Dear Simon and all involved ,
Please immediately rescind the destruction order on Hunta and put in place (legal) arrangements for Nina to be able to take her home. Nina will be email sending you a letter to confirm she is beginning action.
I am writing to respond to the letter sent by you on the 20th of December 2024 addressed to Nina MacDonald. This letter has not been opened and preserved and videoed for future legal action. I am Nina’s advocate in this matter and a very interested member of the public.
On the phone you spoke to Nina of attaching both the regulated dog notice and the Destruction order in the email. I heard that conversation as did two others. Breach section 95 2 and 127.
I request that Council preserve immediately all conversations held in council data banks. All recordings will be referenced aand marked, for ease to refer to, as I uncover more information and laws you have broken.for audit of compliance,
On the note attached to the email where, you attached two notices, being the regulated dog notice and the destruction order of poor Hunta.
Please immediately refer to section 95 (2) of the Animal Management Act of Queensland 2008 and immediately withdraw all notices.
Please also excuse yourself Simon Eager from this case and submit yourself for investigations and compliance. It raises severe serious questions about obedience to laws, rules, and following set procedures. This rolls down and reflects public confidence when the compliance officer is intentionally being non compliant. This email is the first of a series of call to account of multiple breaches and crimes
The council staff who replaces you in this case can THEN begin the actions the start following all correct procedures under AUSTRALIAN and QUEENSLAND laws.
You have now brought North Burnett REgional Council into disrepute and opened them to corruption and conspiracy investigations not just for this act, but for all previous decisions you have been part of since working for NBRC regarding FULL compliance with AUSTRALIAN laws and procedures. Transparency means truth.
You and your employers may prefer Secretive acts and devious slyness, I however am open,transparent and leave everything in the hands of Truth — GOD.
All action is and will be published openly on my websites, beginning with This is public transparency. Transparency is Truth is Transparency.
I would like to note on the public record now that “neuro linguistic Programmer” that Simon Lists publicly as his “other” job is an expertly trained mind control programmer, influencing others’ subconscious minds. NLP includes programming acts in others minds they would not normally do and have them follow directions.
Simon is highly trained operator, fully conversant on how to influence others, so much so that he teaches others. Admirable in the private sector, scary and dangerous in the governing oversector. This is a serious public concern to have a high ranking governing employee who can not only control people’s subconscious thoughts, but those of the people around him.
Simon has the ability to influence other staff and management to obey his orders and breach laws themselves which seemingly has occurred here. re: Biggenden Brooke: illegal taped interview, in an illegal step of procedure along with a series of clown car Pi in your face moves, by the very people we are told we can trust…This clown car action is documented on my site, all will be linked with listed breaches, crimes and the conspiracy of corruption which has been undertaken under the various laws of legal Queensland and Australian acts. Email will be sent to council all crimes and breaches listed
You had the decision, choose to stop. Listen to the people who told you the truth of what a beautiful dog hunta is Including the Gayndah shelter staff.
You can choose now to keep going down that reducing path, even after you have put your council in total disrepute and cost citizens thousands in legal costs to continue your ego trip of murder and destruction.
NBRC can make the choice to have a good look at the lovely Hunta the hunted, ascertain Truth under all the bullshut constructs. Look into Huntas eyes, at the love there, because she will still be looking at you with that love in her eyes when you put the needle in to kill her.

Hunta’s Voice
by Margaretruth
Nina’s Voice
Margaret Francic
Live By Truth Live For Truth
Kheiron — Mayet — Astraea
Lama Magpie Sanamal