Hunta and me!! Why me !!

I know Hunta. She is so beau­ti­ful so gen­tle and so lov­ing. The way she looks at you wiht the most lov­ing eyes and sit at your feet.

who HAS the GOD giv­en right to Mur­der Gods Inno­cent Earth CHil­dren  — San­i­mal The Sen­ti­nent Ani­mal.

I stepped into this stu­pid bat­tle, to place my sword of truth between a beau­ti­ful heart in a fam­i­ly of hearts and a black arrow that was aimed direct­ly at her heart and her fam­i­ly —  because she is a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent, because they could nev­er force her to walk in lines and do as she was told because she is  smarter, witch­i­er more fun and adven­tur­ous than many­ones and she does not “attach- com­ply- obey fol­low- stu­pid illu­sions|”|

My fan­tas­tic good friend and grand­moth­er is being bom­bard­ed by a bar­rage of bull­shit that super­man would col­lapse under,  not by fool­ish choic­es and yet the fool made the choice.

Im not here for fame nor for­tune, I am Hunta’s voice and some­one should ask the Sim  Sime­on tem­plar if you are noth­ing with noth­ing, how do you take noth­ing away from noth­ing?

Also I am here for the pop­corn, shitz and gig­gles laughs and cre­ativ­i­ty to inspire cre­ativ­i­ty hand to hand lets beat these doom­gooms by shin­ing bright and over­com­ing their dank soul­less mis­ery. Each time one of these fud­ddud­dys steps out I cre­ate a whole new world, new sto­ries, new adven­tures, new books, new char­ac­ter and  a new being that will be much more real to the peo­ple show­ing truth of of a char­ac­ter in mythos and fun and future. So yeah .. each char­ac­ter in this sto­ry becomes part of the Qurad sto­ry. I take all the con­structs of a name and cre­ate a whole new world of truth through art, this art is word, Ill play with pic­tures lat­er. so, Simon becomes sim­ple simon, simon the pie­man, simon does­nt says  and all the word play that presents itself in front of me.

So have fun with my pen eager to be.

a sharp reminder, as fun as I make it, and I will make it fun, this is a game of life, Hunta the hunt­ed.
I am blast­ing seals off each time I see an illu­sion in the cor­ner of my eye.

it ok, they are not adorable lit­tle fur­ry seals, more the navy seals type come in guns ablaz­ing shoot­ing rock­ets off in all direc­tions and all i have is alil torch and a feath­er pen. The bat­tle­field of this war is earth, truth show­ing illu­sion through fic­tion not fic­tion .. hmm fric­tion? nah jut sto­ries for the grand­kid­dies

I don’t mind if you assume I am crazy, yep­pers I am, hap­py sane in my crazi­ness.  I haven’t changed since I was a wee baby and before and after, I don’t change. Ido shed my skin, out­grow the old and move for­ward with knowl­edge.

I input shit and out­put beau­ti­ful per­fect soft shiny mir­ror pearl.

Hunta can­not speak, I am Hunta’s voice.

Khe­iron Astraea
Mar­garetruth Swan


Sim­ply put in the “catch­net” I jumped out .or rolled out I will not per­mit the vodou sac­ri­fi­cial mur­der of Hunta to sat­is­fy and appease male egos.

end slaugh­ter ends|


Link  to ——-> Jus­tice ripped off the blind­fold man chained her with

Link  to ——-> Art and the Jesus COn­struct.



Mirror Mirror on the wall, Who is the Faerest of us all? The Truth are we in the skies you see, The Balance of Fire And Water is Elektricity.

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