Local councils can issue orders and notices to enforce laws and regulations that impact their community. Orders are written directions that require the recipient to take a specific action in response to an alleged offense.
Councils must follow a process when issuing an order, including providing a Notice of Intention to issue the order and giving the recipient a chance to make submissions. Councils must also provide reasons for the order.
A show cause notice is a formal document that gives the recipient a minimum of 20 business days to respond to the allegations. The recipient can request additional time if there are valid circumstances.
Councils can take a variety of actions to enforce an order, including issuing a penalty infringement notice, instituting legal proceedings, or serving a notice. The specific action taken depends on the circumstances and the seriousness of the alleged offense.
A building order is final unless the owner appeals to the Building Appeals Board within 30 days of receiving the order. An experienced construction lawyer can help with the appeal process.
Contacting the councilIf you are unsatisfied with the council’s response, you can contact the General Manager. You can find the General Manager’s contact information in the Local Government Directory.