trees on the path­way to find­ing it. He changed the name of the jus­tice card to adjust­ment, why the hell would you do that unless you were leav­ing a clue behind that this was an adjust­ment and indeed it was the first move made, after it was moved things fell in place quick­ly. There are lots of red her­rings in the whole sto­ry. Although what I have shown above looks so pure and sim­ple, it took years to unrav­el because of red her­rings. I know it sounds pompous of me to say that this sort of thing could be part of knowl­edge that has been kept hid­den but this is some­thing that has in fact been hid­den.

That is the impor­tant thing in this, as said above it may just look like a bunch of match­ing num­bers and pret­ty pat­terns, and it is, but why was there a lie, a false­hood print­ed instead for hun­dreds of years, why not just print the cor­rect bunch of pret­ty pat­terns and col­ors all along?

First Writ­ten 2005