Seth, the Ant and Love.

Please Read this With My  Blog -
Brodies World — Liv­ing With Asperg­ers Autism.
I am doing this Blog A Bit Back­wards today and post­ing the night­time before the day­time.
Some­how that seems fit­ting for this fam­i­ly.


Pre­quel Sto­ry

I went to pick Kahleah up from day­care ear­ly to get them all ready for the town’s Christ­mas car­ni­val. I walked in and the kids were down the back. I spot­ted Seth, Kahleah’s “boyfriend” play­ing on the ground in front of me. Seths a hand­some strap­ping three year old lad with Celtic dark red hair and hazel eyes. When his dad­dy and I are in the super­mar­ket you will hear the two kids yelling from one end of the super­mar­ket to the oth­er, like a scene out of Romeo and Juli­et meet buy­ing gro­ceries.

Seth : Kahleah Kahleah
Kahleah: Seth, its Seth. Seth where are you Seth
Seth: Kahleah I can seeeee you­u­u­u­uu
Kahleah: Look mum­my it’s Seth, it’s Seth, it’s my boyfriend I have to go and say hel­lo.
Me: But dar­ling we just said good­bye to him at day­care five min­utes ago…

Kahleah pouts until I go up to Seth and his dad, we both sor­ta stand back look­ing uncom­fort­able.  (small coun­try town, not good to be seen chat­ting (*rumours you know*) We just watch and wait until the two lit­tle ones are fin­ished  gos­sip­ing about every­thing under the sun.

My mum­mies buy­ing some milk
My dad­dies buy­ing some bread.……
yad­da yad­da … do adults sound like that to kids?

Any­way when I spot­ted Seth today at day­care, i bent down in front of him. he looked up and shoved a tup­per­ware con­tain­er bowl at my nose.

“Look it’s an ant”.

“Yes Seth it cer­tain­ly is an ant”, I answered, when I final­ly focused on the microdot climb­ing around the bowl towards my left nos­tril.

“I think it’s a mum­my ant, what do you think”, said Seth seri­ous­ly, star­ing into my eyes and shov­ing the bowl clos­er to my nose, so that if I breathed in Seth would­n’t have an ant any­more and I would be well, chok­ing on ant.

“Hmm it might be a mum­my ant indeed.” I say watch­ing as Seth bends down and put his bowl on the ground then get down on his hunch­es peer­ing over the bowl.

“Do you know where your girl­friend is?” I asked, both of us still watch­ing the microdot ant.

“Oh Kahleahs down on the slide near the sand­pit” Seth answered with­out look­ing up, while rais­ing his hand point­ing down to where I could now see Kahleah, busy boss­ing some lit­tle blonde girls around.

The day­care girls were stand­ing behind me watch­ing and lis­ten­ing qui­et­ly and they all burst out laugh­ing at the exchange.

Its so It is fun­ny to them all that Seth and Kahleah have this unbreak­able bond at such a young age. To me it is just my kids. My spe­cial kids seem to pick up oth­er spe­ical kids.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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